Proposta pedagógica para o ensino médio: filogenia de animais

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Maria de Fátima Cruvinel


Phylogenetic systematics, especially when discussed in the biogeographic context caused an enormous impact in the understanding of biodiversity. Th e traditional classifi cation which doesn´t cohere with an evolutive view of the alive system, is prone to be abandoned. In spite of the ample scientifi c acceptance, the new knowledge is adopted late in the academic formation in Biological Sciences and basic teaching. Th e treatment of the Biodiversity, kept in a traditional view, strengthens misleading ideas about the systematization of the biological universe. Th is work created and evaluated a new methodology of education/ learning, on the basis of Philogenetic Systematics, for High School teachers of Zoology . Th e main objective was to make possible to the pupils the understanding of alive universe in the dynamics of the evolutive process, qualifying them to perceive its natural order and put them in contact to methods that allow rescuing the history of biodiversity.



Ensino, Zoologia, Filogenia, Teaching, Zoology, Phylogeny


LOPES, Welinton Ribamar; FERREIRA, Maria Judy de Mello; STEVAUX, Maria Nazaré. Proposta pedagógica para o ensino médio: filogenia de animais. Revista Solta a Voz, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 2, p.263-286, 2007. Disponível em: