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    O processo de tomada de consciência e a formação de conceitos da educação ambiental na formação inicial de professores de ciências/química
    (2017-12) Costa, Lorenna Silva Oliveira; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa; Ribeiro, Francis Lee
    Understanding fundamentals of teaching and learning processes of environmental concepts of future science teachers in initial training is a crucial point to think about the potential of Critical Environmental Education (EAC). In this context, the goal of this research was to analyze, from the assumptions of the historical-cultural theory, the process of awareness and formation of environmental concepts in the critical perspective in Science/Chemistry teachers. For that, a participant research was carried out through a discussion group during one semester with Chemistry pre-service teachers. The meetings were video-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the micro genetic analysis. Due to the EAC questioning a lot of stable significations for the students, it was observed the strangeness of some concepts/themes such as the human-nature relation and the environmental crisis explanation. The verbal interventions of the students were predominantly based on a network of spontaneous concepts lined on a neoliberal project of society. On the other hand, it was observed the importance and formative potentiality of studying moments and systematized dialogues for the enlargement of the conceptual network of the students, denaturing the socio-environmental relations and contributing to the reflection and appropriation of the scientific concepts.
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    Avaliação da vulnerabilidade à perda de solo com a implementação do Parque Estadual da Serra Dourada – Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-29) Oliveira, Danyella Ferreira; Almeida, Rherison Tyrone Silva
    The article aimed to identify areas vulnerable to soil loss and erosion in the Serra Dourada State Park and its two-kilometer surroundings, with the additional aim of verifying whether the delimitation of the Conservation Unit had a preservation effect. The years 1985, 2003 and 2022 were adopted as a time frame, therefore considering a time frame before and after the 2003 park creation decree. Three soil loss diagnoses were generated from the application of the Universal Loss Equation of Soil (USLE). It was observed that the main changes in soil loss classes were due to the conversion of areas with natural cover and appropriation for agricultural activities. Through visual inspection of satellite images, 294 erosion points were identified, of which 121 are within the park and 26 are critical erosions. The results show that the creation of the Conservation Unit was not enough to guarantee environmental preservation, however, it reduced the advancement of degradation over space.
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    O represamento enquanto estratégia de apropriação territorial e controle hídrico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-19) Oliveira, Fernando Bueno; Calaça, Manoel
    Over the last few decades, the São Marcos river basin has stood out in terms of productivity from irrigated agriculture. A striking feature is the large number of private dams for water security purposes, in order to guarantee the maintenance of agricultural commodities through the use of center pivots. In functional terms, the dams constitute the structural rationality of the territory, at the same time as they promote water appropriation and the control of its flow, as well as the expansion of territorial power. At the same time, the water reservoir factor is the cause of water conflicts between members of the same productive class: irrigators. In order to analyze this context, the methodology used was a review of the literature and documents, as well as an analysis of data collected in the field. As a result, the study highlights the strategic functionality of private dams and the territorial practices that involve the domination of water by one territory over another.
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    O solo urbano e o mercado imobiliário: apontamentos sobre o ajuste espacial e a integração do espaço na região metropolitana de Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-21) Cabral, Gabriel da Costa; Lima, Leandro Oliveira de
    The population growth of the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG) has been accompanied by the growth of real estate activities, which can be noticed in the landscape of the metropolitan space with different fields of works and commercial information, making 5 municipalities of the RMG are among the 30 municipalities Brazilians with the highest percentage increase of households in 2022. This text deals with how the RMG became one of the main symbols of the metropolitan spatial adjustment in Brazil, promoted by the articulation of real estate actors as a means of absorbing and valuing surplus capital. This subject is the subject of this research, whose objective is to analyze the relationship between the use of urban land and the performance of the real estatemarket in association with the State in the production and appropriation of the metropolitan space of Goiânia. The methodological procedures consisted of a bibliographic review on the subject, document analysis and data collection from primary and secondary sources. The analyzes indicated that since the construction of Goiânia, the economic integration between real estate actors with capital surpluses induced a spatial integration in a spread and hierarchical way, with the conversion of rural land stocks into urban land throughout the entire extension of the Goian metropolis.
