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    Descartes: a dúvida e suas dívidas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Armijos Palacios, José Gonzalo
    This article discusses important passages in the work of St. Augustine and argues that many are the anticipations of theses commonly attributed to Descartes. Among them is a clear anticipation of the famous formula "I think, therefore I am" in the work of the Bishop of Hippo, as well as other important theses distributed throughout his work. In the second part, the text ends with another practically unknown fact: the meditative style employed by Descartes had also been anticipated by an author whose work was widely known in mid-16th and 17th century Europe. We are referring to the nun Teresa of Avila, who was canonized when the young Descartes was studying with the Jesuits at La Flèche. This raises the need to rethink the academic historiography that most of us were subjected to when we started our philosophical studies without having been exposed to the real sources of the central theses that we find in many classic works of philosophical thought.
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    Wittgenstein on mathematical advances and semantical mutations
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Porto, André da Silva
    The objective of this article is to try to elucidate Wittgenstein’s ex travagant thesis that each and every mathematical advancement involves some “semantical mutation”, i.e., some alteration of the very meanings of the terms involved. To do that we will argue in favor of the idea of a “modal incompati bility” between the concepts involved, as they were prior to the advancement, and what they become after the new result was obtained. We will also argue that the adoption of this thesis profoundly alters the traditional way of con struing the idea of “progress” in mathematics.
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    Autoleitura, autocrítica, autocomposição: Nietzsche leitor de si
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Dalla Vecchia, Ricardo Bazilio
    My objective in this paper is to investigate two self-readings that Nie tzsche makes of The Birth of Tragedy (1872), that of the posthumous preface An Attempt at Self-Criticism (1886), and that of the session dedicated to the work in Ecce Homo (1888), in order to understand some of their self-reading, self criticism and self-composition expedients.
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    A relevância da distinção kantiana entre virtude e boa vontade para o debate contemporâneo sobre a ética das virtudes
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Pereira, Rafael Rodrigues
    The article argues that the distinction between virtue (Tugend) and good will (guter Wille) in Kant's ethics provides a key to understanding the thesis of the centrality of virtue in contemporary Virtue Ethics. Departing from a comparison between Kant's and Aristotle's ethics, we will argue that the concept of excellence (areté) fulfills, in the work of the Greek philosopher, the same function of good will in Kant, constituting moral value from the correct reasons and of adequate motivation. We believe this approach can contribute to stablish Virtues Ethics as an autonomous movement, alternative to utilitarianism and neo-Kantianism, by pointing to structural divergences between these theories due to the different roles attributed to the concept of virtue.
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    Deus como princípio necessário na fenomenologia de Husserl
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Korelc, Martina
    The paper proposes to present how God is treated in Husserl's phe nomenology, related to the facticity of teleology in the life of subjectivity. Tel eology is found as the ordering of the world and of all subjective and intersub jective life to ideas and values. The phenomenological clarification requires the foundation of this teleology, as found in facticity. It is necessary to think of a theological principle as its foundation. What is the meaning of the tran scendence of this principle and how is it announced in the immanence of consciousness? As the Idea of absolute perfection, God may be called super reality; But while the divine life lives in all subjectivities, its transcendence is not clear. Husserl asserts a kind of dependence of God on intersubjectivity. The theme of the ethical individuation of subjectivity, addressed at the end of the article, does not seem to solve the difficulty related to the meaning of tran scendence.
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    República mista e transparência política em O ano 2440: a utopia futurista de Mercier
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Moscateli, Renato
    The Year 2440 by Louis-Sébastien Mercier was first published in 1771, becoming a real bestseller in pre-Revolutionary France. In his work of utopian fantasy, Mercier makes the narrator of the story relate his extraordi nary dream with Paris in the 25th century, which allowed the author to carry out a literary exercise to idealize a time to come full of social, political and moral improvements. It is not difficult to see that the central characteristics of this futuristic fiction are deeply rooted in values preached by Enlightenment thought, and with a substantial dose of republican inspiration. The France of 2440 seems to appear as the inevitable result of the progress of the Enlighten ment, a time when political oppression and the other evils of the Ancient Re gime would have been definitively purged. In view of this, I intend to analyze some of the main elements of the work, in order to discuss Mercier's concep tions that configure his vision of a well-ordered society, based on the political ideals that inform both his criticism of the conditions in force in the 18th century, as well as the solutions he points out to overcome the errors he saw in this picture. Among these solutions, I will highlight the structure of the mixed republic that permeates the organization of powers in the constitution of this utopia, together with various forms of political transparency that would provide visibility and accountability for the acts of its public agents.
