Implicação da exploração do trabalho infantil no âmbito doméstico

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work, entitled Implication of the Exploitation of Child Labor in the Domestic Scope, has the general objective of analyzing, based on academic-scientific bibliographic productions, from 2011 to 2021, in a historical perspective, domestic child labor in Brazil and the main impacts on education. A study was carried out on national policies aimed at eradicating domestic child labor in Brazil, since the 1990s, relating the protection of children's rights and access to education, especially through the Child and Adolescent Statute. With this, we sought to indicate the main consequences of the exploitation of domestic child labor in the schooling process of children who are victims of child labor. The research had a bibliographic and documentary nature, following a predominantly qualitative approach, although quantitative data were also used. In addition to using data from the National Household Sample Survey, legal documents referring to the protection of children and adolescents, public policies for the eradication of child labor, it was supported by the discussions of authors such as Alberto et al. (2011), Cal (2015; 2017), Dall’Agnol (2015), Onu (2015), among others. Understanding that child labor is a serious problem for children's school development, it is highlighted that the data made available by census agencies, combined with their interpretation and the perspectives of the authors that support this text, brought the possibility of visualizing, in a clear way, , that the unequal reality of the country leads millions of children to work and, therefore, to school failure, repetition, school dropout and, consequently, exclusion outside and inside the school itself.



Trabalho infantil doméstico, Proteção à criança e ao adolescente, Desempenho escolar, Erradicação do trabalho infantil, Educação, Domestic child labour, Child and adolescent protection, School performance, Eradication of child labour, Education


SOUSA, Ismenn Martins de. Implicação da exploração do trabalho infantil no âmbito doméstico. 2022. 55 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.