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Item Animais falantes e o que me disseram enquanto eu fazia seus retratos: o fenômeno da antropomorfização dos animais na arte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Santos, Cecilia Teodoro dos; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes deThe research: Talking Animals and what they told me while doing their portraits: The phenomenon of anthropomorphization in art aims to investigate the presence of animals on some art subjects and their versatility of representations and narratives to understand how this theme appears on my production and my relationship with anthropomorphic animals on the process of creation of four digital illustrations that explore the ideas of fables, stereotypes, popular sayings, fairy tales and biblical parables.Item Innermundo: quadrinhos autorreflexivos em uma perspectiva expressionista.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-23) Teixeira, Eduardo Zamariano Fanaia; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Andraus, Gazy; Silveira, Guilherme Lima Bruno eInterested in understanding their time, in its turbulence and contradictions, an artist aims to transform their world through introspective action, understanding both themself and others around them. In this sense, the German expressionist movement from the beginning of the 20th century is an important point of reference, an art form marked by the difficulties and discontent of its time. In the midst of war and the rapid transformations of modernity, by contrasts between ideals and world views, from desired utopias to brutal dystopias, comes a heavily visceral, metaphorical spiritualized form of art, both in aesthetical and poetical sense. Recognizing its legacy in contemporary art, I seek through the act of research to approach the expressionistic matter closer to my artistic production, currently focused on the creation of autobiographical comics, bridging gaps between themes art artistic languages for the production of an original piece by the means of experimental processes, while reflecting about the studied topics. By investigating their peculiarities and possibilities of instigation, I draw connections between expressionists, such as Otto Dix, George Grosz and Kathe Kollwitz, and contemporary comic book artists such as Art Spiegelman, Lorenzo Mattotti and Lourenço Mutarelli, thus creating a rich compilation of images and writings, all towards the act of art making. Therefore, the research concludes with the presentation of the creation process of INNERMUNDO, an autobiographical comic book involving experimental creative practices, reflecting on the artist's intimate world amidst the chaotic world that oppresses them, discovering a form of liberation through artistic action.Item Contribuições das artes visuais para a tessitura de novas perspectivas subjetivas para aprendizagens de estudantes da EJA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-05) Vale, Alexandre Moraes; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga FerreiraThis study, developed as a Final Course Work (TCC) for the Visual Arts course - Bachelor's Degree at the Faculty of Visual Arts at UFG, aims to reflect on the impacts of the pedagogical practice of Visual Arts on the development of autonomy, creativity and expressiveness of students in Youth and Adult Education (EJA), investigating what is the place that the teaching of Visual Arts occupies within the EJA curriculum, given the history of devaluation that marks this area of knowledge? How can methodologies applied to the teaching of visual arts contribute to enhancing student learning? The qualitative research method will be used, the Case Study, from the perspective of “knowledge from experience”, from videos of the Prêmio Arte Na Escola Cidadã, based on the educational practices of professor Maria Goreth dos Santos developed in the project “Meu Barraco, Minha Vida, 2013 edition. The expectation is that the analysis with the data and references obtained through the analysis of the videos, in dialogue with the chosen theoretical framework, such as Freire, Barbosa, Haddad and Piero, Duarte Jr., official documents, such as BNCC and others, can contribute to understanding what are the perspectives on the visual arts adopted in the curricular proposals of EJA, as well as understanding how the contents of Visual Arts, through pedagogical practice, sensitize EJA students, as well as analyzing how EJA teachers organize the teaching methodologies of Visual Arts and how this is expressed in the materials and pedagogical processes. The theoretical framework of this research, as well as the study of the videos of the Prêmio Arte na Escola Cidadã, especially “Meu Barraco, Minha Vida, 2013 edition contributed to understanding how the perspectives of subjective learning occur and affect both the subject of learning and the subject who teaches.Item As mãos amarram nós, a boca canta pontos: o crochê e a arte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Montagna, Ligia Marina de Morais; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Sá, Rubens Pigeli da Silva; Silva, Maria Tereza Gomes daThe present work presents the multiple origins of crochet and is based on the theory of Formative Aesthetics pointed out by Luigi Pareyson. I seek to understand the textile crafts as art and indicate the historical erasure of women artists that nowadays start to be reviewed and rethought. Through practical production and craft I find ways to create artistic questions like: how to break the historical homogeneity that textile techniques carry in literature? And how to break pre-established patterns that classify techniques, bodies and objects into 'bigger' and 'smaller', 'feminine' and 'masculine? The doing as a research method and an experience with the technique of crochet, that has accompanied me since childhood become thread and needle to weave ideas, and bring out the resistance present in the textile crafts, both from the one who weaves, but also from the woven object that affirms that crochet is more than art or crafts, it is a way of life.Item Mandingas como matéria de proteção: autobiografia travesti no curso de licenciatura em artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Barbosa, Céu Ferreira; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Nascimento, Ana ReisEsta investigación es como el desvío