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    Atualização de planta de instalação elétrica industrial
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-02) Araujo, Vitor Montero; Araujo, Bruno Alves de; Alvarenga, Bernardo Pinheiro de; Alvarenga, Bernardo Pinheiro de; Santos, Euler Bueno dos; Paula, Geyverson Teixeira de
    All elements of a building undergo changes over the years, to a greater or lesser extent, the original characteristics are altered and not recorded, making it difficult to understand for those who did not participate in the processes. This is especially complex for electrical installations, as the addition of new equipment, jobs, and other changes bring problems that can lead to accidents, such as an increase in load beyond what the circuit was designed to handle, generating excessive heating. Renovating a building is a great time for all these issues to be resolved. This is the case of Mercabox Araujo, a supermarket company that is undergoing an expansion that will double its area, a situation that requires the renewal of its entire electrical installation to support the new installed power and a new layout to meet future activities. This final project aims to propose the design of the new Mercabox Araujo installations, taking into account the customer's demands and compliance with the standards that govern low voltage installations, ensuring reliability and safety. Furthermore, a step-by-step guide was also proposed so that the transition between the old and new installation does not cause disruption to the company's activities, which will continue to operate during the works.
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    Estudo de viabilidade de implementação de pontos de recarga de veículos elétricos em condomínio residencial
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-17) Santos Neto, João Victor; Santos, Thales Moreira; Paula, Geyverson Teixeira de; Paula, Geyverson Teixeira de; Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola; Lima, Wilmar Alves Cruvinel
    Over the past 13 years, we have observed a steady increase in the number of electric vehicles circulating in Brazil. This scenario presents a significant challenge for buildings to meet the demand of residents. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of demand for the implementation of electric vehicle charging stations in established residential condominiums. To achieve this, a case study was conducted in a high-end building in Goiânia, where a device called an energy analyzer was used for data collection. A crucial point for the study was the analysis of projected and calculated demands. The study results included the implementation of up to 4 semi-fast charging station points (22kW) and a simulation of load increase, along with the transformer replacement for a future adaptation of the building to serve the entire condominium. NT-042 and NT-02 were used for the transformer calculation.
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    Análise modal estática aplicada ao problema de fluxo de carga em coordenada retangular para avaliação de estabilidade de tensão
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-02) Sena, Katarina Leite de; Santos, Vinícius Morais Calixto dos; Brigatto, Gelson; Kopcak, Igor; Kopcak, Igor; Alves, Antônio César Baleeiro; Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola
    A voltage instability is a phenomenon directly linked to the inability of an electrical power system to meet its demand for active power, caused by inadequate reactive power support. Traditionally, voltage stability margins are calculated through static methods based on the load flow problem. Additionally, Static Modal Analysis has been a tool foridentifying critical buses or areas regarding voltage stability. This methodology uses the representation of voltage phasors in cylindrical or polar coordinates. In contrast, this study proposes applying Static Modal Analysis to the Jacobian of Load Flow in Rectangular Coordinates, where voltage phasors are represented by their Cartesian coordinates on the real and imaginary axes. The aim was to assess whether this new approach could provide additional qualitative information for identifying critical buses regarding voltage stability, complementing traditional Static Modal Analysis. For the analysis of results, well-known transmission networks from the literature were employed, and for comparing the performance of the methods developed in this study, Static Modal Analysis in polar coordinates was adopted as a reference. The results obtained demonstrate that the method developed in this study is satisfactory, as the provided voltage stability margins are close to those of the traditional method, and the Static Modal Analysis applied to Rectangular Load Flow classified the critical buses of the tested systems correctly.
