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    Formação humana, identidade big-data e os desafios da educação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-01) Pereira, Marcia Ferreira Torres; Zanolla, Sílvia Rosa da Silva
    Critical and self-critical reflection on cultural formation in the face of global crises of different kinds is a requirement of social reality and its political context. This article is a reading of modern culture between the cultural industry and digital culture, the elements that contributed to technological advances, cultural formation and the constitution of subjects. The great technological leap of modern culture and the potential for humanization occur in the context of capitalist reality. The article is divided into three sections and analyzes the concept of technological progress, reflections on modern culture and evidence of the resurgence of semi-education.
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    A geopolítica na constituição do conhecimento geográfico escolar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-29) Cecim, Jéssica da Silva Rodrigues
    This article aims to analyze Geopolitics in the context of teaching Geography in basic education. Regarding the methodology, we dialogue with the assumptions of the Theory of Discourse, authored by Laclau and Mouffe (2015). We conducted interviews with teachers working in different segments of basic education and interpreted their answers using the corresponding bibliography, addressing the discussions presented in the text. We concluded that there are articulations responsible for keeping school subjectsin curricula and that basic education in Geography, particularly its identification with Geopolitics through subjects of Current Affairs, plays the aforementioned role reaffirming the educational relevancy of this school subject. Considering the contents of Geopolitics, we concluded that the concept of territoryemerges as the great organizing element of the construction of Geography as school-level knowledge. In this sense, the scale notions become pertinent in teaching Geography, in which the relations between the local and the global are constantly mobilized as the great markers of the possibility of comprehension of social reality.
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    O estágio curricular e o Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-17) Lyra-Silva, Gene Maria Vieira
    This article aims to trace the performance of Cepae/UFG in the Curricular Internship activities starting from the discussions after LDB/96. It considers the relevance of this pedagogic element as a constitutive component of the Curricular Guides in graduate courses. It also discusses the role of Cepae as a school field for trainee’s training in a public university and the importance and responsibility of such role as well as to demonstrate the web of actions shared by the Academic Units of the University with principles of cooperation, integration and co-responsibility so that the university can accomplish its goal to provide professional formation as expected by society.
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    O curso de especialização em metodolofia do EF do CEPAE: uma breve história
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-17) Mendonça, Mercês Pietsch Cunha; Pignata, Maria Izabel Barnez
    This document has as objective to tell the ways covered by the group of teachers of the Federal University of Goiás, that, when covering the interior of Goiás State to take care to the demand of teachers of the municipal and state nets of education, accepted the challenge to extend its vision on the processes and the methodology in the continued formation of teachers of the basic education and, then, to criate the course of Specialization in Method ology of the Fundamental Education.
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    Projeto de extensão: “professores de português em reflexão”: em debate as práticas de letramento no ensino básico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-17) Silva, Luzia Rodrigues da
    This paper reports on the development of the outreach project entitled ‘Tea chers of Portuguese in reflection’, sponsored by Portuguese teachers at the Cen ter for Teaching and Applied Research in Education – Cepae/UFG. This pro ject, open to primary and high school personnel in public schools, consisted of organizing and holding debates - in the form of short courses and workshops - on the teaching of the Portuguese language. By reflecting on the concepts that guide the tea cher of Portuguese in the classroom it hoped to bring about changes in literacy practices. Keywords: outreach project, primary and high school education, literacy learning
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    A importância do serviço social no CEPAE
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-17) Moura, Ivone Gomes de Santana
    The aim of this article, resulting from intervention, research and outreach projects, is to describe the practice of the Social Services at the Center for Teaching and Applied Rese arch in Education, at the Federal University of Goias, from its foundation up to 2008.
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    Refletindo sobre as funções da música nas escolas brasileiras de educação básica: contribuições de Adorno e Merriam
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-02) Aquino, Thaís Lobosque; Nogueira, Monique Andries
    This paper intends to contribute to the debate on the functions of music education in regular schools having the recent modifications in the Brazilian educational legal system as its background. The seek for the effective presence of music, understood as a field of knowledge, in Brazilian schools has generated new demands for reflections and discussion about basic aspects such as the meanings and functions of music inside basic schools. In the this work, it is used the procedure of comparizon (FREIRE, 2010), by the analysis of the contribution of Merriam (1964) and, with special emphasis, Adorno‘s (1975, 1993, 2011) work, in order to come up with other analitic and epistemological possibilities to think music in Brazilian basic schools.
