Gênero e gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos e saneamento: aproximações da realidade cabo-verdiana e brasileira


The precarity of sanitation contributes to aggravate the situation of social vulnerability in which many women are, especially those located in the urban peripheries, rural communities or precarious settlements. To overcome such situations, alternatives have been adopted and discussed in small communities and/ or in rural groups and in periurban areas, in order to promote acess to water and sanitation. Much of the experience reveals the importance of social mobilization and of local communities but, above all, the active participation of women in the processes of integrated management of water resources. Facing this scenario, this study aims to think over the processes and tools for planning and integrated management of water resources and sanitation, that incorporate the gender’s dimension in the Cape Verdean and Brazilian contexts. The methodology was based on observation visits in Cape Verde and in rural areas in the State of Goiás, Brazil.



Gênero, Recursos hídricos, Saneamento, Cabo Verde, Brasil, Gender, Water resources, Sanitation, Cape Verde, Brazil


HORA, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro; SCALIZE, Paulo Sergio; FURTADO, Claudio Alves; FERNANDES, Luis Jorge Monteiro. Gênero e gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos e saneamento: aproximações da realidade cabo-verdiana e brasileira. Revista Monografias Ambientais, Santa Maria, v. 14, n. 1, p. 166-175-175, jan./abr. 2015.