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Item As aulas práticas para o ensino de ciências da natureza na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-28) Mendes, Sara Cristina Rodrigues de Sousa; Barros, Fernanda; Barrros, Fernanda; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi MendesThis text refers to the completion of the Pedagogy course at FE/UFG, the theme is: practical classes for teaching natural sciences in the early years of Early Childhood Education. It aims to understand how and why to teach science in Early Childhood Education through practical classes, in a broader perspective, to understand the way that practical classes provide learning. To this end, we systematize this text in two moments, the first chapter allows us to understand the knowledge about teaching natural sciences in Early Childhood Education through scientific research and its importance of carrying out pedagogical planning, and the second chapter about what is teaching through investigation and ways of applying practical classes through collected experiments, whether through other scientific articles, but also through the internship carried out at Cmei Criança Cidadã, in which it was possible to carry out observations and collect data. From this collection we can reach final conclusions about the relevance of practical science classes in Early Childhood EducationItem Percepções de mediadores pedagógicos acerca de um projeto de educação inclusiva em uma instituição federal de educação básica de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Silva, Wéllida Martins da; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi Mendes; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi Mendes; Oliveira, Fabiane Lopes de; Oliveira, Sheila Santos deThis research comprises a case study developed with pedagogical mediators of inclusion in an inclusive education project in a federal institution of basic education in Goiás, with the general objective of presenting and understanding, from the perspective of these mediators, the processes of inclusion (or exclusion), experienced by students who have Specific Educational Needs (SEN). To achieve this objective, a qualitative and exploratory research was used through the application of a questionnaire structured by Google Forms, which was sent to the subjects of this research and, later, the results were transcribed in their entirety and analyzed. For this analysis, the propositions enunciated by Vigotski (2001; 2003; 2004; 2006; 2007; 2008) were chosen as a theoretical reference, which pointed out above all the possibilities of learning for students with disabilities, and who attributes enormous importance to the cultural dimension , social and the role of mediation for human relationships, which also indicates the relevance of signs through the role of the other and, mainly, the interactions for the learning of the student who has a disability. As a result, the importance of projects that contemplate SEN students, in a holistic way, considering their specificities, but also betting on their potentialities, is highlighted. Furthermore, it highlights how relevant and significant these mediators are in these centers so that interactions, knowledge and development are enhanced to achieve true inclusion that encompasses all human diversityItem Cultura, formação e autonomia: reflexões sobre uma educação crítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Ribeiro, Karla Medeiros Dias; Corbiniano, Simone Alexandre Martins; Corbiniano, Simone Alexandre Martins; Bordignon, Talita FrancieliThe objective of this study, which was based mainly on Paulo Freire's theories, is to investigate the perspectives of a critical education in the midst of a social context whose oppression is established almost as a natural order. In this context, it becomes relevant to identify education models that make reflection impossible and, consequently, do not promote the understanding of the social and ancestral reality to which the subject belongs and, on the contrary, institute hegemonic political-cultural manifestations, reinforcing processes of manipulation and domination. Circumscribed to the area of Human Sciences, this is qualitative research of the bibliographic type and that resorted to theoretical references from books, academic and/or digital texts, having as its core the Freirean reflections of an education for autonomy. The educator Paulo Freire, as a means of resistance and confrontation, defends the right to a critical education so that the subject recognizes himself as a transforming agent, and that education is an instance of awareness and emancipation in opposition to the naturalization of oppression, breaking the shackles of ideological and market domination prevailing in the Brazilian educational systemItem Paidéia socrática: reflexões sobre a formação integral do homem(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Rodrigues, João Vitor Soares; Corbiniano, Simone Alexandre Martins; Corbiniano, Simone Alexandre Martins; Gimbo, Fernando SepeThe work is organized into three distinct chapters. The first chapter, titled "The Greeks and Human Education," explores significant aspects of the Greek educational model, known as paideia. In the second chapter, titled "Self-Knowledge," it delves into the perspective of the Greek philosopher Socrates on education in Greece, as well as his Socratic method known as maieutics, examining its impacts in this educational context. The third chapter, titled "The Relevance of Greek Studies in Pedagogue Formation," explores the applicability of these concepts in contemporary times. In this way, the present work aims to provide an insight into the impact of Socratic paideia on society and how this idea remains relevant today. It explores how the Greeks approached and conceived education beyond immediate life. The Socratic approach, through questioning that prompts individuals to reflect, is highlighted as a