Variação sazonal da qualidade do abacaxi cv. pérola em Goiânia, estado de Goiás

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Alexsander Seleguini


The pineapple cv. Pérola is the most commercialized cultivar in Brazil and in the State of Goiás, mainly for in natura consumption. The objective of this research was to verify if pineapples commercialized in Goiânia meet the minimum requirements, concerning the chemical and physical quality proposed by the Horticulture Quality Center CQH/Ceagesp). From February 2005 to January 2006, fifteen pineapple samples, commercialized by five wholesalers at the Central de Abastecimento de Goiás (Ceasa-GO), were monthly analyzed. For each wholesaler, three fruit sizes of pineapples (small, medium, and big) were randomly collected. Most of the analyzed fruits presented physical and chemical characteristics in accordance with the CQH standards.


v. 38, n. 4, p. 262-268, out./dez. 2008.


Ananas comosus - Qualidade, Ananas comosus - Características - Goiás


PEDREIRA, A. C. da C.; NAVES, R. V.; NASCIMENTO, J. L. do. Variação sazonal da qualidade do abacaxi cv. pérola em Goiânia, estado de Goiás. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 38, n. 4, p. 262-268, out./dez. 2008. Disponível em: <>.