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    Estágio transdisciplinar: outra formação, outra educação, outro ensino, outra aprendizagem
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-15) Santos, Lindalva Pessoni; Nascimento, Cláudia do; Suanno, Marilza Vanessa Rosa
    In this article, it is proposed to present the proposal of the Supervised Internship from the 7 th and 8th periods, from the Pedagogy Course, UEG, Inhumas Campuses, developed in the early years of the Elementary School in the Full-Time State School João Lobo in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Be proposal is grounded in the new emerging educational paradigm, based in the transdisciplinary, complex thinking and sustainability. One of the movements of the Internship Proposal is to rebind subject and object, scienti)c knowledge and common sense, teacher and pupil, individual and means, part and all, the local and the global, and so on. Be dichotomized vision of these elements ignores the human integrity that, in the action of living, doesn’t parcel its constitutive dimensions: the physical, the social, the cultural, the psychic, the spiritual, that converts itself in a dynamic unity. Opposed to this fragmented and exclusionary logic, what is intended to present in this article, is the elaboration and the materialization of the transdisci plinary educational practices developed in the internship; there are three projects that propose to enable the creation and the realisation of the integrated pedagogic practices connected to the complex dynamic of life. Be interlocution has been made with Moraes (1994, 2008, 2014); Morin (1996, 2000); Suanno (2014, 2015), and so on
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    As escolas quilombolas em Goiás – retrato da escola na relação com o poder público dos anos 2000
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-15) Ribeiro, Cristiane Maria; Pereira, Mariana Cunha
    /is paper aims to discuss the political context of quilombola’s Schools in the state of Goiás. We situated those schools in the political context of recognizing those lands of ex-Slaves communities and then expressed that social subjects interect with the government, and it means to say that the school is inserted in social-political context of tensions and con(icts. We believe the relationship between quilombola’s schools and the current government in the state of Goiás has exerted the asituation of discontinuity of public policy. In the methodology it was used &eld researches about the quilombola’s schools and the ex-slaves communities in the cities of Cavalcante and Mesquita. Accordingly, the repport “EDUCATION PUBLIC POLICIES ADRESSED TO RURAL BLACK COMMUNITIES – quilombos (Brasil) – Socioeducational survey about teachers of quilombola’s schools in Goiás” and the surveys we colected at the deppartment of rural education in the Se cretary of Education of Goiás were the key to produce the discussions in here. For the results we found problems in the schools as: Professinal quali&cation for the professors, infrastructure, nor access for the internet nor other basic teaching resources. However, we found participatory social subjects with strong political engagement in their teaching practices.
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    Práticas de leitura: relações entre língua, texto e discurso
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-15) Souza, Agostinho Potenciano de; Luterman, Luana Alves
    We seek to contribute to the training of Portuguese Language teachers, inquiring about trai ning practices and its correlation with what is established as characteristics of this craft. To know the good we set ourselves, we researched the history of the discipline (SOARES, 2002; RAZZINI, 2001) that is configured in new discursive formation (FOUCAULT, 2005) in line with the practices of reading and writing, contrary to the previous, focused training to the default language of the area. From observations of stages and reports generated there, we found that the Portuguese Language teaching practices are still far from what is proposed officially.
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    “Elegí una manera de hablar que escucho demasiado, más que las otras, y por eso intento seguir como hablan los españoles, el castelllano”: uma reflexão sobre as crenças de futuros professores sobre as variedades do espanhol
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-21) Silva, Cleidimar Aparecida Mendonça e
    This article discusses the main beliefs about the diatopic varieties of Spanish, identified during an action research of doctoral studies (SILVA, 2011), held in an institution of higher education in Goiás, with nine undergraduate students. In this paper, our emphasis is on the view that there is a Spanish from Spain and a Spanish from America, and that the variety of the peninsular Castilian Spanish is more general and understandable in the hispanic universe. We believe that questioning these beliefs is important for teachers so that they can engage in articulating many voices of the language, as postulated by the Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio – Conhecimentos de Espanhol (OCEM, MEC, 2006).
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    Primeiro seminário do PGEEB/CEPAE/UFG: o ensino na educação básica em questão
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-08) Silva, Eunice Isaias da; Silva, Luzia Rodrigues da; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de
    This article is divided into three parts. In the “Introduction”, the authors describe the grounds and the objectives that guided the creation of the seminar. They emphasize that, This article is divided into three parts. In the “Introduction”, the authors describe the grounds and the objectives that guided the creation of the seminar. They emphasize that,
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    Avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino de física: um olhar sobre as concepções dos professores licenciados em física da cidade de Inhumas, GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-02) Campos, Raul Isaias; Gomes, Ivan Carlos Pereira; Furtado, Wagner Wilson
    The growing number of studies on the assessment of learning shows a demand for a more systematic reflection on the subject. Understanding the need for such discussion in the field of Science, this article sets out to investigate the assessment conceptions of Physics teachers in different educational institutes in Inhumas, Goiás. To do so, a qualitative analysis was undertaken based on responses to questionnaires administered to Physics teachers in both public and private high schools, and a public institute of higher education. The results were categorized and demonstrated that traditional assessment still prevails ingrained in the theoretical and philosophical conceptions of these teachers.
