Avaliação da padronização e da precisão de réguas endodônticas milimetradas utilizadas para odontometria em endodontia


The endodontic millimetered ruler is necessary to transfer working length to the endodontic instrument. It must be standardized and accurate to avoid mistakes in interpretation or measurement which may compromise the success of endodontic therapy. The purpose of this study was thus to evaluate the standardization and accuracy of four different brands of millimetered rulers used for endodontic odontometry. Eighty rulers were selected and included in four groups of twenty each, according to brand: 1. Malleifer; 2. Jon; 3. no brand name; and 4. Imagem. They were measured with a profile projector. Three cycles were carried out for each position with reference points from 15 to 25 mm at a temperature of 19.9 °C. as measured by a thermohygrometer. After statistical analysis using Friedman and linear regression tests, it was concluded that there was no standardization among the four brands of endodontic rulers tested. All of the endodontic rulers, whatever the brand, were imprecise in their measurements. Of the four groups, the no-brand rulers were the most accurate, followed by Imagem, Jon and Malleifer.



Odontometry, Endodontics, Endodontic ruler, Working length, Odontometria, Régua endodôntica, Comprimento de trabalho, Endodontia


ALENCAR, Ana Helena Gonçalves de et al. Avaliação da padronização e precisão de réguas endodônticas milimetradas utilizadas para odontometria em endodontia. Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, Araraquara, v. 34, n. 2, p. 79-83, 2005.