O processo histórico de valorização da infância na passagem à modernidade

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The main objective of this work is to analyze childhood from a historical point of view, thus promoting an understanding of the paradigm shifts in the concept of childhood throughout history. In addition to investigating the concept of childhood in different social epochs seen in works by authors such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, in the Emílio ou da Educação (2004), Philippe Ariès, in the book Social History of the Child and the Family (1981), Colin Heywood in A History of Childhood (2004), in addition to other authors. The problematic of this theme encompasses the understanding of how children are perceived during their historical constitution, which conceptions unfold in the context of society and family. This work is based on the perspective of studying the social history of childhood and child, whose theme encompasses the historical conceptions of the child and the family for the constitution of the feeling of childhood. The research arises from the need to investigate the theme taking into account its context and its social, historical, cultural, political and economic relationships. This will be an introductory study of the theoretical contributions on childhood intends to contribute to formulate an understanding of the historical-social conception of childhood.



História da infância, Criança, Rousseau, History of childhood, Child, Rousseau


MAIA, Amanda Cardoso. O processo histórico de valorização da infância na passagem à modernidade. 2021. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.