Judô na Educação Física para estudantes com TDAH: uma proposta de intervenção

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this course conclusion paper, given the COVID 19 pandemic, we were unable to carry out our exploratory research and interventions. We carried out a bibliographic research on SciELO platforms, and CAPES journals, where we carried out several studies for our work. Our CCP was elaborated and studied in three main topics: Physical Education (PE) and Fights; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Disorder (ADHD); The intervention proposal with Pedagogical Judo and finally the figure of the EFI professional in front of ADHD. This paper seeks, at first, to address the importance of EFI in the school scenario, as well as, what is it's area of ​​study and teaching. Next, we present Judo as a component of body culture (applied to scholar PE). In a second moment, we seek to present and discuss what ADHD is, what are the criteria for its diagnosis, what impacts ADHD has on the individual's life. Next, we present the proposal of Pedagogical Judo applied to scholar PE as a pedagogical tool for the experience and teaching of children and adolescents with ADHD, with an emphasis on elementary education, initiated in the Extension Project of the Faculdade de Educação Física at UFG in 2010, in which we gaave sequence in the years 2019/2020 before the pandemic. And finally, we present the figure of the PE professional, transforming agent, from the pedagogical approach, as an agent to promote quality of life for children with ADHD, since this can directly interfere and be a positive differential in the activities and monitoring of elementary school students with ADHD.



Educação Física, TDAH, Educação, Judô, Physical Education, ADHD, Education, Judo


GALDINO, Marcela Ucella. Judô na Educação Física para estudantes com TDAH: uma proposta de intervenção. 2022. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.