Motion design como solução prática para educação ambiental na cidade de Goiânia


Currently, there are several problems related to the environment and difficulties related to its preservation. In this context, AMMA - Goiânia Municipal Agency for the Environment - GO, develops the project “Fiscal Mirim de Meio Ambiente - Todos Somos Responsáveis”, which works with the implementation of environmental education practices (EA). Its development allows for a closer approximation of Environmental Inspection with the community, thus demonstrating that the inspection act was not exclusively punitive, but also educational and mainly preventive. Based on our existing project, we intend to develop a video that serves as a support tool for teachers in the area of non-pedagogical environmental education in cycles 1 and 2, in order to facilitate the understanding of issues related to environmental preservation that may assist in psychosocial transformation and trigger more sustainable long-term behaviors. There will be some bibliographic research on the use of design as an educational tool and its location in the area of entertainment for education.



Motion design, Educação ambiental, Sustentabilidade, Motion design, Environmental education, Sustainability


COSTA, Caio Bras Brito; NOGUEIRA, Felipe Neri Soares Borges; ASSUNÇÃO, Geovane Ferreira; MONTEIRO, Lucas Santos. Motion design como solução prática para educação ambiental na cidade de Goiânia. 2021. 99 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.