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    Adaptação e implementação da framework NIST em redes domésticas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-31) Soares, Luan Weba; Pinheiro Júnior, Carlos Galvão; Pinheiro Júnior, Carlos Galvão; Oliveira, Marco Antonio Assfalk de; Alves, João Miguel Estevão
    This study addresses the implementation and feasibility of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF). We explore the challenges brought by the rise of remote work in residential environments, both of which contribute to a more complex security landscape. Using the Raspberry Pi equipped with security tools such as SIEM and EDR, and vulnerability scanning techniques, the study proposes a comprehensive set of security practices based on the NIST CSF. It aims to provide a clear, low-cost roadmap for effectively modeling cybersecurity measures, protecting data integrity and privacy on home networks. Finally, we arrived at the result that the framework is adaptable, but requires a lot of intervention from specialists, to the point that support by them rather than the end user is more appropriate.
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    Alocação de recursos em redes sem fio utilizando algoritmos baseados em aprendizagem de máquina
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-01) Lopes, Adriano Ferreira; Silva, Jean Lucas Barbosa; Vieira, Flávio Henrique Teles; Vieira, Flávio Henrique Teles; Cardoso, Alisson Assis; Carneiro, Daniel Porto Queiroz
    With the increasing rise in the number of mobile devices and intelligent IoT devices, wireless networks have become increasingly complex, autonomous, and heterogeneous in terms of the types of network architectures they incorporate. Within these networks, efficiently allocating and managing resources for users is a significant problem to be solved. In this context, deep reinforcement learning techniques are expected to be among the main technologies used to achieve global optimization in dynamic resource allocation. This paper presents a proposal for resource allocation in wireless networks, termed Cross-Entropy Reinforcement Learning, in order to maximize energy efficiency and meet users’ quality of service (QoS) requirements. The approach considers a multi-user, multi-objective communication system based on CP-OFDM (Cyclic-Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology using reinforcement learning methods, specifically a Deep Q-Network (DQN) associated with the CrossEntropy algorithm to obtain an optimal resource allocation policy. The implementation encompasses system parameters such as bandwidth, modulation, number of users, and average packet size, while detailing the structure of resource elements, subcarrier distribution, and transmission capacity in different modulation modes within the LTE (Long Term Evolution) system frame. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits good convergence characteristics and performs better than the traditional DQN approach without cross-entropy.
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    Sistema de controle de acesso utilizando RFID para uma biblioteca
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Rodrigues, Raphael Marques; Costa, Thiago Alves da; Cardoso, Alisson Assis; Silva, Karina Rocha Gomes da; Silva, Karina Rocha Gomes da; Melo, Fernando Ferreira de; Nerys, Jose Wilson Lima
    In the current technological era, companies have sought to adapt to the advancement of industry 4.0, which has been innovating the way of production in the market. Companies are undergoing significant transformation due to the innovative implementation of RFID. Libraries should not be left behind, a computer system that helps users have a comfortable and quick experience when requesting books to borrow will never be superfluous. This study aimed to develop a prototype of a functional information system that allows managing the processes of a library, and thus meeting the demands of the service, which include the registration of books, users, loans, among others. It aims to take advantage of the benefits offered by technology, in addition to its timely and appropriate use as a facilitator of internal processes. Therefore, an information system proposed according to the needs of a library is a plausible and efficient option to support the administrative management tasks of a library system. This work presents an information system whose main function is to assist in book lending and access control in a library. A system has been developed that will help tasks carried out by library staff to be carried out more efficiently. For this, the method used consisted of data collection, analysis and comparison of technologies available on the market, where the efficiency of RFID technology was verified in comparison to competitors.
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    Implementação reduzida de MIPS-32 monociclo em system verilog
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Rochelle, Beatriz Carvalho de Barros do Vale; Badan, Tomas Antonio Costa; Badan, Tomas Antonio Costa; Pimentel, Sérgio Pires; Pinheiro Júnior, Carlos Galvão
    This paper presents an implementation of the basic processing unit of a processor derived from MIPS 32, with a reduced instruction set and single-cycle design. It does not include privileged instructions and functionalities like interrupt handling and I/O support. The memory modules were substituted for mock units for the execution of the integration tests. The tests were coded in Python and executed using the framework cocotb, due to its ease of use. The architecture was implemented using the language SystemVerilog and compiled using both Icarus Verilog and Verilator. Despite the project not having been synthesized, the simulations demonstrated proper functioning and produced accurate results.
