Dispersão de material particulado atmosférico em área urbana às margens da BR-153 no município de Goiânia-GO


The BR-153 is 15 kilometers long within Goiânia city, therefore, the evaluation of the levels of air pollution and noise related to the presence of the highway is an object of considerable importance. To this end, the situation in txo variables related to environmental degradation was analyzed: the airborne particulate matter mass (PM) adsorbed on the leaf surface and the metals concentration presents in PM. The PM was collected from the leaves surface of seven copies of monguba (Pachira aquatica), which are found at different distances from the highway axis: near the axis and at 100, 200 and 300 meters from the track, on both sides; the metals concentration data were obtained from analysis by atomic absorption. No significant differences were observed in the mass PM and the metal concentration in the leaves of different trees. There was a decrease in the mass of PM with the highest rainfall, but for Zn, Ni and Fe concentrations , a higher concentration was observed in the rainy season.



Poluição do ar, Rodovias, Dispersão de poluentes, Planejamento urbano, Goiânia, Air pollution, Highways, Dispersion of pollutants, Urban planning, Goiânia


REIS, Adriano Francisco dos; HORA, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro; GODOI, Emiliano Lôbo de. Dispersão de material particulado atmosférico em área urbana às margens da BR-153 no município de Goiânia-GO. Revista ANTT, Brasília, DF, v. 7, n. 1, p. 1-13, maio 2015.