de un río agitado por erosiones de muy o poca causa natural. Pero, aun así, toma agua y empapa otras tierras, que mojan algunas semillas mientras otras quedan dormidas esperando otra fuente húmeda. El texto autobiográfico relata parte de los conflictos vividos por las personas trans dentro de la formación académica, específicamente en las artes. Trae un levantamiento sobre la construcción de la identidad travesti en Brasil y narra estrategias sobre cómo eludir las posibles contradicciones en la ocupación de esa identidad en espacios formativos en un campo ficcional y onírico, y desde una perspectiva autobiográfica. Finalmente, presenta una serie de producciones artísticas creadas como proceso de finalización de ciclo y esquema de protecciones mágicas en forma de amuletos.Item Cirurgia plástica: ensaio sobre feminismos e fotografia de uma professora em formação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Carvalho, Raylene Campos de; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Santos, Noeli Batista dosEsta investigación es un ensayo fotográfico de una docente en formación que reflexiona sobre temas feministas. El texto está escrito con una metodología autobiográfica, donde cada sesión puede ser un tema de clase. En una clase se enfatiza la participación de las maestras en los movimientos feministas, en otra se amplía la pluralidad de estos movimientos. También se destaca la presencia de la mujer en el proceso de invención de la fotografía y se discute la “revelación” de las imágenes por parte de los estudios de cultura visual. Todo ello pensado como un ejercicio teórico-práctico para la realización de una actividad fotográfica en las aulas. A lo largo del texto se presenta una foto-performance realizada por mí. Combinar la práctica de la fotografía con discusiones histórico-conceptuales.Item Bordando madeira e costurando memórias: processos artísticos de um bricoleur(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Rufo, Samuel Siqueira; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes deI research creation processes, delving into my own paths as well as the constellation of subjects that dialogue with my artistic practice. Observing nature, I find aesthetic power in the forms of the forests and learn how I establish my relationships with the world from the perspective of autobiogeography. Collecting materials, life stories and knowledge from the most varied corners, I build knowledge. Sculpting the raw form I expose its hidden potential, as a craftsman capable of dealing with curiosity, challenge and delicacy. Sewing the artistic doings in the lived experiences, I perform a writing appropriating myself from scraps while remembering my grandmother. Like a house built with shards of glass, I present this text and my artistic production, which can enchant or frighten, depending on how bricoleur you, my reader, areItem Paleoarte e o ensino das artes visuais: uma pesquisa viva a partir de vestígios(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-06) Oliveira, Heitor de Sá; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaThis research emerged from the combination of my fascination with art and paleontology, with the reflections and concerns I experienced during my undergraduate degree in Visual Arts. The experience I have with paleoart, combined with my undergraduate studies, made me think about the possibilities of combining the practices of this theme with the teaching of Visual Arts. In this way, I investigate the possibilities of exploring paleoart in the formal and non-formal dimensions of education, through bibliographic and a/r/tographic methodologies. As a form of a/r/tographic research, this investigation is a Living Research with paleoart, leading me to the production of original works with the value of research material, having as a guiding thread the visual representation of the Brazilian dinosaur Pycnonemosaurus nevesi. The concept of “Transcreation” is used in this text to replace the term “Reconstruction”. It is understood that paleontology in schools is often not very in-depth, compromising the development of paleoartistic practices in this environment. In this way, the contributions of philosopher John Dewey are presented to discuss this lack of approach in formal spaces. In museums, in addition to providing scientific dissemination and communication with the public, paleoart can contribute to the perception of cultural and paleontological heritage. The transcreation of Pycnonemosaurus nevesi becomes an important practical investigation to think about the creative possibilities of paleoart, such as the exploration of integuments from soft tissues or keratinized structures, while maintaining its inherent rigor of science.Item Em busca da fotografia na educação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-05) Pissolato, Kahena Gadini; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Silva, Odinaldo da CostaThis monograph explores the use of Photography and its pedagogical power, aiming to understand photography as a teaching methodology combined with poetics, focusing on photographic practice and its application in education. Based on bibliographic research methodology, two episodes of the series Caçadores de Alma were analyzed to understand how photographers’ accounts contribute to the comprehension of the photographic process and teaching through photographic practice. The research integrates academic readings that address photography in education, which, together with the analyses, contribute to the construction of a lesson plan grounded in Photography, incorporating its poetic, practical, and technical potential.Item Nas ruas áridas da selva: vivência e produção artística para a contribuição pedagógica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-06) Sales, Whogenor de Jesus; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Boleão, Jossier SalesThe following study, presented as a Course Conclusion Paper (TCC) for the Visual Arts - Degree course at the Federal University of Goiás, investigated the motivations and causes of the distancing between visual artists who have a degree to work in formal education (school) and those who work in the field of contemporary production in the non-formal education space (art studio), based on the investigative context of Sertão Negro - Studio and School of Arts. Using the theories of Paulo Freire's Culture Circle