Biossegurança para a assistência transoperatória a pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados da COVID-19: relato de experiência


Objective: to report the experience of planning and implementing biosafety measures for intraoperative care for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. Method: experience report developed in the operating room of a teaching hospital, between March and May 2020. The report consisted of four stages - Formation of the working group for planning the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP); Preparation of the SOP; Implementation and Evaluation of the SOP. Results: the measures implemented were the partial suspension of elective surgeries, relocation of professionals in the risk group, acquisition of personal protective equipment; strengthening of the communication system between teams; control of people and the surgical environment; care with surfaces, equipment and health products used in surgery and team training. Conclusion: the implementation of the SOP, although challenging, was essential for the continuity of safer surgical care in the pandemic context for patients, health workers and the institution.



Centros cirúrgicos, Enfermagem, Infecções por Coronavirus, Pandemias, Surgicenters, Coronavirus infections, Pandemics, Nursing


QUEIROZ, Aline Rodrigues et al. Biossegurança para a assistência transoperatória a pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados da COVID-19: relato de experiência. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, Goiânia, v. 23, p. e23:67126, 2021. Disponível em: