Rejuvenescimento facial por intervenção miofuncional estética. Revisão integrativa


Introduction: Facial rejuvenation techniques have been improved looking for the best health and physical appearance. The esthetics myofunctional intervention, a new field of procedure on orofacial motricity, promotes rejuvenation with the smoothing of wrinkles, furrows and balance of muscle tension of the face. This study proposes to analyze the facial rejuvenation resulting of esthetics myofunctional intervention. Materials and methods: This is an integrative literature review conducted in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and the Periodical Portal of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), with publications dating between 2001 and 2011. Were found 18 articles, which 6 of them attended the established criteria. The collected data were descriptively presented. Results: There are few publications in this area and are characterized by studies with methodological shortcomings. The facial rejuvenation have been presented which criteria of muscular and functional balance, smoothing of wrinkles and harmonic facial expresion, more open eyes and improvement of facial contour after an aesthetic myofunctional intervention. Participation of different experts is mandatory for achieve a satisfactory results as well as the validation of these results by the patients. Conclusion: Facial rejuvenation, represented by the muscular balance, smoothing out fine lines, achive of an harmonious face, eyes more open, lower eyelid bags, improved facial contour and reduce dark circles, was noted by all patients and professional studies after esthetics myofunctional interven- tion. Additional research, using appropriate methodologies, are necessary for deepening on this subject, in order to contribute to the knowledge of these techniques.



Fonoaudiologia, Terapia miofuncional, Estética, Face, Aesthetich face, Myofunctional therapy, Speech, Ilanguage and hearing sciences


SOUZA, C. Baiocchi; GUERRA, J. Gomes; BARBOSA, Ma. Alves; PORTO, C. Celeno. Rejuvenescimento facial por intervenção miofuncional estética. Revisão integrativa. Medicina Cutánea Ibero-Latino-Americana, Barcelona, v. 41, n. 4, p. 165-171, 2013.