Reflexões acerca da concepção de trabalho de educandos da EJA e as relações com o desempenho escolar e acadêmico

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work is a bibliographical research that aimed to investigate, if there is, in the researched bibliography, elements that allow to elucidate the possible existence of elements related to the work conception, constructed by EJA students and its influence on school performance and professional activities. Paulo Freire, in his Book Education as a practice of freedom, talks about the existence of a logic of education, which aims to effect the purpose of the dominant classes, to accommodate, to make passive (domesticated - as the author suggests) , the emerging classes , poorer, so that they do not bother or are to their liking, which would be consistent with a limited and painful conception of work, in line with Blanch's (2003) statements about negative conceptions of work. Part of the theoretical framework is based on Paulo Freire (1967) in an attempt to shed light on the EJA processes and conceptions related to the way in which the work theme is conceived. It critically observes how implementations of educational policies have been presented over time as compensatory forms of education in the literature of Sonia Kramer (1982). The methodological framework is composed by Gil (2002) and Oliveira (1998) who provided the basis for understanding the type of research. Five articles on the subject were selected and analyzed.



EJA, Concepções de trabalho, Educação de jovens e adultos, Educação compensatória, EJA, Yae youth and adult education, Compensatory education


JESUS, Leonardo Alves de. Reflexões acerca da concepção de trabalho de educandos da EJA e as relações com o desempenho escolar e acadêmico. 2021. 31 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.