Farenheit 451: subjetividades entre o leitor de histórias em quadrinhos com cenários distópicos

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Relations between the best-selling book Farenheit 451, (Ray Bradbury, 1953), adapted for the comic book format and the reader. His dystopian narrative outlines relevant issues, such as social injustices, politics, and media manipulation, as metaphors that can resignify the sociocultural role of individuals. Comics are resources that contribute to the formation of humanized thinking, because their narrativity is formed by the junction of images and texts. This article proposes a descriptive research through bibliographic references and data collection, demonstrating the possibility of knowledge introjection through a critical reading.



Sujeito e leitura, Quadrinhos, Distopia, Subject and reading, Comics, Dystopia


NEVES, André Roberto Custódio; SANTOS, Andréa Pereira dos. Farenheit 451: subjetividades entre o leitor de histórias em quadrinhos com cenários distópicos. Vozes & Diálogo, Itajaí, v. 18, n. 2, jul./dez. 2019.