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    Desenvolvimento de uma API de comando de voz para deficiência visual no xadrez
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-01) Mulser, Rodrigo Santos; Cardoso, Alisson Assis; Cardoso, Alisson Assis; Souza, Gustavo Souto de Sá e; Nerys, José Wilson Lima
    The challenges faced by individuals with disabilities throughout their educational journey, from literacy to adulthood, are numerous. Throughout the development of society, there is an incessant pursuit of providing citizens with disabilities greater access, allowing them to explore and develop their potential as individuals, and promoting social interaction. While it is crucial to encourage socialization and social inclusion, it is equally essential to create conditions that enable overcoming any limitations. With the advancement of software, hardware, and associated technologies, the development of these conditions has become a tangible reality. In the context of teaching and developing individuals with visual impairments and the benefits derived from sports practice, with an emphasis on the game of chess, this research describes the implementation of a software solution. This solution aims to facilitate the participation of individuals with visual impairments on digital platforms dedicated to chess, focusing on practical activities, study, and the promotion of this strategic game. The implementation focuses on voice interaction, involving the interpretation of vocalized instructions for piece movements, and providing the opponent's moves to the player in audio format.
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    Desenvolvimento de um reflectômetro/vector voltmeter de 6 portas para um vector network analyzer de baixo custo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-02) Gonçalves, Lucas de Jesus Batista; Cardoso, Álisson Assis; Cardoso, Álisson Assis; Kopcak, Igor; Vieira, Flávio Henrique Teles
    Throughout high-frequency circuit design procedure, there is often a demand for testing and characterization of components, frequently resorting to the use of network analyzers (VNAs). In this context, the project at hand is dedicated to the development of a 6-port reflectometer, an approach that simplifies the circuit analysis process from a single-port perspective by eliminating complex components such as mixers, filters, and phase detectors commonly used in VNA construction. By adopting power readings in a linear 6-port system, not only is construction simplified, but accessibility is also expanded, catering to a variety of users. This work has demonstrated the feasibility of providing a more accessible solution for the reflectometer, which, in turn, can be applied in the development of multi-port network analyzers at a lower cost, promoting technical efficiency and democratizing access to high-frequency technology.
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    Influência da rugosidade superficial na molhabilidade de cordões de solda
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-10) Mateus, Lucca Castro Gonçalves de; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Souza, Daniel; Alves, Renata Rodrigues; Marques, Vitória Ferreira de Oliveira; Souza , Daniel
    Wettability in weld beads is related to the convexity of the bead and the contact angle with the base material surface. This is an important parameter for weld quality since beads with high convexity can create stress concentrators in parts subjected to cyclic stresses and lack of fill in coating operations. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate whether the surface finish of the base material will influence the wettability of weld beads on carbon steel sheet using the MIG/MAG process. The method used involved generating different levels of roughness through machining processes. The roughness was then measured, and weld beads were performed on each of the surfaces. Welding tests were conducted using two shielding gases to verify if the same behavior would be observed for each of them. The criterion used was the measurement of the contact angle of the bead edges from cross-sectional cuts analyzed by macrographs. The results showed that it was not possible to observe a noticeable change in the contact angle as a function of roughness using the method employed, which proved to be limited for the proposed objective
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    Avaliação do efeito da trajetória na fabricação de roldana de FeCrC-Nb pelo processo de manufatura aditiva por deposição a arco
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-15) Carvalho, Lúcio Mateus Santana; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Alves, Renata Rodrigues; Marques, Vitória Ferreira de Oliveira
    The welding process with flux cored wire (FCAW), using FeCrC+Nb alloy, made it possible to produce high hardness parts. This project evaluated the use of different weld patterms to analyze hardness values in different areas of the part, along the bead and weld layers. Two sheaves were made by different welding patterns, weaving and concentric circles (CC). The presence of the primary carbides M7C3 and NbC was found to affect hardness. The weaving pattern presented higher hardness than the CC pattern, which is justified by the strong presence of hard carbides.
