Crimes eletrônicos tipificados na lei brasileira face ao marco civil da internet (lei nº 12.965/2014) e à lei geral de proteção de dados (lei nº 13.709/2018)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Cybercrimes, computer crimes or cybercrime, the names of Internet crimes over the years, have become popular with the advancement of the connection by society, which is due to the various forms of interaction between individuals that have emerged over the years. As well as the emergence of new forms of interactions between users, new forms of crime have emerged in similar proportions. The primary objective of this work is to make clear the uncontrolled growth of this type of crime, provided by our modern, fast and dynamic economy, enhanced by the advancement of technologies and the benefits of the digital age. Aiming to publicize and fulfill the role of social education, the growth of security incidents in the country is highlighted, showing that people and organizations have learned about the risks they face. Finally, the threats of the digital world were analyzed, in which people and organizations need to establish secure connections and interact in commercial and institutional relationships, applying good security practices, with the presentation of specific legislation that became necessary for the regulation and punishment of cybercrimes.



Cibercrimes, Marco civil da internet, Lei geral de proteção de dados, Avanço tecnológico, Segurança da informação, Cybercrimes, Civil law of the internet, General data protection law, Technological progress, Information security


SOUSA, Victor Hugo Araújo de. Crimes eletrônicos tipificados na lei brasileira face ao marco civil da internet (Lei nº 12.965/2014) e à Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei nº 13.709/2018). 2021. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.