Arte sequencial e cultura da convergência - a conexão entre as histórias em quadrinhos e as novas tecnologias


What are comics ? According to Scott McCloud , “ and other images are juxtaposed in deliberate sequence intended to convey information and / or produce a response to the viewer .” Here is a narrative universe that tends to be seen , sometimes to humorous or derogatory way and wrapped by prejudices dating from laymen and ordinary readers beyond the academic environment . But while that one undertakes an analysis , study or debate the issue we note that finding an answer is not a simple task . It even daring, somehow , to discuss the “ marginalization “ of the object of study by academic bias, taken as a scholar. .The present work emphasizes the importance of transmedia narratives and the convergence culture in the comic book universe . This term , coined by Henri Jenkins (2009 ) , creates social and cultural impact through your posts , symbolism , and suggest new interactive forms between the reader and the object of study through the advent of new technologies . For both , conveys a journey to the past to understand the expressive , artistic and media potential of this type of narrative that aligns text and image.



Quadrinhos, Cultura da convergência, Narrativas rransmidiáticas, Comics, Culture of convergence, Transmedia narratives


NEVES, André Roberto Custódio; CHRISTINO, Daneil; RAMOS, Rubem Borges Teixeira. Arte sequencial e cultura da convergência - a conexão entre as histórias em quadrinhos e as novas tecnologias. Nona Arte, São Paulo, v. 3, n. 1, p. 17-28, 2014.