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    Um instrumento avaliativo em larga escala baseado na concepção sociointeracionista da linguagem
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-02) Casseb-Galvão, Vânia Cristina
    This article is based on an analysis of a large-scale assessment tool designed around the theme of “mystery”, based on a social interactionist reading of content program items demanded by exam questions. Data were analyzed from the perspective of functionalist principles, on a socio- interactionist basis, according to which genres express levels of linguistic updating and language is constituted in mutually related levels. Knowledge of the level of structural and functional configuration of genres, of the informational level, of semantics and grammar are all highlighted. In addition, it presents the positive aspects of this configuration of the test as an assessment tool in a civil service examination.
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    Memória: as experiências de filosofia no segundo grau
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-09-02) Café, Maria Helena Barcellos
    This text is a record of an oral presentation during a teachers’ meeting, in 1992, which brought together education representatives of Goias, including university personnel, to discuss the experience of including the subject Philosophy in second level education. The record is maintained in its entirety in order to preserve its historical significance as the first experiment carried out during the 10 years prior to the said meeting.
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    Narrativas e identidades de uma idosa aprendendo língua estrangeira (inglês)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-02) Oliveira, Hélvio Frank de
    This research, of a qualitative nature and figuring as an interpretative case study, proposes through the use of narratives and classroom observations with field notes to analyze and discuss the movement of the (re)construction of the identity(ies) of an elderly student learning a foreign language (English) in the Education of Young People and Adults program in the second semester of 2009. The results suggest that the components identity(ies), language and culture are all linked into the complex and individual relationship of learning a foreign language. These components, through discourse practices, in a way represent and/ or construct the participant´s actions in the classroom.
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    Políticas públicas e políticas linguísticas no Brasil: diretrizes para o ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-02) Filetti, Elisandra; Vieira, Izac
    This article discusses the role of public and language policy planning for Secondary Education as an intermediate level of access to higher education. It proposes to discuss how the language policies set out in official documents such as the Laws and Basic Guidelines for National Education (LDB), the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP), and others, have been incorporated into the curriculum projects of Brazilian public schools and how this incorporation has influenced student results in large-scale assessment systems.
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    Filosofia e interdisciplinaridade no ensino médio
    (Philosophy and interdisciplinarity in second level education, 2015-09-02) Schulz, Almiro
    Interdisciplinarity is still on the agenda as an object of study but there is no consensus about it, especially in the sphere of school practice, and perhaps there should not be, especially in the teaching of Philosophy. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to present some ideas on the interdisciplinary teaching of Philosophy in the curricular context of second level education, using as a reference some texts which deal with the problematic. Interdisciplinary teaching presupposes a subject‑based curricular structure. Thus, it is necessary to understand the interdisciplinary teaching of Philosophy in this curricular structure as an established subject with possible convergences between the subjects being an object, a method and an intervention which could be achieved by means of research projects.
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    A terceira idade no contexto das políticas públicas para a educação de jovens e adultos (1988-2011)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-01) Rabelo, Danilo; Silva, Simone Conceição Rodrigues da
    This paper studies the drafting of public polices for the Education of Young People and Adults based on LDBEN (Laws and educational guidelines as a basis for national education) and the Statute of the Elderly and highlights the improvements and obstacles faced by this teaching modality, in particular, the literacy of elderly. Despite the changes brought about by the Statute and National Policy for the Elderly, the Constitution and the LDBEN, it can be seen from the 2010 IBGE data that Brazil still has a long way to go if it is to offer quality teaching for the young, adults and the elderly. The study also focused on the mechanics of exclusion of the elderly in the context of public policies for the Education of young people and adults.
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    Sobre altas habilidades/superdotação: o direito de ser diferente na escola
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-01) Benite, Anna M. C.; Benite, Claudio R. M.; Alves, Elaisse M.; Cunha, Karina M. M. B.; Procopio, Marcos V. R.
    The inclusion paradigm involves the restructuration of education systems, based on the recognition of diversity in the classroom. Thus, from the perspective of inclusive education, studies for people with special educational needs, specifically those with exceptional aptitude/ giftedness should be addressed in a special way in teacher formation courses. Such courses should also be responsible for preparing human resources to meet this new demand and such issues can and should be problematized in these courses. This study deals with the concept of exceptional aptitude/giftedness and presents a brief historical overview on how to deal with these students. It also provides explanations on the national educational policies which underlie this care and the Center for Exceptional aptitude/giftedness which was recently founded to attend to this specific aspect of inclusive education.