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    A didática na formação de professores de geografia no Brasil: elementos para análise de sua relevância na docência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-20) Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza
    Este texto analiza la formación inicial de profesores de Geografía, utilizando como base de datos los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Curso de las Universidades Federales Brasileñas. El foco fue la dimensión pedagógico-didáctica, con énfasis en el tema de la Didáctica como esencial para el aprendizaje de la profesión. Así, el texto aborda una perspectiva crítica de la Didáctica, defiende la Didáctica específica de la Geografía, identifica asignaturas con esta temática, su plan de estudios y bibliografía básica. Como resultado, el análisis identifica la escasa presencia de la Didáctica de la Geografía y de la Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Geografía como asignaturas formales, y un mayor énfasis en lo que entendemos como asignaturas correlativas, que tratan de la enseñanza pero centradas en temas específicos, lo que puede estar reforzando el tradicional carácter fragmentario y pragmático de la asignatura. El estudio realizado para este texto se limitó al análisis de los PPCs, revelando la necesidad de ampliar los datos para un análisis más cualitativo de la asignatura.
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    O currículo e a reforma do ensino médio: a geografia escolar e o livro didático em foco
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-03) Richter, Denis; Cavallini, Gabriel Martins
    This article aims to discuss recent changes in the reference curriculum in Brazil, following the approval of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and Law No. 13,415/2017, which restructured the High School segment. Succinctly presented are the transformations that have occurred in the curricular structure through the Geography component, considering how this disciplinary field was integrated within the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) and its current state within the BNCC. Also discussed is the High School reform and its impacts on the Brazilian educational system, emphasizing its proposal to reduce the workload and content of subjects. To achieve this, studies indicating changes in School Geography under the so-called 'New High School' will be referenced, along with the consequences of this curricular proposal on the conception and production of Geography textbooks.
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    Principais reflexões dos professores para ensinar geografia: a quem, onde e como se ensina?
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-11-01) Oliveira, Karla Annyelly Teixeira de
    How do teachers approach their craft in geography education? What do they consider relevant when responding to this question? Can theoretical elements from Geography didactics or the concept of school knowledge (school Geography) be identified in their responses? These questions are explored in the text, through the qualitative analysis of narratives produced by Geography teachers in basic education. The theoretical foundations are based on the principles of the historical-cultural theory about human thinking and academic contributions to Didactics of Geography. The results indicate that school Geography is conceived by the teachers, within the context of their actions in didactic mediation, with an emphasis on students' daily lives and social demands, as well as in the curricular and structural conditions of schools. Teachers' reflections on their geography teaching practices are anchored in the context of their situated practice, theoretical principles related to Didactics of Geography, and the wide socio-historical context of school education.
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    A Didática na formação de professores de geografia no Brasil: elementos para análise de sua relevância na docência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-20) Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza
    Este texto analiza la formación inicial de profesores de Geografía, utilizando como base de datos los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Curso de las Universidades Federales Brasileñas. El foco fue la dimensión pedagógico-didáctica, con énfasis en el tema de la Didáctica como esencial para el aprendizaje de la profesión. Así, el texto aborda una perspectiva crítica de la Didáctica, defiende la Didáctica específica de la Geografía, identifica asignaturas con esta temática, su plan de estudios y bibliografía básica. Como resultado, el análisis identifica la escasa presencia de la Didáctica de la Geografía y de la Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Geografía como asignaturas formales, y un mayor énfasis en lo que entendemos como asignaturas correlativas, que tratan de la enseñanza pero centradas en temas específicos, lo que puede estar reforzando el tradicional carácter fragmentario y pragmático de la asignatura. El estudio realizado para este texto se limitó al análisis de los PPCs, revelando la necesidad de ampliar los datos para un análisis más cualitativo de la asignatura.
