Hans Lorenz Castorp, o bom avô em A montanha mágica, de Thomas Mann

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We will observe and reflect upon some aspects of the aesthetic and psychosocial corollary produced by the long, intriguing and dialectic flashback present on the second chapter of The Magic Mountain, of Thomas Mann; particularly on the first part, entitled Of The Baptismal Font And The Grandfather's Two Aspects. In this picture, we'll accompany the occurrence of the movements of transversal subjectivity of the protagonist Hans Castorp, connected directly and indirectly to his grandfather Hans Lorens Castorp, also, as consequence related to his dialogic behavior with other characters that creates this multiple, complex and heterogeneous romanesque universe. Transversal faciality and temporality will be a few of the elements seen as basis of this Bildungsroman, that balances between classical traditions, in its period sociocultural counterpart, and the contemporary literary updates, that links to new perspectives of negotiations of the various identity building processes, present in the aesthetic paradigms.



A montanha mágica, Rostidade, Identidades transversais, The Magic Mountain, Faciality, Tranversal identity


SANTANA, Jorge Alves. Hans Lorenz Castorp, o bom avô em A montanha mágica, de Thomas Mann. Caderno de Letras, Pelotas, n. 29, p. 87-112, jul./dez. 2017. DOI: 10.15210/cdl.v0i29.9741. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpel.edu.br/ojs2/index.php/cadernodeletras/article/view/9741. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2023.