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    Ensinar geografia por conceitos na formação de professores
    (2017) Souza, Vanilton Camilo de
    El texto discute las potencialidades de enseñar geografía por conceptos en la formación inicial de profesores, así como las dificultades enfrentadas por los estudiantes en el desarrollo de las actividades de enseñanza, teniendo como referente algunos conceptos geográficos. La investigación fue realizada en los años 2013 y 2014 y tuvo como sujetos a los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Geografía de la Universidad Federal de Goiás y a las estudiantes de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de São Paulo. El pro-blema de investigación giró en torno al sentido que los conceptos geográficos ocupan en la vida cotidiana, así como el interés por la articulación de los conceptos científicos con los demás contenidos en el desarrollo de un pensamiento geográfico de los profesores en formación. La investigación se compone de las actividades desa-rrolladas durante el postdoctorado realizado en el año 2014 en la Universidad de São Paulo bajo la supervisión de la profesora Sonia Castellar. Los datos señalan que es posible enseñar geografía por conceptos geográficos y que esa posibilidad transcurre en intensas mediaciones didácticas durante el proceso de formación inicial de los profesores y la enseñanza de la disciplina en la escuela.
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    Formação de professores para ensinar geografia nos anos iniciais: encaminhamentos didáticos sobre a cidade
    (2020) Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Castellar, Sônia Maria Vanzella
    In Brazil, one of the great challenges currently is the teaching of Geography for the early years of Elementary School (children from six to nine years old). This level of teaching is composed essentially of pedagogy teachers. These professionals teach several curricular components without. They haven’t, however, solid training to work with specific contents. This article aims, in this context, to present the potential of art, specifically painting in museums in the city of São Paulo-Brazil, as a teaching resource forthe development of the concept of landscape for students in the early years, based on the themes of City. The investigation was developed with students of the Pedagogy course at the University of São Paulo -USP, within the discipline of Geography Teaching Methodology (MEG), in 2014. The empirical data were extracted from the Didactic Sequences (SD) developed by the students for to be applied to children in the early years of Basic Education. The data showed that the museums and the paintings allowed the subject to be approached in a geographical perspective for this teaching contexto. That empowered the students of Pedagogy to work with specific content of the discipline.
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    Uso de plataformas on line para o ensino de geografia: Lapig Maps
    (2019-08) Silva, Elaine Barbosa da; Santos, Rodrigo Lima; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Santos, Alex Mota dos
    Con la amplia difusión de la información geográfica a través de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica on line (SIG) es posible hacer diversos análisis espaciales de forma rápida e interactiva. Aunque esta posibilidad es fundamental para el perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza de Geografía, estas plataformas todavía han sido poco exploradas en el aula. En este artículo se presenta la plataforma del portal LAPIG Maps como herramienta para el desarrollo de actividades interactivas para la enseñanza de Geografía. Discutiese su potencial como herramienta auxiliar al desarrollo teórico-práctico de los contenidos, asociados a las categorías geográficas de análisis.
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    Prática espacial cotidiana no processo de significação da aprendizagem em geografia
    (2020-12) Christan, Patrícia; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de
    La práctica espacial cotidiana es una dimensión del proceso de producción del espacio geográfico, los sujetos al producir las estrategias de supervivencia van produciendo el espacio y formando conocimientos por medio de las relaciones sociales que establecen.Por eso, se defiende que las prácticas espaciales cotidianas de los alumnos sean movilizadas y problematizadas en la enseñanza de Geografía.En esta perspectiva se presenta una reflexión sobre la práctica espacial cotidiana considerándola como elemento de significación del aprendizaje en Geografía. Las consideraciones presentadas derivan de la investigación desarrollada durante el doctorado, en la que se constató en los relatos de los profesores la preocupación con las demandas de los alumnos, muchas de ellas están relacionadas con las experiências vivenciadas en sus prácticas espaciales. Esto puesto, refuerza su potencialidad en la enseñanza de Geografía, pues propician la comprensión de las dinámicas de los espacios en los que están insertados.
