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    Investigation and quantification of erosions in the margins of water bodies: a systematic review
    (2022) Dias, Viviane de Souza; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Luz, Marta Pereira da; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins
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    Aspectos ecológicos da vegetação lenhosa das áreas de preservação permanente, no município de Mineiros, Goiás, à luz da nova política de proteção da vegetação nativa - a lei 12.651/2012
    (2016-08) Siqueira, Mariana Nascimento; Morais, Alessandro Ribeiro; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Castro, Selma Simões
    Permanent preservation areas (PPAs) adjacent to drainage channels may include forests, savannahs, or grassland Under a former environmental legislation ("Forest Code"), it was required to maintain a stripof native vegetation (at least 30 m wide) at the margin of any drainage channel, to support environmental functions. Under the current native vegetation protection policy, if a riparian margin was degraded priorto 2008, the landholder is required to regenerate a strip of only 5-20 m, in some cases. The present study evaluated and compared the ligneous vegetation structure in 10 preserved PPAs (following the requirements of the old law) and 10 degraded PPAs (conforming to the current environmental legislation), in Mineirosmunicipality, southwest Goiás. Sixty plots measuring 15 m × 30 m were delineated, and data for all ligneousindividuals with a diameter at breast height (DBH) > 5 cm were recorded. A total of 2,662 individuals were documented, distributed among 208 species. Of the total, 1,573 individuals belonging to 167 species werefrom the preserved PPAs, and 1,089 individuals across 142 species were from the degraded PPAs. Accordingto these results, the preserved PPAs were richer in species composition than in the degraded PPAs (245.5± 34.36 and 213.3 ± 34.1, respectively), in addition to being more abundant in terms of individuals. The importance value index (IVI) was well distributed among the species. All the degraded PPAs presented signs of erosion. It was concluded that the reduced width of the PPAs (5-20 m) under the current native vegetation protection policy would result in a loss of the environmental functions sought by the legislation.
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    Riscos de incêndios florestais no parque nacional de Brasília - Brasil
    (2016) Soares Neto, Gervásio Barbosa; Bayma, Adriana Panhol; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Oliviera, Erivan Germano de; Menezes, Paulo Henrique Bretanha Junker
    The objective of this study is to define a model of fire risk and a strategic map of forest fire combat based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Brasília National Park, located in the northwest of the Federal District, Brazil. Many variables were considered such as the terrain’s slopes, declivity, road network, land use and occupation, the tilt and orientation of the terrain and roads. The results indicated that 83% of the National Park area are under high risk or very high risk of fire and 3% are under extreme risk. The methodology has been replicated in other areas in the Cerrado biome and validated in fire zones in 2010.
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    Análise da dinâmica da paisagem no município de Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil: uma ferramenta para a escolha de áreas prioritárias para a conservação
    (2019) Siqueira, Mariana Nascimento; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    In a landscape, it is important to consider its dynamic to understand the causes of habitat loss and the relationship of this landscape with other elements to propose priority areas for biodiversity conservation. In the present study, we considered the municipality of Rio Verde (GO) and analyzed its landscape in the years of 1987 and 2016. This municipality has an essentially agricultural economy and, therefore, its natural habitats had been converted in the anthropic landscape. We conducted the initial analysis interpreting the images of Landsat satellite for the years of 1987 and 2016, where we characterized: 1) increase in the agriculture areas; 2) reduction in the pasture areas; 3) reduction in the areas of savanna formation; 4) increase in the areas of forest formation; and 5) increase in the areas of Grassland formation. We observed that those areas of abandoned pasture or areas of savanna formation that were altered over the years were occupied by areas of Grassland formation. Based on landscape metrics obtained from Fragstats software, we observed that isolation was not altered among the analysed class, with the exception of urban areas and water. In 2016, the municipality of Rio Verde had only 198 fragments of native vegetation with more than 100 hectares, therefore, we suggest such fragments are the most priority to conserve the local biodiversity.