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    Análise de sistemas de ventilação e ar-condicionado utilizando técnicas de Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional com software livre
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-14) Gratão, Gustavo Gonçalves; Mariano, Felipe Pamplona; Mariano, Felipe Pamplona; Nascimento, Andreia Aoyagui; Vilela, Carlos Alberto de Almeida
    In this work, the importance of indoor air quality for people's health was emphasized, highlighting the relevance of an adequately ventilated and air-conditioned environment for the well-being and comfort of occupants. Analyzes of different ventilation and air-conditioning systems were carried out using computational fluid dynamics techniques with free, open source and free software. Simulations of internal air flows in an enclosure were conducted using OpenFoam, while the data obtained were processed using Paraview. The computational experiments results were promising, with the model employed providing satisfactory results. These results demonstrate the potential application of the methods used in other analyzes and provide valuable information for the optimization of ventilation and air conditioning systems in different environments.
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    Estudo do uso da escória ferro-níquel no processo de soldagem utilizando o processo MIG/MAG adaptado para arco submerso
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-16) Machado, Yago de Moraes; Figueiredo, Kléber Mendes de; Figueiredo, Kléber Mendes de; Alves, Renata Rodrigues; Alves, Fleide Wilian Rodrigues; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes
    This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of utilizing ferro-nickel slag as a flux for submerged arc welding by incorporating carbon into its composition to enhance the hardness of the weld bead. The experimental process was conducted in collaboration with Anglo American, a mining company, which provided the slag for research purposes. The initial phase involved the adaptation of the MIG/MAG welding machine for submerged arc welding. This adaptation included the development of a 3D-printed support for the welding torch and a flux feeder. Subsequently, the welding parameters were systematically tested and adjusted, resulting in the production of a uniform weld bead. Subsequently, hardness and metallography tests were performed on various samples of weld beads on steel plates. A sample was used with pure CO 2 in the MIG/MAG process to serve as a reference for comparison with the submerged arc welding process results. In the submerged arc samples, experiments were conducted both with and without the removal of the mill scale. Additionally, an experiment was conducted with 1% carbon in the flux composition to explore the potential of increasing the coating hardness during the welding process. The metallography results exhibited promising outcomes with minimal fluctuations in hardness values.
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    A inspeção técnica veicular e seu impacto no comércio de veículos usados
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-14) Libório, João Pedro Neri; Oliveira, Ademyr Gonçalves de; Oliveira , Ademyr Gonçalves de; Figueiredo, Kleber Mendes de; Franco, André Luiz Carneiro
    The present work aims to present the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV) alongwith all its technical standards regarding vehicle safety and emission of gases, anddemonstrate how the lack of standardization and regulation by the State leads to aprecarious aging of the Brazilian vehicle fleet, resulting in incalculable damagesdirectly and indirectly to the population. According to the Federal Highway Police, asignificant portion of vehicular accidents occurring in the country today are caused bymechanical defects and lack of maintenance. This explanation illustrates how thistype of accident ends up burdening the Brazilian public healthcare system throughhospitalizations and medical procedures. Additionally, the project also aims toanalyze how the ITV can impact the trade and maintenance of used vehicles in thecountry, highlighting the lack of reliability perceived by a considerable portion of thepopulation, including dealers, intermediaries, mechanical workshops, and the finalcustomer, regarding second-hand automobiles, as it is notorious that a large numberof vehicles with numerous mechanical and structural defects are licensed and solddaily. Lastly, it also seeks to understand and compare how the ITV is practiced inother developed countries, including its standards and obligations, as well as itsperiodic implementation at workstations, in order to explore possible new solutionsand improvements for Brazilian regulations and standards, by adapting successfulexperiences from other global contexts.
