Do jornalismo à educação: a informação jornalistica como parte do processo educativo informal

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study is about the relationship between journalistic information and informal educational process. Here, we intend to examine the possibility of journalism be part of a permanent education process experienced by a person throughout his life out of other means but formal education applied by modern school methods. It is also intended to reflect on the journalism as social contextualizing, which brings to the journalistic information the responsibility of transmission of knowledge, sometimes from social sources, sometimes specific to journalism, as well, in some cases, a harmful misinformation. Aiming to complement the studies of theoretical and literature character presented in the early parts of the paper, we decided to verify empirically whether and in what level the public learns about the social reality from journalistic information. To this end, we opted for organizing three focus groups divided by different levels of schooling, initially submitted to the presentation of a complete edition of Jornal Nacional, presented by TV Globo, and then to a questionnaire about the program. It is pondered, therefore, how individuals take a social advantage of journalism, and also how they add new information in the individual, informal and uninterrupted educational process.



Informação, Educação, Sociedade, Conhecimento, Jornalismo, Journalism, Information, Education, Society, Knowledge


SOUSA, Mayara Calacio de. Do jornalismo à educação: a informação jornalistica como parte do processo educativo informal. 2010. 89 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.