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    Análise do conflito potencial de uso da terra na microrregião Chapada dos Veadeiros (GO): cobertura e uso versus aptidão agrícola
    (2019-06) Oliveira, Rosane Borges de; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    This study aimed at evaluating the agriculture compatibility in Chapada dos Veadeiros microregion in relation to its agricultural aptitude, verifying land use conflicts existence. The methodology involved four steps: database organization; identification of agricultural suitability groups; land use analysis; and existing conflicts recognition over land use in relation to aptitude. It was verified a great number of areas with remaining cover of Cerrado and areas indicated for conservation. It has been verified that Lithoid Neosols, Cambisols of very steep areas, Gleysols and Fluvial Neosols indicated for fauna and flora preservation have been used in agricultural activities, which increases the risk to erosion when it occurs dissociated from appropriate management techniques. It is concluded that agricultural viability in the microregion is low and its vocation is, to a greater extent, for preservation and conservation.
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    Dinâmica histórica do uso da terra no bioma cerrado: implicações ambientais na sub-bacia do rio Caiapó (GO)
    (2020-12) Canedo, Giovanna Silva; Rodrigues, Hellbia Samara Moreira de Carvalho; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The occupation of the cerrado biome was influenced by tax incentives from governmental development plans, which were aimed at expanding agricultural activities that gave the cerrado economic prominence, but also resulted in environmental impacts.This paper aimsto evaluate the historical dynamics environmental implications of landscape occupation in the Caiapó River sub-basin, located in the central portion on Goiás State. This area is part of the core area of the biome and was the target of an intense process of conversion and occupation stimulated by public policies of the 1970s. Under a geoecological approach based on integrated analysis, the methodological procedures involved the supervised classification based on LANDSAT images with a time frame between 1985 at 2016; analysis of the occupation dynamics with indexes describing the landscape structure and susceptibility evaluation to erosive processes.The results indicate that in the study approachthe vegetation cover is quite fragmented with a growing increase in agricultural activity, especially in areas considered very susceptible to laminar erosion for both vegetation fragments and for "agrosilvopastoral" activities.
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    Dinâmica das paisagens antropogênicas na microrregião do Vão do Paranã (GO)
    (2020) Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Silva, Edson Vicente da
    The Vão do Paranã Microregion is located in the Goiás States in an area of high environmental endemism, partially protected in several categories of conservation units. The region, however, was inserted in the agricultural productive matrix of the Cerrado biome with promotion and public policiesdirected towards its occupation, which, as demonstrated in other regions of the biome, are aggressive and compromising the maintenance of deity. Therefore, the objective of the article was to analyze the dynamics of occupation of the Vão do Paranã micro-region between 1985 and 2019 in order to understand how the spatio-temporal patterns of anthropogenic landscapes influenced the socio-economic development of the micro-region. In this sense, mappings of land use and land cover were elaborated and were continuously interpreted with official demographic and agricultural data and landscape descriptors. The results indicate that a microregion within the evaluated time frame showed intense dynamics with promotion and encouragement of activities in the field of pastures and that the occupation process between the municipalities, even having a pasture with stimulus resulted in different economic and demographic responses. Although the natural areas are concentrated on the fronts of the Serra Geral border, in areas with a steep slope, with fragile soils and within the limits of the conservation units, the landscape descriptive indexes indicate a high state of anthropization and degradation of vegetation.
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    Oportunidades e desafios da criação de unidades de conservação: reflexões sobre as experiências no estado de Goiás, Brasil
    (2020-12) Foli, Ana Cristina Araújo; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    This work presents a qualitative approach on the opportunities and challenges of creating protected areas in Brazil and specifically in the state of Goiás. The study was divided into two stages, the first based on bibliographic research and government collections, being guided by the questions: Who are the protected areas in Brazil and in the world? What Brazil gains from the creation of protected areas? Thecountry meets the main international agreements and conferences on the regulation of protected areas? In the second stage, a survey was carried out on the data of protected areas in state and federal agencies and public bodies in the state of Goiás, in addition to the use of geoprocessing images for the year 2019 provided by the Map Biomas website. The analyzes showed that, in Goiás, many of these areas exist only on paper, as they do not have a managing council or management plan, without, in practice, any preservation or conservation action being carried out. Thus, there is a need for greater management of protected areas in Goiás.