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    Integração de usinas solares fotovoltaicas e eólicas de grande porte em sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Rasteli, João Gabriel Teixeira; Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola; Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola; Silva, Fernando Carvalho Assunção da; Kopcak, Igor
    Abstract—This article addresses the assessment of the impacts of integrating large-scale photovoltaic and wind power plants into the electric transmission network. To accomplish this, computer simulations based on the Monte Carlo Method were conducted. The simulations consider the probabilistic variation of the primary resource of the energy sources, solar irradiance, and wind speeds, in order to calculate the output powers of the plants. Three power electrical systems found in technical literature were analyzed: Chesf Simplified 5-bus, IEEE 9-bus, and IEEE 14- bus. For each simulated system, the average values of energy losses, voltage levels, as well as the average values of generation from renewable plants are obtained and analyzed. The results demonstrated that the additional generation from the plants can reduce the total active energy losses in the system, especially when they are located close to the loads, thus avoiding the transmission of energy over long distances. However, for one of the tested systems, an increase in average active energy losses was observed, which may be due to the consequential effects of reverse power flow in the branches connecting the allocation bars of the plants, which were randomly selected. The voltages at the bars were also evaluated, showing an increase in maximum voltages, but within recommended limits. Therefore, it is concluded that the integration of large renewable plants into transmission systems requires careful planning involving optimization techniques for their allocation and sizing, in such a way as to avoid undesirable impacts on the electrical system.
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    Adequação de uma ferramenta off-line para a programação de um robô manipulador dedicado ao processo de manufatura aditiva por deposição a arco
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-08) Matos, Giovana Andrade de; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Fonsceca, João Paulo da Silva; Lopes, Gustavo de Castro
    The Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process has great potential for the manufacture of metallic parts. However, although the procedures are similar to those used in polymer 3D printing, which is already established as an industrial process, WAAM still faces several challenges to become mature enough to be applied on a large scale in industry. One of the ways to carry out the WAAM process is through manipulator robots, which play a significant role in this technique. Deposition trajectories can be generated in two main ways: by "teach" mode or by "Offline" programming. This project adapted a commercial off-line programming tool for the application of the WAAM process through the development of a virtual workstation identical to the one available at the Laboratory of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, programming of the robotic cell using the RoboDK software and the Teach programming mode, and the manufacture of a part with a complex shape (airfoil NACA 04) by the WAAM process.
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    Avaliação de parâmetros e utilização do tempo de parada na qualidade construtiva de uma peça de alumínio fabricada por manufatura aditiva por deposição a arco
    (2023-08-14) Silva, Felipe Cardoso Tavares; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Ferreira Filho, Demostenes; Rodrigues, Thales Marcelo Pereira; Kihara, Eliane Alves; Souza, Daniel
    An aspect of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) manufacturing process that has been widespread in the Biomedical, Automobile and Aerospace industries is the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). WAAM consists in the manufacture of metallic components from the deposition of multilayers of weld beads on a substrate, that is, from a three-dimensional model, the object is divided into layers, defining the trajectory in which the addition of metal, performing it by means of a robotic manipulator. The AM has advantages when compared to other manufacturing processes, such as conventional machining, such as a high deposition rate, less material waste, and the possibility of manufacturing complex parts of large proportions. However, it has been facing some challenges to become sufficiently mature and to be applied on a large scale in the industry, thus demanding a series of studies and research for its consolidation and maturation. The objective of this work was to contribute to this maturation through the evaluation of the influence of the parameters used in the manufacture by the WAAM process of an aluminum part with a relatively complex profile and the evaluation of the influence of the use of stop between layers in the manufacture of this part. For this, a pulsed GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) welding system was used coupled to a Yaskawa Motoman HP20D-A80 robotic manipulator, with ER4043 aluminum wires of 1.2 mm in diameter. After programming the trajectories, preliminary tests were carried out in the format of an airfoil, having as standardized parameters the Contact Tip to Work Distance (CTWD) in 18 mm and the rise GAP in 0.5 mm and as varied parameters the deposition velocity (cm/min), the welding current in synergic mode (A) and the pure argon gas flow rate (L/min). Next, two airfoils were manufactured with 100 layers each, the first without stopping and the second with a 30-second stop between each layer, to perform a dimensional analysis and compare the time spent in the manufacture, height, thickness, porosity, and surface finish.
