Jean Starobinski: um historiador das máscaras e do desvelamento

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Throughout the intellectual production of Jean Starobinski we see the strong presence of certain issues that are constantly retaken with regard to the particular objects of each study undertaken by the historian, whether they are the literature, the fine arts or the philosophy. Among these issues, perhaps the most prominent is the theme of unveiling, which unfolds in the interest in masked behaviors and in denounce of lie. So, the aim of this paper is to analyze some of Starobinski’s works to observe how he develops his approach, especially in the study of classical authors such as Montaigne, Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau.



Jean Starobinski, História intelectual, Máscaras sociais, Desvelamento, Intellectual history, Social masks, Unveiling


MOSCATELI, Renato. Jean Starobinski: um historiador das máscaras e do desvelamento. Cultura histórica & Patrimônio, Alfenas, v. 2, n. 1, p. 34-48, 2013.