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    O Estado contra a geografia: desafios da universalização da educação básica pelo prisma das coordenadas geográficas dos endereços dos estabelecimentos de ensino do IBGE
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-20) Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar; Mazzini, John Peter; Miranda, Amanda Fernandes de
    The Geographic Coordinates of Household and Establishment Addresses, by type, made available by IBGE, enable a diverse set of analyses on an unprecedented scale for the Brazilian territory. Building upon the methodological understanding adopted by IBGE, we elaborate a reflection on the challenges faced by the State in the process of universalizing the provision of public basic education, especially in those municipalities without private education offerings.
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    A didática na formação de professores de geografia no Brasil: elementos para análise de sua relevância na docência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-20) Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza
    Este texto analiza la formación inicial de profesores de Geografía, utilizando como base de datos los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Curso de las Universidades Federales Brasileñas. El foco fue la dimensión pedagógico-didáctica, con énfasis en el tema de la Didáctica como esencial para el aprendizaje de la profesión. Así, el texto aborda una perspectiva crítica de la Didáctica, defiende la Didáctica específica de la Geografía, identifica asignaturas con esta temática, su plan de estudios y bibliografía básica. Como resultado, el análisis identifica la escasa presencia de la Didáctica de la Geografía y de la Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Geografía como asignaturas formales, y un mayor énfasis en lo que entendemos como asignaturas correlativas, que tratan de la enseñanza pero centradas en temas específicos, lo que puede estar reforzando el tradicional carácter fragmentario y pragmático de la asignatura. El estudio realizado para este texto se limitó al análisis de los PPCs, revelando la necesidad de ampliar los datos para un análisis más cualitativo de la asignatura.
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    Condições socioeconômicas, de saúde e hábitos de vida dos catadores de material reciclável
    (2020-03) Alves, Kelle Araújo Nascimento; Costa, Ana Karla Araújo Nascimento; Ramos, Jheneffer Sonara Aguiar; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Rodrigues, Flávia Melo
    The social, economic, health and lifestyle conditions of collectors of recyclable material from two coops in Guanambi, Brazil, are analyzed through a descriptive, analytic and exploratory research. All collectors were interviewed by a half-structured questionnaire. Predominant age bracket lay between 30 and 58 years (80%) (p= 0.007), brown colored (55%) (p= 0.02), married (45%) (p= 0.02), with 2 - 3 children (55%) (p= 0.03). Collectors informed that they started work when they were under 18 years old and received a month wage of up to one minimum wage, by collecting recycling material (75%) (p= 0.02). With regard to health conditions, 75% stated that had individual protection equipment (EPI) (p= 0.02), but 80% (p= 0.02) failed to use it, insisting that their work does not cause health problems (75%) (p= 0.02). It should be underscored that collectors should improve their earnings and life quality and use their equipments to minimize health risks.
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    Genotoxicidade do uso de agrotóxicos em horticultores da região metropolitana de Goiânia-GO, Brasil
    (2021-05) Silva, Regisnei Aparecido de Oliveira; Silva, Ana Carolina Graça Carvalho; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Souza, Marcelino Benvindo de
    With the increase in productivity and the agricultural policy model adopted, the use of pesticides in Brazil has grown on a large scale in recent years. This context raises concerns about the harmful effects of the exposure of agricultural workers to these products. The objective of this work was to evaluate the frequency of genotoxic damage in horticulturists exposed to pesticides in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia-GO. The investigation was conducted through the comet test, in an attempt to characterize the risk groups most prone to the harmful effects of pesticides, aiming to generate an alert for the damage caused to the workers' health. The group consisted of 65 individuals aged between 22 and 72 years old, exposed in the period from 1 to 16 years old. Analyzes were performed for variables such as: alcohol consumption, smoking, relationship between men and women, and use of PPE. Such variables were associated with the parameters of the comet assay, however, no significant differences were observed for a series of variables investigated for DNA damage.