and Antonio Bispo dos Santos' Confluence, as well as Carlos Brandão's popular education, the conversation circle method, guided by Art-Based Educational Research (PEBA), the focus group technique, and experiences in the non-formal education space, aimed to collect data that could contribute to the debate about the approach of these professionals to formal education. With the study carried out, we can understand the potential contributions of this research to connections between the field of formal education and non-formal space in the teaching of Visual Arts.Item As representações pictóricas orientalistas de Sheherazade: a mulher e seu vestuário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-11) Morais, Thayna Alves; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Silva, Gisele Costa Ferreira da; Godoy, Patrícia BuenoThe present study addresses the orientalist pictorial representations of the character Sheherazade from the literary work One Thousand and One Nights. It considers her characterization in literature, paintings, and the study of the clothing depicted in these images. This is an interdisciplinary study that draws on literature, visual arts, and the history of clothing to better understand the character's portrayal. It is a qualitative and exploratory research, employing bibliographical and documentary procedures, as well as comparative image analysis. The study aims to explore how Sheherazade was idealized, both in terms of her physical depiction and her attire. The research is justified by the need to problematize representations of Sheherazade, contributing to the understanding of how oriental women are represented in western art. The selected works were examined using the method of image montage or constellation, commonly employed in art history, incorporating additional artistic images and clothing items. Based on the bibliographical research and the visual dynamics of the images, the representations were divided into three panels: Sheherazade as a narrator, as a romantic partner, and as a triumphant figure. This analysis revealed how the misidentification of the Arab world in the 18th and 19th centuries contributed to the creation of a Sheherazade reflecting universalist, exotic, and often sexualized conceptions of oriental women. The complex Arab world and its historical transformations, including Orientalism itself, made the identification of specific clothing items challenging and inconclusive. Therefore, we propose this study as the beginning of a dynamic and exploratory investigation into the visual conception of the protagonist, open to critique and new perspectives.Item De retalhos a uma coleção de moda: desenvolvimento de roupas com técnicas de patchwork(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-10) Silva, Vitória Albano da; Cunha, Marina Carmello; Cunha, Marina Carmello; Crillanovick, Quéfren Trindade de Mesquita; Marques Filho, AdairThis project presents a fashion collection entitled “Catedral de Retalhos”, inspired by the history of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário, located in the city of Goiás, with its neo-Gothic architecture. We will also research and analyze the historical origins and evolution of patchwork, from its roots to its use as a tool to minimize the environmental impact of the fashion industry. The study uses patchwork, craft and sustainable techniques, highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with this practice. In addition, we explore cases of brands and designers who have incorporated patchwork into their collections, analyzing them. The “Catedral de Retalhos” collection features a set of five unique pieces, demonstrating the potential of patchwork and church architecture as a tool for artistic and sustainable expression in fashion, and how this technique can give uniqueness and authenticity to pieces, promoting consumers' individuality.Item Estudo de caso desenvolvimento do branding de uma marca slow fashion: donna milk(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-11) Leite, Sayane Letícia Aguiar; Gomes, Lavínnia Seabra; Gomes, Lavínnia Seabra; Marques Filho, Adair; Cunha, Marina CarmelloThis work is a final graduation project, a qualitative research based on bibliographic review, aimed at analyzing the impact of branding on the growth of the fashion brand Donna Milk, structured under the slow fashion model. It is also configured as a case study. For the discussion of the data, we used authors such as Batista and Macedo (2020), Camareira (2016), Fletcher (2010), and Hiller (2014), among others. In this context, we present the generation of value for clients/users; the strategies for building and strengthening brand image in both offline and online markets; as well as the investments aimed at expanding this branding, considering the conceptual and sustainable aspects of small-scale production. The results show that the Donna Milk brand stands out in the fashion market and plays an important role in promoting a more responsible and ethical scenario, leading to significant changes in consumption and production patterns. Thus, this analysis highlights the importance of a business model that combines improvements, sustainability, and branding strategy.Item Nu fogo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-26) Silva, Jeanne Jardini da; Almeida, Flávia Leme de; Almeida, Flávia Leme de; Sá, Rubens Pilegi da Silva; Rangel, Nara Cristiane de MirandaIn this text, I intend to explore the themes that permeate my authorial work within the visual arts, examining my artistic attempts while facing traumatic events. I realized that my research had a therapeutic aspect, revealing the psychosexual elements present in my work in a morbid way. I highlight how different forms of artistic expression, such as painting and sculpture, have the power to soothe intense emotions. I organized my work into a single chapter called "No", emphasizing the simplicity of autobiographical writing. The narrative I share is personal and incorporates emotional and professional influences from artists mentioned along the way. I prefer to explore my own personal and artistic history rather than focus so much on theoretical research, as I consider it a less significant part of the process.Item Eu, o outro e a natureza. Um processo de autoconhecimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Camilo, Carlos Henrique