Sociedade da informação: a desinformação na era da internet

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research aimed to reflect on the current context of disinformation in the Information Society. The present society lives a historical moment in which there are more access to information than any other times, however, we see the phenomenon of misinformation from the production and wide dissemination of false news (Fake News). From this, a discussion is presented that contextualizes the main changes regarding the use of technologies; the importance of library science as an area that should be held responsible for thinking and proposing strategies for training and combating false news; and the characteristics of Fake News, as well as suggestions for evaluating the content produced and consumed on the Internet. The methodological approach of this work was based on Bibliographic Research. It was concluded that the librarian cannot exempt themself from the discussion about the concepts of the Internet Age, having to make a commitment to promote greater autonomy and competence of its users in the search for information, as well as to ensure that the library is seen as a Safe space for searching reliable information.



Biblioteconomia, Sociedade da informação, Desinformação, Mediação da informação, Librarianship, Information society, Disinformation, Information mediation


SILVA, Edylayne Marques Antunes da. Sociedade da informação: a desinformação na era da internet. 2019. 70 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.