Correlações fenotípicas entre tamanho de grãos e outros caracteres em topocruzamentos de soja tipo alimento com tipo grão

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This work was conducted to evaluate the phenotypic correlation between characters in topcrosses between vegetable soybean with grain type cultivars (Doko and FT-2). Interesting values to facilitate selections were observed in correlations between one hundred seed weight (seed size) and days of maturation and between seed size and pod width as visual score. Seed yield and seed size were significantly correlated only in Doko’s topcrosses. Estimated correlation from individual plants tended to confirm those obtained at mean level plot. Depending on the soybean type (grain, sprout/natto and vegetable), the correlation values were different. Because of that it is recommended different selection strategies to evaluate distinct soybean classes. Correlation studies for each topcross are important, due to differences in plant performance as observed in obtained results.



Glycine max, Melhoramento de plantas, Genótipos, Critérios de seleção, Características agronômicas, Produtividade, Glycine max, Plant breeding, Genotypes, Productivity, Agronomic characters, Selection criteria


YOKOMIZO, Gilberto Ken-Iti; DUARTE, João Batista; VELLO, Natal Antônio. Correlações fenotípicas entre tamanho de grãos e outros caracteres em topocruzamentos de soja tipo alimento com tipo grão. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, DF, v. 35, n. 11, p. 2235-2241, nov. 2000.