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    Quatro formas de silenciamento: um estudo a partir da crítica de Rae Langton à pornografia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Silva, Guilherme Ghisoni da
    This paper aims to explore the various forms of silencing, based on Rae Langton's analysis of the subordination and silencing of women in pornography. Throughout the article, I will separate the notion of silencing from the context of pornography. Langton, based on John Austin, distinguishes three forms of silencing: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. The article proposes a separation between the silencing of the utterance act and the silencing of the locutionary act. This will allow for the analysis of four types of silencing of the utterance act: physical, intimidatory, psychological, and structural. The use of John Searle's speech act taxonomy will enable us to observe in detail how the silencing of illocutionary acts is connected to the conditions for performing the acts. This will enable us to distinguish, within what Langton calls illocutionary silencing, three forms of silencing: silencing of preparatory conditions, silencing of sincerity conditions, and silencing of essential conditions. The various forms of silencing have been used for antidemocratic purposes and applied systematically. Understanding the forms of silencing will allow us to identify strategies to combat these various forms.
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    Tropeços da igualdade no caminho da natureza à civilidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Reis, Helena Esser dos
    The subject of equality has been addressed throughout the Enlightenment era in conjunction with the theme of freedom. However, in contrast with freedom, equality was usually considered a mere condition for something else, rather than an end to be sought for its own sake. This treatment, which almost made equality a necessary evil, required a series of restrictions that turned to be stumbling blocks in the way of its realization, bringing about a new series of inequalities among the members of a State. The stumbling blocks to be discussed here concern the difference between the natural and inherent equality of human beings and the socially and politically constructed civil equality, which is evident in the path taken by Rousseau's Second Discourse. In that Discourse, each person naturally had the same conditions to live completely independent of any assistance by the others. But, once they began to gather and the singularity of each person became apparent to the fellows, the comparisons and preferences distinguishing a person from others started. The path from distinctions to inequality is short because public esteem presupposes a valuation judgment of the abilities that deserve to be honored by all and, as a consequence, the making of distinctions among the honored and powerful and those who must honor and obey. Socialization, then, seems to create inequality. Our purpose here will be, initially, to investigate the path of (in)equality between nature and society based on the Second Discourse, in order to examine, within the scope of the Social Contract, the possibility of civil equality and its relationship with freedom.
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    Frege's two notions of "extension"
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Velloso, Araceli Rosich Soares
    The goal of this paper is to answer a question proposed by Richard Heck in the paper “Formal Arithmetic Before Grundgesetze”. In that paper, Heck inquires as to the reasons why it took almost eight years for Frege to honor his promises of concluding his grandiose project of grounding mathe matics on logic. Although Heck tried to answer his own question, we think that a more adequate philosophical discussion regarding Frege’s delay can still be offered. This paper will try to fill in that gap by presenting what we under stand was the central problem faced by Frege on Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik: the lack of a standard criterion to fix the meaning of identity propositions of mathematics. We believe that Frege’s initial proposal of a dual character for “identity propositions” was the cause of all his problems in fixing his defini tion of numbers in Die Grundlagen. In the aforementioned eight-year period, Frege’s challenge became that of finding a criterion capable of unifying his treatment of identities. In our account, the German philosopher finally de cided to fill in this gap by providing a new construal of “extension”, one which included some important refinements on his previous account of that notion. The new concept thus construed allowed Frege to unify his treatment of iden tity propositions by including in his system a universal and flexible criterion for deciding the truth of any identity proposition. Frege’s new construal of “extension” was supported by his famous basic law V. So, our claim will be that Frege’s resistance and doubts about the inclusion of axiom V as a logical law in his system were the primary cause of that delay.
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    Nietzsche e o proto-perspectivismo de zur teleologie
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-01-19) Dalla Vecchia, Ricardo Bazilio
    By analyzing the collection of notes “Zur Teleologie” this article suggests the existence of a “proto-perspectivism” in the fictionalist concep tion of organism formulated by Nietzsche in the late 1860s. Our investiga tion begins with an exposition of the opposition between Mecanicism and Teleology in modernity, briefly analyzes Kant and Schopenhauer’s positions on it and then contrasts them with Nietzsche’s position.
