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    Tecnologias aplicadas aos motores convencionais para redução da emissão de poluentes atmosféricos no setor de transportes
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-11) Alcântara, Ana Flávia Rodrigues; Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Sanches de; Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Sanches de; Guerrero, Cintia Isabel de Campos Roque
    The automotive sector, one of the largest contributors to atmospheric pollutant emissions, faces a growing challenge in the search for more sustainable energy alternatives. This article addresses technological innovations in the development of vehicles with lower environmental impacts, focusing on solutions to reduce pollutant emissions. It analyzes motorization technologies, including high-efficiency internal combustion engines, and explores the growing role of renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. The transition to electric vehicles is also discussed, highlighting its advantages in terms of reducing emissions, but also the limitations associated with charging infrastructure and battery production. The objective of this work is, therefore, to identify which technological improvements can be applied to conventional engines used in transportation systems in order to mitigate atmospheric pollutant emissions. The method adopted is an integrative bibliographic review of the literature found in the CAPES Journal Portal, the USP Journal Portal, Google Scholar and SCIELO. Technologies already used in conventional engines were studied: automotive catalysts, start-stop systems and diesel particle filters. Added to this are the impacts of the transition to a more sustainable automotive industry, with the use of biofuels and the encouragement of the use of electric vehicles.
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    Mapeamento geológico 1:20.000 da Região Norte do depósito de cobre do município de Bom Jardim de Goiás - GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-11-29) Oliveira, Bruna Edriane Ramos de; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Arab, Paola Bruno; Arab, Paola Bruno; Cavalcanti, Débora Ezequiel; Silva, Felipe de Lima da
    The Bom Jardim de Goiás (BJG) region is part of the geological context of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, located in the far west of Goiás. It became the object of research in the 1970s, after the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) identified radiometric anomalies on the edge of the Serra Negra Granite, which led to the development of extensive research projects. Despite this, the geological complexity of the region and the typology of the deposit are still not fully understood. The Bom Jardim de Goiás Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence features a diversity of volcanic rocks, ranging from metabasalts and metandesites to rhyolites, while the sedimentary portion includes metaconglomerates, phyllites and quartzites. The intermediate tuffs contain a small deposit of copper sulphides, initially associated with volcano-exhalative processes. The general objective of the work was to carry out detailed geological mapping of the northern region of the Bom Jardim de Goiás copper deposit, with the aim of improving understanding of the deposit model by integrating data from aerial images, geophysics, field studies and laboratory analyses. Specifically, the aim was to draw up a 1:20,000 scale geological map with geological profiles, correlate maps of magnetometric and gammaspectrometric domains and homologous zones, carry out detailed petrographic descriptions and reinterpret the structural geology of the area. The study covered an area of 24 km², with semidetailed geological mapping integrated with the interpretation of aerogeophysical data, photointerpreted satellite images and petrographic descriptions. Based on this data, a reinterpretation of the structural geology was proposed and, based on historical information, comparisons were made with the geological model of the deposit. In the pre-field phase, a bibliographic survey and compilation of historical data were carried out. During the field phase, geological mapping was carried out, hand samples were taken and structural data was obtained. In the post-field phase, the geological map and data were prepared in a GIS environment, petrographic description, structural interpretation with stereograms and rosette diagrams, and the information was consolidated in a report. The work involved geological-structural mapping of an area made up of basic and metavolcanosedimentary rocks from the Paleoproterozoic, with the aim of detailing their lithological and structural characteristics. During the study, it was possible to individualize the Metabasalt Lithofacies in the Córrego da Furna Formation, based on magnetometric responses, in addition to identifying new, previously unknown occurrences of sulphides. This data made it possible to propose a different deposit model from the existing ones, contributing to understanding the geological evolution of the area. The analysis also indicated the possible continuity, to the north, of the copper deposit previously identified by CPRM, broadening the region's exploration prospects. In structural geology, four structural domains were defined and at least three phases of deformation recorded in the lithologies were recognized. Domain 1, associated with the Cuiabá Group rocks, has a N-S structural trend and isoclinal folds related to the D1 deformation. Domain 2 covers the Morro do Urubu, Aldeinho and Morro Selado Formations of the BJG Sequence, with a N-S trend and dips to the E and W. Domain 3, associated with the Córrego da Furna and Córrego da Aldeia Formations, where the copper deposit to the south is located, showed the main S1 foliation subdivided into two pole patterns: one in the NE-SE quadrants and the other in the NW-SW quadrants. This garland pattern suggests a second phase of deformation and was the only one to differ from the bibliography. Finally, Domain 4, related to the Serra Negra Granite Unit, showed structures oriented predominantly to the east. These results highlight the tectonic complexity of the area and provide new information on its structural evolution.