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    Conflitos de uso da terra na zona de amortecimento do Parque Estadual Altamiro De Moura Pacheco – Goiás
    (2020) Batista, Jaqueline Gomes; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Tibiriçá, Luciana Gonçalves
    The Altamiro de Moura Pacheco State Park (PEAMP) is into on the Cerrado biome and has a great relevance to the promotion to the Cerrado goiano conservation, and also to the protection João Leite River reservoir. This paper objective was to evaluate the existing conflicts in the bufferzone (BZ) and in the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs), their water resources, springs and reservoir. The methodological procedures involved a land usemaps elaboration, using Landsat images from 2002 and 2018, in addition to processing for assessing conflicts in water resources PPAs and for the BZ of PEAMP, according to their zoning. The results indicated a pasture area predominance, and significant conflict presence in diverse zones. In the water resources PPAs was predominated the conflicting areas in 2002, but in 2018 the predominance was vegetation areas, and considerably increased the area occupied by water, due the reservoir implantation.It is noteworthy that, although conflicts of use were found in the BZ of PEAMP, a significant increase was observed in the vegetation areas in the year 2018, which allows us to conclude that region's management are turning effective in the promoting preservation and also recovery of specific areas.
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    Vulnerabilidades ambientais do bioma cerrado: estudo da região norte goiano - Goiás
    (2020) Santos, Matheus Bleza; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The process of occupation that occurred in Goiás is associated with the expansion of the agricultural frontier, which restricted the remaining vegetation to areas with physical and/or legally protected limitations, which where is recently under pressure for occupation. The objective of the work was to evaluate the vulnerability of the north region of Goiás, considering variables such as fires and loss of soil. There were high risks to the Anthropic occupation with prejudice to the conservation of biodiversity, and they were: environmental fragmentation, migration of animals to other regions as a result of the fire, besides the loss of low economic productivity in certain regions. In this sense, the microregional study highlighted the environmental fragility ofthe microregion of Porangatu which does not present any areas of protection and whose anthropic pressure is high. A strong environmental vulnerability is highlighted in the microregion of Chapada dos Veadeiros, but mostly of his area is insired on the Parque Nacional Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV) which has recently gained a increased in its area.
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    Análise dos fatores condicionantes à inundações e alagamentos no setor Jaó, Goiânia–GO
    (2020) Nogueira, Braian de Alencar; Nogueira, Arthur Soares; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The rapid population growth and the process of intense and disordered urbanization bring with them several environmental problems that may be related to conditions of susceptibility or the implementation of inadequate or non-functional infrastructure works. The main objective of this work is to identify areas subject to inundation as well as those susceptible to flooding in the Jaó sector, located in Goiânia, which has environmental aspects and infrastructures that enhance these processes. The methodological procedures selected to analyze the conditioning factors of possible floods and inundations involved the historical classification of urban land use and cover between 1965 and 2015; analysis of environmental variables, such as slope, orientation of surface runoff flow lines, field research of the conservation status of the microdrainage system. The results indicate that there is an increasing tendency of waterproofing in the sector and that the areas defined as subject to flooding were the low slope streets (0 - 6%) that present convergence of runoff flows associated with the absence or insufficiency of the functioning of the microdrainage system. The area subject to flooding includes more than 50 occupied lots, 4 stretches of the sector's main avenue, among other areas along the water courses present in the sector
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    Estado da arte sobre o Araguaia: uma análise cienciométrica das pesquisas sobre o uso e ocupação da bacia do rio Araguaia
    (2021-12) Franco, Solange Maria; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    This article aims to make a survey of academic productions, theses, dissertations and articles about the Araguaia River whose approaches were focused on the studies of physical characterization, use and occupation. From electronic and manual screening, 3,086 search results were analyzed on national and regional platforms in the available time period, without a particular time frame. The databasesclassified by coverage area allowed the files to be crossed, verifying that all information was included between the repositories.Examination of research in regional databases aimed to assess the development of research on the topic in Goiás, especially at the Federal University of Goiás where the Araguaia River basin has been considered as one of the priority research areas. Using quantitative methodology based on data measurement, denominated as Cienciometry or as it is better known, as State of Art studies, or as State of Knowledge,the objective of this work was to inventory or map the scientific works on the Araguaia River basinunder the specific approach allowing quantitative evaluation and allowing further analysis of this production.