fundamental element. The intention is to paint a picture of Socrates' perspective on the educational model, demonstrating that education has been a powerful tool since ancient times for shaping and transforming beyond the confines of earthly existenceItem Tudo que nois tem é nois: o rap como expressão artística e sua potência formativa em sala de aula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Bernardo, Fernanda Oliveira; Viana, Cynthia Maria Jorge; Viana, Cynthia Maria Jorge; Carvalho, Thaís Regina deThis paper seeks to reflect on the potential of the Rap movement, an element of hip-hop culture, as an artistic expression that has at its base the denunciation of social inequalities. It intends to reflect on Rap as a street movement, in light of the concept of social and racial inequality, understanding it as a favela culture and as a possibility for the construction of critical thinking, as well as to analyze the possibilities of this movement in education. Rap is an acronym for Rhythm and Poetry, which in its free translation into Portuguese means “Ritmo e Poesia”. This musical genre is one of the elements that make up the hip-hop movement. The other elements are: break, which expresses dance; graffiti, painting; and the MC's (Master of Ceremonies or Rappers) and the DJ’s (disc jockeys), which together produce the Rap musical style. From a qualitative, bibliographical research, theoretical references were selected, studied, and systematized, such as: Andrade (1999), in order to understand the origins of the Rap movement in the 1990s in Brazil; Meirelles and Athayde (2014), who discuss the sociohistorical construction of Brazilian favelas as plural environments, crossed by social injustices; and Almeida (2019) who, analyzing the ways of confronting racial inequality, classifies the different conceptions of racism in society. Some excerpts from Rap songs that relate to curricular components of basic education are also analyzed, and that can be discussed in the classroom with students. In the first chapter, there is a discussion about economic inequality, the conditions imposed by extreme poverty, and also racial inequality as a characteristic of a racist society. In the second chapter, it is possible to reflect on the creative potential of the Rap cultural movement as an artistic expression that promotes discussions about blackness and anti-racism in its music, as well as the possibility of mediation of this movement in the classroom, mainly by inviting students to perceive social issues and debate about them. The findings of this research refer to the potentiality of hip-hop culture and the Rap musical movement, while the more the teaching dialogues with the reality of the students, the more valuable it can be. Bringing Rap into the school environment allows not only educators, but also students, coordinators and other members of the educational context to reflect on their pedagogical practices and possibilities of intervention, based on the hip-hop movement, specifically RapItem Alegoria da destruição: retroflexão e o surgimento de doenças autoimunes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-08) Schetinger, Clara Luz; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lago, Marilucia Pereira doThe human is a being of relationship, both with himself and with the world that surrounds him. Therefore, to understand the subject's illness process, it is necessary to be aware of their relationships and the way they are in Contact, observing their blockages and fluidity. Contact blockade, specifically retroflexion, can be a triggering factor for the physical body to become ill, whereas faced with an imbalance, the body seeks a way to demonstrate its need to restore homeostasis, presenting symptoms as a means of communicating their claim for a change. Thereby, Gestalt therapy proposes a holistic approach at this individual, comprehending their way of being-in-the-world and how their Contact relationships may result in the development of an autoimmune disease, specifically Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)Item A velhice de Luamanda no espelho: possibilidades de identificação no envelhecer da mulher negra no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Teodoro, Isadora Marques; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lago, Marilucia Pereira doIn the perspective of Freudian theory of narcissism and ideal instances, I investigate the identification process during the aging of black women in Brazil. For this, I analyze the works of Conceição Evaristo in order to understand this aging in the character Luamanda. We investigated how the aging of black women is implicated in narcissism and ideal instances. Old age, by itself, is on the margins of narcissistic investment. When linked to elements of race and social class, this marginalization is more evident and generates suffering. Evaristo's narratives indicate possibilities for building identities and narratives of resistanceItem A possibilidade de autonomia do indivíduo em uma ciência do comportamento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Silva, Isadora Damaceno; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Oliveira, Rodrigo Marquez Martins deThis work aims to explore the possibility of talking about autonomy and freedom in behavior analysis, a discipline that brings concepts such as environmental determinism and behavior control as key elements for the vision of the world and of man. In this scenario, there was a survey of texts related to the view of science through behavior analysis and the concepts of control, self-control and counter-control. Thus, it was important to emphasize the definitions of freedom and culture in social texts in this area of knowledge. Finally, when relating the various controls with freedom according to radical behaviorism, self-control and counter-control were the main ways found to promote autonomy and make the individual free from a