Pedro; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique Duarte; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique Duarte; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Chaud, Eliane MariaIn this research in Visual Arts, I propose to investigate my own artistic production in order to understand the paths I am treading and the poetics I am constructing. Amid doubts, uncertainties, and insecurities surrounding my artistic journey, I expose experiments, exercises, and works created during my training, aiming for a better understanding and confidence in my production. Furthermore, as an extension of this process, I have committed to producing 11 oil paintings on canvas, continuing this journey of self-discovery. As I applied this investigation, many questions arose regarding my production, such as the mysterious and complex relationship between the self, the other, and nature in my works. I am beginning to comprehend my tendency to address issues related to my personal experiences linked to how I relate to others, while simultaneously interweaving these questions with my relationship with nature an environment where I find interest, comfort, and solace.Item Perene: uma narrativa visual fotográfica da Ofélia de Shakespeare(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Bastos, Maria Luiza Mendonça de Carvalho; Berardo, Rosa Maria; Berardo, Rosa Maria; Godoy, Patrícia Bueno; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique DuarteThis research is part of a Course Completion Work in book format, with textual elements reminiscent of books and theater plays, together with the production of a series of photographs entitled “Perennial”. The final objective is the analysis of the photos and their relationship with the character Ophelia from the book The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, through works of art in different ways. The possibility of resuming beauty in the academy of contemporary Visual Arts is present in the aesthetics of the work and is accompanied by a feminine vision in the original sense of the words, but respecting the feminist perspective. As a woman, Ophelia is a very problematic character, as she exists solely for the narrative of the men in her life: her father Polonius, Prince Hamlet and her brother Laertes, but it is undeniable her power and presence in the visual arts. Thus, one can see in this text a representation of the character through female eyes without denying her main characteristics and discussions that surround her representation: madness, beauty, sensuality, delicacy, sexuality, death and her connection with nature in her representation.Item Comecei a escrever para romper com o silêncio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Freitas, Frontana Pereira Sant'ana de; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Carvalho, Rafael de SousaIn this current research I investigate and theorize a part of my artistic production. The reflections talk about the word and how I use it by printmaking and artist books. This research approaches my artistic process and everything that influences it, trying to observe how certain actions—choice of typography, sizes, and number of pages—can interfere in the sensations caused to the reader-observer, exploring the semiotics of the word and its use through textures, repetition, fragmentations, and overlaps that have the power to transform the word—verbal language—into an image in itself, improving not only my artistic practice but also being able to assist other word researchers in the others areas of kwonledge.Item Paisagem natural: uma poética da desnaturalização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Gomes, Levi Nascente; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Silva, Odinaldo da CostaThis is a research in Visual Arts that aims to investigate my creation process in digital paiting from dialogues setted down between personal experiences and references that stretch the notion of landscape and gender. As such, I studied these concepcts inspired by artistic references that marked my path along my graduation. The methodology stands in art research approaches with emphasis on the autobiogeography exercise, once I take the artcraft also as a critic autolocalization process capable of generate visual and narrative expressions in first person. When investigating my creation process on digital, I came to a series of three painting entitled Natural Landscape, resulted of reflections not only about paiting, but also about gender dissent. There, in this research I challenge the concept about ‘’natural’’ as well as gender as in paiting to reclaim the desnaturalization as poetic, decolonial and liberator.Item Seja subversiva: uma experiência urbana compartilhada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Cardoso, Alice Castro; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos AfonsoThe present work discusses the experiences of alterity that arise from my work with artistic interventions in the context of some cities. Focusing on the power and meaning of the phrase “be subversive”, embodied in wheatpaste poster, adhesive and handwriting, I investigate such supports, malices and languages as devices of communicational and artistic insubordination. Through critical reflection, experimentation and artistic production during the research, I realize that the presence on streets can be a reaffirmation of the existence of several women as active, free and revolutionary people.Item Serafina: ocupar o corpo, o munda, a vida e a arte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Menezes, Felipe Berger Bezerra de; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique DuarteThis work searches connections between art and life throughout the analyses of some artistic propositions made by the visual artist and drag queer Serafina, using the artistic practice as a reference to understand the ideas and concepts which structure the narrative and the poetics of the artistic works, produced by the author along their graduation in visual arts in the College of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Goiás from 2018 to 2023. Exploring Transmutation as an artistic language, the author understands Serafina as an appropriation of resistance as a political fight, searching in this manifest ways to exist in the world and possibilities of transforming daily life through art production.