Redes sociais: opção de ferramenta de marketing digital para unidades de informação

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This study addresses the basic concepts of digital marketing and how this tool can be used in information units through social networks, in order to increase the visibility of these units. It portrays the importance of marketing for institutions and for society as a whole. Its objective is to analyze and measure the impact / reach of digital marketing for the public information units of Goiânia - GO, through social networks Facebook and Instagram. The methodological approach used is characterized as quantitative, considering the collection of numerical data obtained through the quantification of likes, visualizations and shares of the profiles created in the social networks selected for this study. The results indicate that digital marketing through social networks increases the visibility of information units, promotes greater communication with users, and promotes greater access to the information provided by it, which can lead to greater appreciation of the importance of public libraries in the city Of Goiânia.



Marketing digital, Marketing de unidades de informação, Marketing nas redes sociais, Tecnologia, Digital marketing, Marketing of information units, Marketing in social networks, Tecnology


MOREIRA, Franciele Pereira. Redes sociais: opção de ferramenta de marketing digital para unidades de informação. 2016. 89 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.