Planejamento bibliotecário de biblioteca pública: proposta de revitalização da biblioteca municipal Marietta Telles Machado

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present research aimed to analyze the current situation of the Municipal Library Marietta Telles Machado in terms of infrastructure, such as: physical space (acoustics, temperature, humidity, lighting, electrical, communication, defence against claims, specific areas of the building and capacity and scaling), furniture, real users, collection, services offered and technological resources. Methodology this research had as field of study Municipal Library Marietta Telles Machado in the city of Goiânia/Goiás. The data were collected through documentary research and questionnaires with the actual users of this library. The data collected were organized through paintings.The analysis and interpretation of data collected was performed by verifying the standards listed in the relevant literature to public libraries. Through this verification was found that the library meets with various problems that make it impossible to actcompetently in order to implement its mission as informational, cultural and educational space of the city of Goiânia. From these findings it was elaborated a project titled "Phoenix Library3" that aims to present the alternatives of solution to the problems detected by the organizational diagnosis.



Biblioteca pública-Brasil, Biblioteca pública-Goiás, Biblioteca pública municipal Marietta Telles Machado, Planejamento bibliotecário, Biblioteca pública, Diagnóstico organizacional


SOUSA JÚNIOR, Ernesto de. Planejamento bibliotecário de biblioteca pública: proposta de revitalização da biblioteca municipal Marietta Telles Machado. 2016. 112 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.