perspective based on environmental determinism. Some issues such as the values that permeate counter-control and culture planning are important topics to be better developed in future works, as well as the possibility of extending these definitions of science and the technology of behavior itself to a greater number of peopleItem Entre fantasia e realidade: um olhar psicanalítico para a dimensão transformadora da criação literária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-22) Cardoso, Lígia Garcia Borges; Soares, Renata Leite; Soares, Renata Leite; Santos, Altair José dosThe relationship between literature and psychoanalysis is a vast field of research, and so there are many ways to approach this topic. In this work, literature is highlighted as a human creation that reveals something about its time and the subjects constituted in it, as well as its important dimension of subjective effects. Moreover, this relationship can also be thought of from the constitution of psychoanalysis, since literature is able to allow another look, both for the theoretical field and for clinical practice. In order to elucidate these questions, a bibliographical research was carried out, in which a return to the Freudian work was dedicated to the issues, mainly, in the field of fantasies and artistic and literary creation, in its relation to psychoanalysis. Authors who approach and comment on this theme were also used, such as Maria Rita Kehl, Joel Birman, Renato Mezan, and Marco Antônio Coutinho Jorge. This work focuses, then, on issues characteristic of modernity, essential to the emergence of a specific type of literature, building its importance for the subjects, as well as for the formation of the psychoanalytic field. It also goes through Freud's theory of fantasy and its link to the act of creating. In this sense, this work proposes to think of literature as an agent of transformation, which acts (un)organizing and legitimizing the subjective experiences of the subjects. As a form of manifestation of the unconscious, it reveals the contradictions of the subjects and allows us to understand the complexity of the object of psychoanalysis, the subject of the unconscious. Finally, by highlighting the importance of fantasy for the psychism, literature shows itself as a possibility of expression and realization of desires, also acting in the mediation of the subject with realityItem Mulher negra e a face do desamparo social – considerações a partir do livro: quarto de despejo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Souza, Stefanny Dias de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lago, Marilucia Pereira doThe following work aimed to expose the social and psychic helplessness that is imposed on black women. This elaboration had as a starting point the narrative of Carolina Maria de Jesus, in the book - Quarto de despejo (1960/2014). The history of the country reveals how the construction of the category "black" was constituted with depreciative markers, which influenced the formation of its identity. We emphasize the issue of black women and understand that the condition in which they live today is a reflection of the slave-owning past. We rely on psychoanalytic theory to highlight the psychic constitution, pointing out how social representations influence the identification process of the black subject. We show that identifying oneself as a black subject in Brazilian society goes through trauma. This leads to psychic and social suffering. Carolina's work presented itself as a possibility to denounce the place black women occupy in societyItem Terapia comportamental integrativa de casais: uma análise do filme “História de um casamento”(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Santos, Débora Shibuya; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Cunha, Olívia Rodrigues daThis work aims to explore the concepts and techniques of Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy (IBCT) and exemplify them through the analysis of the movie "Marriage Story," while always emphasizing the importance of discussing romantic relationships so prevalent in human life. To achieve this objective, a literature review was conducted, using Behavior Analysis as the theoretical framework. With the content found, it was possible to raise some interesting observations about the characters in the chosen film. It is hoped that this will contribute to the development of future research focusing on Integrative Behavioral Couples TherapyItem Como preconceitos são aprendidos: uma perspectiva analítico-comportamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Queiroz, Vitor Hugo Machado de; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanábio; Cunha, Olívia Rodrigues daThe present work had as objective to discuss the possibility of the Analysis of the Behavior be used in understanding the processes of acquisition, maintenance and reduction of prejudiced behavior. For this, theories were selected with analytical-behavioral basis that are particularly useful for the investigation of the phenomenon (verbal behavior, stimulus equivalence paradigm and relational frame theory). Bibliographical research was used as a method of research, adopting the theoretical framework of Behavior Analysis, using articles periodicals and classic texts in the area. The analysis of the texts allowed us to verify the contribution that Behavior Analysis can bring to the area of investigation of prejudices, as well as other social issues. The theory describes processes of acquisition, maintenance and the possibility of interventions that seek to reduce prejudiced behavior. Per Finally, it is suggested that the topic addressed be the subject of future research given its complexity and relatively low academic productionItem Os jogos digitais como elemento constitutivo do pensamento computacional na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Bernardo, Ana Laura Magalhães de Oliveira; Costa, Fernando