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    Análise integrada da eficiência da microdrenagem e evolução do uso do solo em área urbana
    (2021) Nicolau, Ricardo de Faria; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Momoli, Renata Santos
    In planning, management and urban sprawl managing, the evolution of land use and the efficiency of urban drainage systems must be considered to prevent flooding events, inundation and the erosion processes arising. Considering this, the objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial relationship between the efficiency and condition of micro-drainage and the spatiotemporal use and coverage of land, with the emergence and location of erosive processes in the area of the Botanical Gardens in Goiânia (GO), defining a practical and innovative methodology in the context of the literature for the in loco evaluation of the elements that constitute the microdrainage and classification and spatialization system according to their conservation and efficiency: Satisfactory, bad or terrible. The most microdrainage degraded locations were spatially related to the regions with the greatest waterproofing changes in the mapping of land use and coverage from 1964 to 2016, elaborated with aerial and satellite images. The results indicate that the erosive outbreaks origin is related to the first and quickest waterproofing changes that date from 1975, 1988 and 1992, totalizing 25% of the studying area. The eastern region of areas II and III showed fast waterproofing and higher density of points in the terrible condition of microdrainage, close to gullies and ravines. Therefore, in view of the analysis of the results, it is concluded that there is a spatial relationship between the variables of micro-drainage, land use and occupation, and erosive focus.
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    Unidades de conservação e sua efetividade na proteção dos recursos hídricos na bacia do rio Araguaia
    (2021-12) Assis, Pâmela Camila; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Bayer, Maximiliano
    The Araguaia River basin corresponds to 4.53% of the Brazilian territory and is the target of an intense occupation process and environmental impacts which compromise its socio-environmental integrity. Among the various conservation and environmental preservation strategies instructed by Brazilian environmental policies, conservation units (UCs) can assist in the territorial and environmental management strategies of river basins to preserve the country’s natural resources. The aim of this article is to understand the context of creation, quantity, distribution and the effectiveness of conservation units within the Araguaia River basin. We were able to identify 49 conservation units in the basin, which represents only 9.42% of its territory. These units were organized by Category (Fully Protected or Sustainable Use), Area (ha), Decree/Law of creation, presence or not of a Management Council and Management Plan, Municipalities which comprise the conservation units and the Responsible Body for administering and managing the UCs (Federal, State or Municipal). Thus, it was evidenced that the UCs are not evenly distributed in the basin area, and there is no protection -in any conservation unit category -of any of the springs of the main tributaries of the Araguaia River. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the areas is compromised by the absence of management instruments and the historical recurrence of deforestation and fires.
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    Geoecologia das paisagens: integração da abordagem geográfica e ecológica ao cerrado
    (2021) Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The Geoecology of Brazilian Landscapes presents a diversity of studiesamong Brazilian regions, with influence on the integration with other disciplines and sciences in order to meet its final proposition linked to environmental planning and zoning. As of 2011 in the Midwest region, the theoretical and methodological foundation is adopted in direct connection with Landscape Ecology. The objective of thisarticle is to present how geographical and ecological approaches to landscape analysis are being integrated and applied to the Cerrado in the state of Goiás by the GeoecologyResearch Group of the Cerrado Landscapes. The results obtained by the completed research indicate easy theoretical and methodological integration between geographical and ecological approaches, contributing to understand the landscape functions and structure, thereby enablingto establish territorial and environmental regulations in planning units defined by legislation, such as conservation units and drainage basins.
