Determinação dos custos de mudança para usuários de transporte aéreo em relação ao preço das tarifas


This paper analyzes the degree of loyalty of air transport users of Goiânia’s International Airport, on the line Goiânia-Guarulhos. Therefore, were collected the stated preferences of the passengers in the departure lounge of this airport and, after treatment data, through of the discrete choice model logit multinomial, came to the switching costs for the services in question, in the other words, was measured which the critical percentage change in the price of airline tickets that makes a customer loyal to a company moving to the other services. The results obtained for the switching costs of TAM (preferred by users) for AZUL was 3%, TAM for GOL was 12% and TAM for Avianca was 15%. Thus, this study presents an important tool for analysis of the airline industry market, enabling companies to improve its business strategies, from a better understanding of the airline industry user behavior in Brazil. * Contato com os autores: 1 e-mail: ( W. W. F. Vieira ) Eng. Civil, Escola de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - EECA, Engenharia Civil, UFG. 2 e-mail: ( F. O. M. Torres ) Eng. Civil, Escola de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - EECA, Engenharia Civil, UFG. 3 e-mail: ( M. A. A. Mendonça ) Eng. Civil, Escola de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - EECA, Engenharia Civil, UFG. 4 e-mail: ( W. L. Carvalho ) Doutor, Professor, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - FCT, Engenharia de Transportes, UFG. ISSN: 2179-



Planejamento de transporte, Transporte aéreo, Escolha discret, Logit multinominal, Custo de mudança, Transportation planning, Air transport, Discrete choice, Multinomial logit, witching costs


VIEIRA, Willker Wallisson Freitas; TORRES, Fernando Odilon Mendonça; MENDONÇA, Marcos André Almeida de; CARVALHO, Willer Luciano. Determinação dos custos de mudança para usuários de transporte aéreo em relação ao preço das tarifas. Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 2, p. 73-83, 2017. Disponível em: <>.