Mapeamento geológico em escala de semidetalhe (1:50.000) na porção sudeste do município de Campinaçu – GO
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The municipality of Campinaçu has economic potential related to various mineral deposits, with emphasis on gold, a mineral that has a history of mining in the Serra Grande region, popularly known as Serra do Buracão. The mapping area is located in the inner zone of the Brasília Belt, more specifically in the Serra da Mesa Group. Geological mapping in the region of interest used geoprocessing, photogeology, field mapping and sampling, scouting campaigns, petrographic and petrological analyzes to create a geological map at a scale of 1:50,000. After mapping, three main lithostratigraphic units were delimited, namely: Garnet shale-mica schist, composed of garnet-biotite-sericite schist, biotite-sericite schist, biotite-muscovite schist, a faciological variation with the presence of carbonaceous shale schist lenses; Quartzite, consisting of muscovite quartzite with centimeter lenses of mica schist; Mica schist with lenses of fine quartzite and calcschist. With the delimitation of lithological contacts, it was possible to generate a stratigraphic column for the area. The structural features mapped are the result of 4 (four) deformational events (D1, D2, D3 and D4), related to tectonic events west of the Rio Maranhão System, where the deformation of the Serra da Mesa rocks is polyphasic. These events were responsible for the generation of schistosities, spaced cleavage and crenulation, veins and folds. The economic potential of the region is related to gold mineralization, which may have generated a phylonian gold deposit in detrital metasediments, where milky quartz veins larger than 50cm, discordant with the foliations, have the potential to host free gold. The veins occur both north and south of Serra do Buracão, in addition to its crest, evidenced by isotheor maps of the distribution of this element. These veins are oriented in the NNE-SSW and W-E directions, associated with the D3 event. Chemical analysis showed a positive correlation between gold and elements such as lithium, lead, titanium, sulfur, zinc and zirconium.
Campinaçu, Mapeamento geológico, Grupo Serra da Mesa, Prospecção geoquímica, Geological mapping, Serra da Mesa group, Geochemical prospecting
ROCHA, Eric Gonzaga; SECCO, Henrique Pereira. Mapeamento geológico em escala de semidetalhe (1:50.000) na porção sudeste do município de Campinaçu – GO. 2024. 163 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Geologia) - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2024.