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    Mudanças morfológicas na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Barreiro ao longo do processo de urbanização, Goiânia – GO
    (2021) Santos, Kamila Almeida dos; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Braga, Vinícius Sobreira; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    This work aimed to evaluate the process of urban occupation and its influence on the morphological behavior of the Barreiro Creek Basin, located in Goiânia - GO, analyzing its current arrangements for use in contrast with the characteristics of different periods of the physical environment. The methodology adopted evaluated the spacetime between changes in coverage and urban land use/land cover (LULC) between 2006, 2012, 2016 and 2019 and the behavior of the channel morphology, in view of the increase in waterproofing rates. The classes Waterproof, Non-permeable, Green Area, exposed were identified, while the class Non-permeable presented a drop and the class Green Area presented several answers. The increase of the Solo exposed class is related to the growth of the urban area in the study basin. A granulometric analysis of soil samples was also performed and the analyses showed a greater presence of sand followed by silt, configuring materials with light texture, which disintegrate easily and are loaded with flow. The results indicate how the impacts of urbanization interfere with the watershed.
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    Paisagens protegidas pelo código florestal e pelo SNUC: análise de funções, composição e configuração
    (2021-08) Sousa, Ana Caroline Rodrigues Cassiano de; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    The composition and configuration of landscapes can be indicators of anthropic pressures. Therefore, this article aims to characterize the main landscapes which are protected by Brazilian Forest Code and by the Nacional System of Conservation Units, identifying what are the influences of its structurein their legal function. From the comparative analysis between the laws, it was found that from the eleven groups of protected areas, the main functions are protectionist and anthropic; the majority of them are made of little patches – with greater influences of fragmentation – or big patches with low restrictions of use; and connectivity among fragments is incentivized only as recommendation, not as an exigency.
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    Conservação dos solos e ecoturismo no Parque Estadual da Serra Dourada, Goiás
    (2021) Momoli, Renata Santos; Correchel, Vladia; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Pinto, Aline Bentes; Mota, Jéssica Castro
    Soils in Conservation Units (CUs) can present natural weaknesses which, enhanced by public use, result in degradation. However, there are few studies that relate soil attributes to restrictive conditions of use, such as the propensity to erosion. The present study aimed to verify the morphological and physical attributes of thesoils in the Serra Dourada State Park to establish relationships with public use and assist in the planning of sustainable use. Inceptisols and Lithics Entisols were found on a steep slope with the presence of gravel on the surface. The natural fragility of sandy soils present in the upper third of the slope is aggravated by the sharp declivity and scarce vegetation cover, upon which intense erosive processes are favored. The public tourist use of the area requires meticulous planning, since the occurrence of erosion processes can severely compromise both the recharge of underground aquifers and the trafficability of access roads.
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    Hemerobia de paisagem em áreas úmidas na zona urbana de Inhumas, GO, Brasil
    (2021) Silva, Marcos Antonio Bonifacio; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de
    Wetlands are fragile ecosystems and are important for water recharge in rural and urban landscapes. However, urban occupation patterns do not highlight the local importance of these environments in providing ecosystem services and do not prevent their degradation. A viable methodology for assessing the levels of anthropization is the calculation of hemerobic indices, which in turn are associated with the level of technological dependence of the landscape. The objective of this research is to evaluate the level of hemerobicity of landscapes in the urban core of Inhumas, metropolitan region of the state of Goiás. Five hemerobic levels of wetland landscape were identified, where High and Maximum hemerobic levels predominate, which compromises their ecosystem functions. Cartography based on the principles of Landscape Geoecology indicates hierarchical levels that can be considered by the public authorities in urban planning and management. This enables the selection of critical areas for mitigation, recovery and rehabilitation interventions in the urban environment.