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    Lo inagotable como premisa, la libertad como horizonte: pensando y aprendiendo con Paulo Freire
    (2020) Ribeiro Júnior, Ramon Marcelino; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa
    This work narrates essential moments of the meeting of its authors with the work of Paulo Freire. Its purpose is to present a careful reflection of Freire’s educational theory’s selected topics and to answer some objections that it offers. Therefore the paper is structured as follows-first, a brief description of one of the authors’ expe-riences with Freire’s work. Second, we focus on the concept of ontological vocation to “be more”, the basis of the philosophical anthropology of Freire’s theory. Third, we focused on the way of understanding school content by responding to accusations of not overriding the “knowledge of everyday experience”. It highlights the dia-logical, interdisciplinary, and contextualizing aspects of Freire’s way of treating knowledge. Fourth: we focus on the reasons that firmly hold the faith Freire had in the people, which is explicit in his life and work. Finally, consistent with a thought that is alive, and was elaborated in movement and for movement, we conclude with questions that point out paths for future reflections and investigations.
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    Impactos ambientais decorrentes da construção da usina hidrelétrica de Batalha no Rio São Marcos: apreensão por parte dos moradores do entorno das obras
    (2017-06) Salgado, Aline de Arvelos; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa; Rios, Fernanda Posch; Traldi, Patrícia Layne Alves; Luz, Marta Pereira da
    This research aimed to analyze the environmental conception of the social actors involved in the implementation of the Batalha HPP, located in the São Marcos River, in the municipalities of Cristalina (GO) and Paracatu (MG), through semi-structured interviews with eighteen residents. For those interviewed the environment is seen as nature, resource and place to live. The environmental problems in the region are mostly related to the installation of the hydropower and also mention some linked to their daily anthropic practices. Regarding understanding the actions promoted by Furnas company during the installation of the hydropower, this configuration is different according to the group of residents. Regarding the implantation of the hydropower, they identify strengths (need for energy demand, reception of new houses, indemnities, technical support and courses provided by Furnas) and weaknesses (deterritorialization, social losses, financial dissatisfaction with some Furnas actions and environmental impacts). As a result, there was the need to promote greater participation of people in decision making, as well as to create more formal media that can actually solve any doubts on the issues and environmental impacts in the region, resulting from the implementation of this type entrepise.
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    O consumo e o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea: diálogos para se pensar a formação de professores
    (2019-08) Costa, Lorenna Silva Oliveira; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa
    El artículo a seguir tiene dos objetivos centrales: promover, a partir de estudiosde la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu y de las categorías de Fátima Portilho, una reflexión teórica sobre las relaciones de dominación y reproducción en la sociedad considerando el consumo, el consumismo y la problemática ambiental; y mostrar un análisis de la emergencia de significados de conceptos ambientales y puntos de vista de futuros profesores de ciencias sobre consumismo. Se aplicaron cuestionarios y se realizó un grupo de discusión. Se observó violencia simbólica en el proceso de socialización de los estudiantes, pues se sienten excluidos cuando no logran seguir los patrones del discurso dominante. Esta investigación posibilitó importantes reflexiones sobre el consumo en una perspectiva crítica e implicaciones curriculares para las carreras de formación del profesorado.
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    A educação ambiental como ótica de análise frente às adversidades socioambientais do entorno do Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros
    (2020) Oliveira, Alessandro Silva de; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa
    This work is a case study that was developed in the village of São Jorge, located around the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (PNCV), in Goiás. The population, basically formed by ex-garimpeiros, lives in situations of difficult survival for the majority. These are exemplified by marked socioeconomic inequalities between the natives and tourism entrepreneurs in the region, and by precarious essential services that result in a hostile living environment in the natural area of environmental protection. It is considered that the intervention of the population in the spheres of public decision-making could contribute to better conditions, but this initiative is low and almost non-existent in the town. The study, which is the result of doctoral research, investigated aspects of the conceptions and actions of the subjects that favored greater community participation in the context of social life from the point of view of critical environmental education. The collection of data was carried out using instruments suggested for qualitative research. Forty-four people contributed with interviews, and the analysis was done using the Content Analysis method, through the technique of categorization. We concluded that the aspects favorable to more participation of the subjects are reduced, but can be extended to a larger number of people from the Vila in the spheres of public decision, which would favor better living conditions around the protected natural area.