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    Proposta de projeto e estimativa de regimes de operação de sistema fotovoltaico isolado para suprimento de cargas auxiliares em subestação de transmissão de energia elétrica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-21) Barros, João Vitor Menezes Carvalho; Correa, Vitor Hugo Castilho; Marra, Enes Gonçalves; Pimentel , Sérgio Pires; Pimentel, Sérgio Pires; Marra, Enes Gonçalves; Bousquet, Marcelo Nogueira; Nerys, José Wilson Lima
    This study is based on the dimensioning of an isolated photovoltaic system (SFV) for the supply of energy to feed loads of auxiliary services of a substation as the main scope to be achieved for the work. In order to reach the desired objective, as a methodology, a case study was carried out in a substation in the municipality of Trindade, in the State of Goiás. In order to guarantee the supply of energy to the auxiliary loads for a longer period of time, the design of an energy storage system based on lead-acid batteries. As a result, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the photovoltaic system guarantees an additional source of redundancy to feed the auxiliary loads, contributing to the continuous operation of the substation protection and operation system.
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    Análise da aplicação de RPA para atualização de segurança de senhas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-07) Borges, Mariana Inácia Xavier; Castro, Marcelo Stehling de; Castro, Marcelo Stehling de; Guedes, Leonardo Guerra de Rezende; Pinheiro Júnior, Carlos Galvão
    With the rapid advancement of technology, the virtual environment has become an extension of human life. As a result, information security has become an extremely important aspect in ensuring individuals' privacy. Authentication using passwords is currently the most common way to reaffirm this privacy. However, the careless use of passwords can lead to personal and professional consequences, as most data breaches in companies related to cybercrimes are associated with weak and reused credentials of their employees. This article proposes an analysis of password security using a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool to verify and maintain the security of passwords used in a corporate environment.
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    Métodos DLF e MSP retangular com modelo de carga ZIP: formulações, testes e comparações
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Mattar, João Vitor Oliveira; Kanashiro, Mauricio Kenichi; Brigatto, Gelson Antônio Andrêa; Brigatto, Gelson Antônio Andrêa; Garcés Negrete , Lina Paola; Kopcak, Igor
    The modeling of electrical systems normally considers the load data as independent of the bus voltages, such that loads are modeled as constant power and classic methods of solving subsystem 1 of the load flow problem are based on this consideration. However, the constant power model may not satisfactorily represent the behavior of different loads, as this consideration is more appropriate in case that the bus voltages remain equal to their respective nominal values. Despite this, in the need for a more comprehensive approach to the behavior of the loads of the electrical network under study, the ZIP model can be adopted to represent loads as dependent on the module of the bus voltages, which makes it necessary to adapt solution methods to consider the ZIP payload model. This work aims to develop the formulation of two solution methods for subsystem 1 of distribution networks considering the ZIP load model: the direct load flow method and power sum method in rectangular version. For analysis of results, distribution networks known from literature were used and, for the performance comparison of the methods developed in this work, the power sum method was adopted in the version in polar coordinates with ZIP load model. The analysis of the results show that the performance of the formulations developed in this work are similar to the polar power sum method in terms of the number of iterations, but are inferior in terms of processing time of the final solution.