Projeto eletromecânico de linhas aéreas de transmissão: etapas e desafios

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In the case of electricity, Brazil consists of companies that operate in the generation, transmission and distribution of energy. Generating sources are generally distant from consumer centers, where energy will be distributed. Therefore, lines are needed to make the transmission of energy with quality, reliability and the most economical way possible. This work aims, in a clear and well-defined way, as the most important steps and to explain some of the challenges that the design engineer will encounter during the electromechanical design process of transmission lines from the basic design phase, that is, the initial phase, until the phase of completion of the work.



Energia elétrica, Linhas de transmissão, Projeto eletromecânico, Transmissão de energia, Electrical energy, Power transmission, Transmission lines, Electromechanical project


AMOR, Reges Rodrigues Vieira de. Projeto eletromecânico de linhas aéreas de transmissão: etapas e desafios. 2020. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.