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    Concepções de ciência e de conhecimento científico nos Cadernos do Cárcere
    (2020-02) Rios, Lilian Rodrigues; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa
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    O ensino de biologia como justificação para negação e desqualificação da materialidade de corpos, gêneros e sexualidades no contexto escolar
    (2021) Firmino, Simone Gomes; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa
    Diversity is a realityand the rationality which denies it and disqualifies it results in aphorisms that prevent us from breaking a segregationist and inhuman social practice. The scientific knowledge produced in the area of Biological Sciences was composed of different rationalities, based on Science, but also on teleological, moralist and essentialist precepts. Hence, the principal aim of this paper is to analyze two experience reports in a school context by discussing the relations between teaching and learning of binary, determinist and typological contents as well as the consequences for the social and school formation. Consequently, we as researchers and teachers have a duty to question and discuss, in a classroom or any other place, the reasons for denials and disqualification of the materiality of diversities since the creation of new rationalities, about that diversity as a possibility and way for a social practice of life and experiences production, require us a revolutionary acting on the social reality.
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    Trabalho e dinâmicas territoriais no campo: os povos cerradeiros na luta por um território livre
    (2011-12) Mendonça, Marcelo Rodrigues; Thomaz Júnior, Antonio
    Las transformaciones espaciales decurrentes de la reestructuración productiva del capital, promovieran una efervescencia politica en el campo brasileño, agudizando las contradicciones y redefiniendo la gestión societaria del capital y del trabajo.En este contexto, la lucha de los movimientos sociales por la tierra significa la possibilidad de millares de familias desterritorializadas se reterritorializaren a través de la Reforma Agraria. El capital crea nuevas formas de control social, pero las alteraciones en el contenido de las clases sociales, forjadas en el enfrentamiento del capital y del trabajo, implican em nuevas (re)ordenaciones espaciales, producto-productor de la contradicción vivay, por lo tanto, condición potencial para la emancipación social. Los campesinos y trabajadores de la tierraal perdieren las condiciones de existencia en el campo, buscan reconquistarlas al se desplazaren para las areas de frontera agrícola y/o intensifican la ocupación de las tierras, mediante la organización y la mobilización de los movimientossociales, posibilitando a diversos trabajadores percibiren, en el retorno a la tierra, el rescate de la dignidad robadao jamás conquistada. Eso implica repensar el concepto de clase trabajadora y la relación que los estudiosos y los movimientos sociales poseen con las denominadas populaciones tradicionales, en una interface clase x cultura, lo que requiere más estudios e investigaciones . En este artículo se comprende que eses sujetos a partir de la acción politica construida en la defensa de los terrritorios de vida,reafirmando la noción de clase trabajadora ampliada, conforme constatan las investigaciones concluídas y en consecución en CEGeT/UNESP/Presidente Prudente y en el GETeM/UFG/Campus Catalão.
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    A Geografia serve, antes de mais nada, para organizar a viagem: real e imaginária
    (2020-12) Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    In this article, I’m brick back again the special plot among geography, literature and journey glimpse of the interlacing is present at Geography’ source and stayed at organization of geography knowledge as an articulatedtripod resulting in significant and powerful points of force. The relation among Geography, travel and literature is also see from the poetry, travellers and writer works as Cecília Meireles, Sophia de Mello B. Andresen and Clarice Lispector. This convergence intents highlights this connection among geography, journey and literature at geographical and non-geographical works, holding a special vinculation, considering her real and imaginary interfaces. At last, I present a personal experience between narrative and look generating and agglutinating senses and, when narrated turn itself in a way of ressignification and diffusion of this senses, because the journey is a experience of other space, real and imaginative by yourself.