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    Memes war: the political use of pictures in Brazil 2019
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-08-12) Silva, Guilherme Ghisoni da
    In order to analyse pictures shared in WhatsApp groups of Jair Bolsonaro supporters, I will explore the idea that the act of sending someone a picture through social media performs a speech act. Thus we can separate the utterance act (of sending the picture to the receiver in a certain context), the locutionary act (what is said through the pictorial content), the illocu tionary act (what is done by uttering that pictorial content), and the perlocu tionary act (of affecting the receiver). The pictures analysed were collected from January to September 2019, using the WhatsApp Monitor. My main philosophical argument will be in section 3, in which I develop the idea of pictorial speech acts and its conceptual bases. To understand the communi cational role of pictures it is necessary to supplement picture theories (visual semantics) with a communicative act theory based on speech act (visual pragmatics). The development of the general outline of visual pragmatics is the main philosophical contribution envisaged in this paper. My last step it to argue that there are at least three forms of naivety that render the receivers prone to the uptake of the illocutionary act performed: aesthetic naivety, communicational naivety, and epistemic naivety.
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    A teoria espinosana da definição e a crítica à concepção cartesiana de extensão
    (2011-12) Rezende, Cristiano Novaes de
    In this paper, I comment, in the last letters exchanged between Tschirnhaus and Spinoza, the criticism of the latter to Descartes´s notion of extension, and the correlation of this criticism with the spinozistic theory of genetic definition. I propose that such a correlation express, in the physical and logical contexts, the spinozistic solution for the classical problem known as “problem of the One and the Many”, in the ontological context.
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    A natural deduction system preserving falsity
    (2005) Sanz, Wagner de Campos
    This paper presents a natural deduction system preserving falsity. This new system will provide us with means of reviewing a criticism made several years ago by Prior, directed against the semantical definition of logical constants by introduction and elimination rules.
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    Kolmogorov e a lógica de problemas I
    (2012-10) Sanz, Wagner de Campos
    Intuitionistic logical constants are characterized by means of BHK clauses. The “K” is a reference to Kolmogorov who in 1925 had made a proposal for defining intuitionistic logic and which was later extended with the inclusion of ex falso quodlibet principle. In 1932 [Kol32] this principle is present and the author gives a semantics alternative to the one presented by Heyting in 1930. Kolmogorov uses the concept of problem. Here we are proposing a partial analysis of this semantics of problems. We want to show that this semantics involves a logic of actions. We finish by pointing what seems to us to be an open problem in this semantics.
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    A short note on Gentzen´s LJ and NJ systems isomorphism
    (2006) Sanz, Wagner de Campos
    We state a new intuitionistic sequent calculus and use it to clarify Gentzen´s NJ and LJ isomorphism, it contains new negation rules which are immediate readings of what seems to be good and sound natural deduction rules.
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    Negação e falsidade
    (2008-06) Sanz, Wagner de Campos
    We examine the concept of falsity and the concept of negation. We show that it is possible to formulate a version of Peano Arithmetic for refutability which is structurally identical with the system for provability. After doing this we consider De Morgan’s laws, which seem to be behind these structural similarities, trying to formulate such laws in a unified and complete fashion for all usual first order logical constants. These results bring out some questions of a philosophical nature.
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    Falsity preservation
    (2008) Sanz, Wagner de Campos
    In the following paper we examine falsity preservation phenomena for natural deduction and axiomatic logical systems. We start with Syllogistics and end with a very interesting form o Peano Arithmetic for Refutability in which Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems hold. The paper presents valid syllogistic moods of falsity preservation based on valid moods for truth preservation and also valid rules of falsity preservation in natural deduction. That such systems can be defined is surprising, but that they resemble truth preservation system is remarkable. That put us in front of an important question: what means do we have to distinguish truth and falsity from a logical point of view?
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    Intuição intelectual e fundamentação do conhecimento no Ensaio de uma nova exposição da doutrina-da-ciência
    (2010) Santoro, Thiago Suman
    This paper analyses Fichte's concept of intellectual intuition paying special attention to Fichte's proposal of transforming the point of view in constructing knowledge. Therefore the focus will be not directed, as in traditional interpretations, to the the problem of the structure of subjectivity as objective foundation of reality, but to the process of construction of consciousness. I will argue that this idea of genesis of (self)consciousness represents the originality of Fichte's philosophy.