Wagner da; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Araújo, Luiz Fernando Gonçalves da Silva; Costa, Fernando Wagner daThis research is focused on understanding what are the contributions of the strategic use of digital games as a constitutive element of computational thinking in early childhood education. Therefore, the work aims to understand the place of digital games as a constitutive element of computational thinking in early childhood education. The research has a qualitative approach and bibliographical and documental character. Through the bibliographical survey, we obtained results that indicate the absence of studies that approach this theme, because after analyzing the selected researches, few approached digital games and computational thinking in early childhood education. It is concluded, therefore, that this research can contribute with reflections, supporting and helping to understand future research, as we understand throughout this work that computational thinking and digital games in early childhood education can contribute to the development and learning of children, working on concepts from Papert (1980) and Wing (2006), being able to develop from programming, for example, logical reasoning, problem solving, creativity, etc.Item Ensino de ciências na educação infantil sob a perspectiva pedagógica de Maria Montessori(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-03) Lima, Hiuly Marques Pimenta e; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Oliveira, Gyselle Nascente deThe teaching of Nature Science in Early Childhood Education needs to occur in order to arouse the students' interest, as well as the teaching of all other curricular subjects. In this sense, this paper sought to highlight the contributions of the educational perspective of Maria Montessori, with the help of Cosmic Education and Freedom of Autonomy, which can be applied to teaching and learning processes in Early Childhood Education, in the area of Nature Sciences, considering that this is a methodology that has been little explored by our educators. For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out, whose method for obtaining data was the elaboration and analysis of a didactic proposal about the Solar System aimed at Early Childhood Education. The data showed that the Montessori teaching perspective has a valuable dimension and its contributions to teaching in terms of Nature Sciences, as a vast and rich source of knowledge that can be used in Early Childhood Education, aiming to contribute to the learning and awakening of cosmic consciousness.Item Contribuições dos cuidados paliativos no tratamento do câncer de mama(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Beltrão, Virgínia Maria Ferreira; Silva, Ana Idalina de Paiva; Silva, Ana Idalina de Paiva; Orsini, Mara Rúbia de Camargo AlvesBearing in mind that palliative care is an approach that aims to provide quality of life for patients affected by chronic, progressive or incurable diseases, the present work addresses some of the contributions of palliative care in the treatment of breast women, both from the perspective of patients and their families. The first chapter aims to present palliative care, its intervention possibilities, where it can be performed, by whom and what each member of the health team does in this approach, and for whom it is offered. In the second chapter, breast cancer and its psychological impacts on women were explored. The third chapter sought to address the possibilities of palliative care in the various stages of breast cancer treatment, reflecting on the contributions of Psychology in this treatment.Item Precariedade subjetiva e uberização do trabalho(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-15) Souza, Rafaella Magalhães de; Santos, Livia Gomes dos; Santos, Livia Gomes dos; Lemos, Gardenia de Souza FurtadoThis study aimed to understand the phenomenon of precarious subjectivity and its relationship with the new forms of work organization in the 21st century and the current process of uberization. For this, we first seek to understand what subjectivity is, how this concept was built over time and its relationship with work. Then, we analyze the new morphology of work in the 21st century , what the profile of the current working class is and what an uberization is. This study adopted as theoretical references the conception of the subjectivity of Socio-Historical Psychology , Marx's dialectical historical materialism, and the debates of Ricardo Antunes' critical social theory . The methodology used was an exploratory study aimed at gathering information to understand the phenomena. Data collection was carried out through a multidisciplinary bibliographic survey , through books, articles, news, theses, and electronic research platforms. Finally , we found, as a result, a specific form of subjectivity resulting from precarious work and we drew parallels between this phenomenon and the uberization process.Item O sujeito adolescente na instituição hospitalar: desafios e possibilidades da escuta analítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-24) Cavalcante, Debora Martins; Soares, Renata Leite; Soares, Renata Leite; Souza, Marylia Glenda DepThe scope of this study seeks to understand the aspects that emerge for adolescent subjects faced with the challenges relevant to the phase, as well as the obstacles faced by these subjects when they go through illnesses and the hospitalization process. Based on a bibliographic review research, this work seeks to highlight the challenges and possibilities of the practice and analytical listening to the adolescent inserted in the hospital institution permeated by the hospital-centered model. Based on the theoretical contribution of authors who dialogue with the theme, this study seeks to present the institutions and their symbolic nuances, that is, to present the institution beyond a physical place as it is