Paisagens imaginárias: a cidade vista do espelho

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This research aimed to understand the town of Presidente Prudente, its construction and its temporary and spatial process. We started from images of the past time and looked for urban landscape into them. Our analysis was made of reading of memory and social imaginary. We tried to decoded signs which hold myths, memories and social desires. So that, we’d able to worked with iconographic material, whose (re)created a specific time through their memory. That helps us to configure the context of town. Recapitulating, we are trying to create a “new” reading about the town of the past time. We are using a specific methodology which has as main objective arrives at our present time. That’s why, we concluded interpreting Presidente Prudente through its icons. Our analysis supposes at the same time a reading of reality and a literary exercise, that currently building itself.



Landscape, Paisagem, Memory, Social imaginary and city, Memória, Imaginário social e cidade


SILVA, Valéria Cristina Pereira da. Paisagens imaginárias: a cidade vista do espelho. Perspectiva Geográfica, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 3, n. 3, p. 83-101, 2007.