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    Conhecimento cotidiano: importância e desafios para superação
    (2020-09) Moraes, Ismael Donizete Cardoso de; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de
    This article discusses everyday knowledge and concrete knowledge based on Marxism, developed by Kosik (1969); the concept of everyday life and its importance for the construction ofsocial roles in the perspective of Heller (1989); the possibility of suspending school everydaylife by McLaren's (1984) critical pedagogical thinking; as well as the contributions of geography teaching in this process, from Cavalcanti's (2013, 2019) perspective. Theconcern with the theme starts from the principle that the school has a relevant role in society and it is necessary to understand how this relevance is articulated in the face of reality and everyday knowledge. Thus, thegoalwas to understand the possibilities for the development of concrete knowledge and the everyday contributions to social permanences and transformations, as well as the role of school and the teaching of geography as catalysts forsuchpermanences and transformations. Methodologically, the aim is to dialectically link elements of bibliographic research, information obtained from dialogue with teachers in continuing education meetings and data provided by the 2018school census.
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    A abordagem de gênero e o ensino de geografia: possíveis diálogos com a formação de professores/as
    (2022) Morais, Juliana Mendes de; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de
    The teaching profession raises several debates that are relevant to the development of fundamental knowledge for professional practice. In this perspective, this article discusses the importance of the gender approach, based on the interpellations of Feminist Geographies, in the initial and continued training of Geography teachers. These interpellations are used because they are fundamental when focusing on the spatialities of groups that until then were not highlighted. When this aspect is considered, it is understood that the subjects position themselves in different ways in their relations with places and with daily socio-spatial practices. In this sense, it was asked how gender is discussed in the teaching of Geography in Basic Education. To contribute to this debate, a survey of theses and dissertations was made in the catalog of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) to identify the works produced so far. Twelve surveys produced in Programas de Pós-Graduação in Geographyin the country between 2005 and 2018 were identified. The discussions proposed here aim to provoke the debate about the existence and the relevance of a gender approach in teachers training, based on the interpellations of Feminist Geographies, which seekto overcome common conceptions and understandings in the teaching of Geography regarding this theme.
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    Esculturas da Praça Universitária em Goiânia: percorrendo pistas do imaginário urbano
    (2016-09) Arantes, Rafael Caique da Silva Santos; Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
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    Viagem e memória em Veneza: o imaginário da cidade entre a água e os sonhos
    (2017-08) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    This paper search understands the imaginary city thought water symbolism. Venice’s image is analyzed by the imaginary’s phenomenology united in the experience, the perception and with the contact with the city itself. The poetic, symbolic, transcendental, archetypical Venice, present at forms, words, sounds, colors and all “kinesthetic arts” poetry’s conscience, and the city is updated in narrative and form, by the travel experience, the foreign regard and affective contact with this beautiful and emblematic blue city.
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    Um olhar geográfico sobre a identidade Grapiúna: a identidade das Terras do Sem Fim de Jorge Amado
    (2018) Santos, Rita de Cássia Evangelista dos; Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    This article searches in the novel Terras do Sem Fim elements that, according to Jorge Amado, are typical features of the grapiúna identity, the cocoa region of Bahia. By narrating the disputes over lands for the planting of cocoa, in the south region of Bahia, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Jorge Amado provides us with many characteristics about this region where as a result of the intense migratory process, di-fferent social subjects with their customs, beliefs, experiences, habits which resulted in a cultural region with its own identity and having cocoa as the great symbol. The bibliographical research was used as methodology, based it on texts written by important authors who have studied the theme of identity. The book “O que faz ser nordestino” by Maura Penna (1992) was used as a methodological resource, and the hypotheses that the author points out about the characteristics of the Northeast people were correlated with the ideas of the novel in which Jorge Amado presents some aspects of the identity of grapiúna in order to better understand the nuances of this identity.
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    O espaço fluído no imaginário das artes contemporâneas: a sensibilidade emergente
    (2018-06) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    Art is, a priori, privileged access source for the culture and the social imaginary. Sinceit’s, space and time pull aside itself as references where rises knowledge, perception, wittiness, heartache, questionings and the moment poetical-symbolic alternatives. Art absorbs the zeitgeist –an epoch spirit –the period mentality and her senses universe. What’sinit assecret and invisible sticksout. In this way, art can give opportunity to see, feel, think and imagine.Inthis article, I pretend approach phenomenologically the visual artwork what have a fluidity imaginary and perceptive senses in the ours epoch and space symptom and their implications. From Tom Storm, Cao Guimaraes, Errnesto Neto, Laura Vinci, Vinícius de Souza Almeida, Neli Azevedo, Adriana Giora, Li Hongbo’s oeuvres and Ofatoria –The smell in the art exhibit at 10th Mercosul biennial, I search identify how the sensible’s forms are managed and how the fluidity images broke up in paysage and place.