known by many, in addition to considering it as a symbolic place for the subject. Highlight the importance of social ties, discourse and language for the constitution of the subject and how these aspects are fundamental for analytical listening, as well as revealing possibilities and challenges for the exercise of analytical listening within the scope of the hospital institution. With this, we seek to unravel the possibilities of analytical listening and its potential for the adolescent subject in the hospitalization process. Thus, when summoned to dialogue with the theme, psychoanalysis shows itself to be a contributor. Analytical listening is outlined in the fact that listening enables the adolescent subject, who already carries with him the challenges relevant to the phase in a situation of psychic suffering caused by the disease, to transit and go through the issue of hospitalization. Thus, the listening of the adolescent as a singular subject is understood in the fact that it is a listening that listens to silence, conflict and helplessness.Item Fauna e flora do cerrado e ações antrópicas: uma sequência didática para estudantes do curso pedagogia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Arantes, Guilherme de Avelar Silva; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi Mendes; Oliveira, Fabiane Lopes de; Oliveira, Sheila Santos de; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi MendesThis research aimed to elaborate and apply a following teaching about the Cerrado's Biogeographical system for students of the education course at the Education Faculty - Goias Federal University, seeking students' understanding about the importance of studying the Cerrado in the child education and in the early years of elementary school. Furthermore, we are based on the Vygotskyan perspective, which understands the teacher as an agent that transforms and is transformed in the teaching process, in addition to also using the perspective of Delizoicov's Angotti’s and Pernambuco’s (2002) three pedagogical moments. Methodologically, this study is configured as a pedagogical intervention research, using participant observation to obtain data. As a result, we highlight the importance of the development of this following teaching for initial formation of the students of de education, the wealth of proposals following teaching elaborate by students, the great reception for with theme, and mainly, the new look that students have on the subject, which encouraged them to look into the proposal, planning dynamic classes and didactic games so that teaching about the Cerrado's Biogeographical system could be developed during their future professional performance.Item Despertar para as plantas: contribuições da educação ambiental para superação da cegueira vegetal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-23) Gonçalves, Karolini Ferreira; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Silva, Simone Evanize SuaresThis study aims to discuss the importance of a true awakening for plants, and with a view to achieving this feat, we analyze the possible contributions arising from Environmental Education in overcoming the trend called plant blindness. The work discusses how this trend affects the perception and recognition of the relevance of plants, as fundamental living beings for the maintenance of life on Earth. Furthermore, throughout the present study, we bring Environmental Education to the discussion, with the aim of listing some of the collaborations of this perspective of education in mitigating the invisibility of plant life. The methodology used in this work was qualitative research, and the method for obtaining data, bibliographical analysis. Considering that our intention was to develop a study focused on the importance of perceiving and valuing plants, in the course of this work, we dedicated special attention to the problem of plant blindness, which certainly presents itself as one of the obstacles in the fulfillment of our purpose. The results of the discussions make it possible to identify factors that encourage this invisibility of plants, as well as alternatives to revert this regrettable scenario.Item Contribuições da análise do comportamento aplicada na intervenção com crianças no espectro autista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Marques, Isadora Rodrigues; Silva, Ana Idalina de Paiva; Silva, Ana Idalina de Paiva; Heck, Elisa Tavaves SanábioAccording to ICD-11 and DSM-V, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by some degree of impairment of social interaction and language. In addition, this disorder also reflects on the behavior of the individual in the environment around him, with a common repertoire of Restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, difficulty with changes and reactions unusual to physical sensations. With the considerable increase in the incidence of Autistic Spectrum since its official recognition by the American Association of Psychiatry (APA), there is an urgent need to provide services that improve the quality of life of this population and reduce the negative impacts caused by the symptoms of this disorder. The practices developed by Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are the most sought after interventions with children on the spectrum, since, from the first studies in the area, the results demonstrate the high efficacy of ABA in the treatment of ASD. A literature in the area is vast and demonstrates that Applied Behavior Analysis has contributed with the development of interventions with proven positive results for children with autism, such as Early and Intensive Intervention Programs (EIBI). Yet, publications demonstrate that ABA-based intervention programs can provide many benefits for children with ASD, such as a decrease in disruptive behaviors, improvements in resistance to change behaviors, and food selectivity and improvements in communication and social interaction