Ernesto Geisel e a autocracia burguesa no Brasil

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Adriana Vidotte


This paper discusses the role of Ernesto Geisel in the consolidation of bourgeois autocracy in  Brazil  as  one  of  its  organic  intellectuals.  Throughout  his  career  Ernesto  Geisel  could  perform  functions critical for the reproduction and consolidation of bourgeois rule in Brazil, emerging not only as one of the leading representatives of political and victorious military forces in the political struggles of the decades from 1930 to 1980, but as one of its main leaders. Because of this, we advanced the thesis  that  more  than  an  intellectual  linked  to  the  call‐dependent  block  associated  throughout  his  career Geisel was established as an organic intellectual of bourgeois autocracy in Brazil.



Militares, Intelectual orgânico, Autocracia burguesa, Military, Organic intellectual, Bourgeois autocracy


MACIEL, David. Ernesto Geisel e a autocracia burguesa no Brasil. História Revista, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 72-91, jan./abr. 2015. Disponível em: <>.