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    Espaços imaginários no filme a Dama na Água de M. Night Shyamalan: a narrativa na pós-modernidade
    (2018) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    The contemporary art say many things about our age, about the way who we experience and understand then. We search in this article to do a interpretation of the imaginary’s spaces and postmodern narrative from the M. Night Shyamalan’s "Lady in the water". The film approach subjects of the resurgence of the myth in the daily, the rising of the imaginary and the fiction function in the reality transformation. The film analysis methodology is used from the image semiotics, the symbolical hermeneutic and phenomenological inputs, above all, finding at G. Bachelard and G. Durand’s texts. In the film, the place have changes from their re-enchantment, with presence of the myth rise and the place change yourself as far as the personages get involved with Story, while acquired a new perspective to look the reality around them. The plot revolve an idea of wakeup, as go beyond, giving back to the life and to the site the dream of a forgotten narrative. With a narrative about a book into the film and a script upon story, the metaficction showing in the film interweaves, along the plot, the filmic and literary narrative, reserving to the critic a decisive role. In this complex atmosphere we search in the "Lady in the Water" traces of our latent post-modernity.
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    Geografia, literatura e imaginário: um saber para sensibilidade
    (2019-08) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    La littérature et les outre arts sommes, a priori, sources privilégiées d’accès à la culture et à l’imaginaire social. À partir de celle-ci aussi l’espace et le temps peuvent se dévoiler par des références sur un lieu, une époque, sur des comportements qui, comme des illustrations, émergent des personnages dans des trames diverses et surprenantes. C’est ainsi qu’émergent des savoirs, des ruses et des alternatives poético-symboliques. Un univers de sens qui rend possible de pénétrer le secret et l’invisible plus profondément que nous ne pourrions le comprendre comme réalité. La littérature correspond à une part fondamentale de l’imaginaire ontologique du monde qui nous entoure, elle est imagination active (action d’imaginer), possibilité d’envisager des futurs alternatifs, de créer des réalités totalement nouvelles et des lieux idéaux/désirés même dans le passé. Cela consiste en un milieu, en un flux, pas nécessairement linéaire, entre la création et le souvenir. Une convergence entre vie, expérience et sensibilité qui mûrit sous le nom d’Art. L’art détient l’enchantement, elle est l’espace dans lequel, par le biais du langage, l’émotion transite et se situe. emotion, imagination, souvenir, perception subtile et élaborée de l’univers qui nous entoure: La Science et la Géographie pourraient-elles, en tant que savoir scientifique, obtenir de l’artplus qu’une source d’étude? Cette façon de regarder le monde, de le comprendre, de le reconstruire et d’intervenir en lui, propre de l’art, surtout de la littérature, ne pourrait-elle pas être une méthode? Il peut exister une Géographie Poétiquede la même façon qu’il existe une poétique géographique ou comme l’écrit Bachelard une poétique de l’espace.Poser ces questions, lancer ces perspectives, inciter au dialogue et à l’échange entrela géographie et l’art et la construction d’un savoir sensible, tel est l’objectif central de ce texte. Penser une science littératurisée est le défi que nous proposons.
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    Goiânia, Brasília e Belo Horizonte: paisagens sensíveis e imagens culturais
    (2019-06) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da; Corcinio Junior, Givaldo Ferreira
    Transformations are happening all the time in the urban world that affect aesthetics and culture. Changes of behavior in a society lead to innovations in urban landscapes and artifacts, as well as their uses and the ways of feeling and relating to them. Goiania, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte were planned to be the seats of their state governments. Now, they accumulate effects of the passage of time on top of their original plan, and became contemporary metropolises. We seek to examine how these cities break with the predominant image of modernity and constitute post-modern landscapes. The focus of this research consists in understanding the cultural landscapes of these cities and their relationship to the imaginary. As they transform through the passage of time, these cities present cultural changes that pertain to their identities. Goiânia, Brasília and Belo Horizonte break with the modern idea of the eternally new by consolidating their heritage through the establishment of urban memory in the physical space. These new metropolises, with their own practices arising from their landscapes, cultural spaces, and new modes of engaging with the cities, shelter a growing number of residents avid for an urban cultural landscape.
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    Paisagem e viagem na poética de Cecília Meireles: espaço, lugar e topofilia
    (2020-06) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    This present work proposes to identify how the point of view of the poet gets Cecília Meireles close to the point of view of the geographer, that through an empirical experience opens the possibility of various readings about the experienced places. The dialogue between geography and literature allow us to unveil the horizons and learn every single detail that science and art provide in their environment so that we can also understand the human experience in the living world. Throughout the poetic universe of Cecilia Meireles in order to explore the theme of the journey in her poetry, we understand that the author was a traveler and her incredible descripitive-inerpretative look is perceived in Twelve nocturnes of the Netherlands, in the use of synesthesia in Journey and Vaga Musica, in the rescue of the historical-imagistic heritage of the Italian Poems, in the exuberance of the colors and human figures that form the identity of the East in Poems written in India, in the imagination wrapped by the dream-sensations in chronic Choose Your Dream. All these unique elements compose a poetry in scintillating verses that capture the essence of the landscape contemplated in his travels and figure permeated by topophilic feelings.
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    A cidade do Porto e Harry Potter: a paisagem imaginária
    (2020) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    A foreign looking out over the landscape horizon of Oporto city (Portugal) arranged the meeting with “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. This context awakened me up to looking for imaginary landscape and the connections between this work of fiction and the city results this article. Geography, literature and imaginary consist of problematizing reflections of contemporary brought to the evidence of theorical contributions of imaginary to reflects the living space and the geographicity. At this way, we looking the senses of Oporto landscape related to J. K. Rowling’s work, her bibliography, her path and what connect her and the imaginary layers of city in her work.
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    Espaço e literatura na paisagem cultural: Referências francesas nas cidades de Goiás e Goiânia no início do século XX
    (2020) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    Ce travail cherche à comprendre la constitution de l’imaginaire urbain des villes de Goiás et de Goiânia à partir des références et des influences françaises reçues au début du XXème siècle. L’étude se penche sur la relation entre espace et littérature dans la constitution de l’imaginaire de ces villes. Les références françaises à Goiás et Goiânia s’élaborent à partir de divers processus identitaires qui vont marquer le paysage et la mémoire urbaine, surtout à partir de la fascination exercée par la capitale française, Paris, fascination qui a façonné les paysages locaux goianos mais aussi le mode de vie. À partir du regard étranger et d’une relation d’altérité qui fut relatée dans la littérature et la presse, Goiânia et la Cité de Goiás ont cherché à simuler et à créer des références qui reliaient le mode de vie local à l’univers français, avec des images, des signes linguistiques et plastiques, des perceptions esthétiques et stylistiques qui ont forgé des appartenances et des altérités dans un singulier concept de paysage culturel.
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    O Bolsa Família e a tradução regional da questão social
    (2016-12) Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar
    The Bolsa Família Program is an answer of the Brazilian state for the problem of poverty. We can include it in the most broad spectrum of the social question. The temporal data are unmistakable in which concerns to the regional profile of the benefited families. We argue this regional profile is not result from the government decision, but by an architecture of dual development of the Brazilian territory, based in an idea of regional modernization which transformed the regional question in one of the most visible dimen-sions of the social question. The fight against poverty, however, can not be reduced to the regional scope, and the capillarity of the Bolsa Família program in the national territory is proof of this premise.
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    O Grand tour da educação goiana: Economia, eficiência e fracasso do diálogo sobre as organizações sociais
    (2016-06) Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar; Alencar, Diego Pinheiro; Viana, Juheina Lacerda Ribeiro
    The article approaches questions related to the management of the state public education in the state of Goiás, Brazil. In the last decades, the provision of this service has been marked by conflicts between the state administration and the professional of education. Lack of public tenders, non-payment of the national minimum wage and precarization of the teaching work are some elements which potentialize the conflicts, predominantly marked by paralyzation and strikes. We analyze the Edital Número 001/2015 to guide this discussion through three dimensions: political, economic and pedagogical. By this reading, we reflect about the intentions which permeate the proposal of organization of the teaching system in the state of Goiás.
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    Análise dos padrões espaciais e demográficos dos benefícios da aposentadoria rural no estado de Goiás
    (2018-12) Miranda, Amanda Fernandes de; Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar
    The article assess the relevance of monetary benefits of Rural Retirement in the State of Goiás from the correlation between the regional development pattern and the demography of municipalities. The benefits of Rural Retirement capitalizes the rural properties and bring dynamism to urban retail, as well contribute to reducing poverty, mainly in the old age.
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    Quando o Estado importa: gasto governamental e transferência direta de renda na pandemia da Covid-19
    (2022) Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar
    The monetary flow from direct income transfers, as well as the mass of salaries of public employee, softened the negative economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in municipal economies. Based on this premise, we evidenced the coverage and regionality of direct income transfer programs, advocating about the positive effects of social politics of a distributive nature for the most vulnerable part of the Brazilian population.