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    Aplicação de machine learning para identificação de corpos máficos-ultramáficos na porção sul da faixa Brasília, Goiás, Brasil
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Barros, Lucas Marques; Tabosa, Luiz Fernando Cursino; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Yokoyama, Elder; Lopes, Débora Nogueira
    This research investigates the application of Machine Learning in identifying mafic-ultramafic bodies within a 200 km² area in the southern portion of the Brasília Belt, focusing specifically on the boundary between the Anicuns-Itaberaí sequence and the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, near the municipality of Anicuns, Goiás.. The study applied the Random Forest algorithm to process and analyze geophysical and remote sensing data, aiming to enhance the geological mapping and detection of these bodies. The research integrated aerogeophysical data, including magnetometry and radiometry, as well as satellite data, in order to develop a robust geospatial dataset. The model was trained using a significant fraction of the dataset to provide a predictive map of geological occurrences. The obtained results demonstrated the high effectiveness of the model, with significant accuracy in discriminating the geological bodies of interest, which were validated by comparisons with field data and provided new insights on the distribution and characteristics of mafic-ultramafic intrusive bodies in the studied area. This study highlights the potential of using Machine Learning techniques in geology, particularly as a supporting tool for mineral prospecting, as well as providing more accurate and detailed geological maps.
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    Mapeamento geológico, gravimetria e trama magnética do corpo intrusivo Córrego Seco, Anicuns-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Costa, Gustavo de Souza; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Souza Junior, Gelson Ferreira de; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira
    The Corrego Seco (CS) pluton is situated in the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, located in the southern portion of the Brasília Belt (FB). It is a semi-circular intrusive body (30 km²) that intrudes rocks of the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence and the Tonian-aged Sanclerlândia metagranite. The pluton exhibits inverse concentric zoning with a mafic core (gabbro/noritic) grading to quartz-dioritic edges with medium to coarse textural grain size variation. Additionally, studies conducted in the region using isotopic data and geological mapping indicate that the CS (Ediacaran) has a late emplacement and may crystallize from more evolved magmas derived from the final tectonic collision event of the Brasília orogen. Geological mapping, gravimetry, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data were combined to determine the emplacement mechanisms of the CS and its chronology in relation to the collision structure of the Brasília Belt. The gravimetric survey resulted in 72 stations using a Scintrex CG-5 Autograv terrestrial gravimeter. For the AMS, 28 sites were measured throughout the body. Magnetic susceptibility is quite variable (average of 4.72x10-² SI) and thermomagnetic curves indicate that magnetite is the main carrier of anisotropy. It has a high degree of anisotropy ranging from 1.012 to 1.502. The average shape parameter of anisotropy, defined as the ratio between the major and minor axes of the AMS ellipsoid, varies, with oblate ellipsoids being predominantly more abundant than prolate ones. Magnetic foliation and lineation data present concentric patterns of magnetic fabrics that cut across the regional N-S trending foliation. Hysteresis loop measurements indicate that the magnetic contribution comes from magnetite, i.e., crystals larger than 1 μm, and its susceptibility anisotropy is controlled by the external shape of the grains. The gravimetric data obtained from the field survey reflect the inversely zoned distributions, grading from the edges to the core. The data suggest that the emplacement was controlled by magma buoyancy forces, free from tectonic stresses. Therefore, the data indicate that the pluton is post-collisional, configuring an intrusion associated with the extensional phase of the Brasília Belt.
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    Caracterização dos perfis de solo derivado da fácies anortosito da suíte Córrego das Campinas, associado à ocorrência de caulim, na região de Porangatu, Trombas e Santa Tereza de Goiás, Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-03) Maia, Débora Santos; Lima, Hugo Figueiredo de; Vieira, João Emerson Vasconcelos Leite; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Arab, Paola Bruno
    Considering the countless applications of clay minerals in the industry in its most diverse ramifications, the present work sought to characterize the soil profiles in the triple border of the municipalities of Trombas, Porangatu and Santa Tereza de Goiás, in the State of Goiás. In order to characterize the type of existing material, which uses and how it occurs throughout the entire study area. To this end, it was necessary to map the occurrences of rock and soil, analyze the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of the soils and its horizons. Then it was carried out photo interpretation work looking for clear exposures of soils (clearances) and rock exposures. During the field activity, systematic sampling of variations in soil intervals and soil types was carried out, in addition to rock sampling. Sampling was done in the form of channel and spot sampling. Subsequently, geochemical analysis and geotechnical tests of the material were carried out in the laboratory. Therefore, it was verified that the existence of kaolinite, the main constituent of kaolin. The kaolin in the locality is primary, resulting from the alteration of the source rock (anorthosite) and is mainly associated with the B horizon of the soil. It is commonly noted that a superficial laterite crust, associated with alluvial deposits, contains concentrations of iron and titanium oxides in the kaolin, which interfere with the color of the material, making it possible to identify horizons of different colors such as red, yellow and white. It can be concluded that the soil profile in the study area is mostly composed of clay minerals, laterite crust and alluvial deposits. The color of the kaolin horizons is mainly due to the iron present in the laterite crust and minerals present in the anorthosite. It is necessary to process the material to remove the iron for applications in industry in general.
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    Mapeamento geológico 1:5.000 e caracterização litogeoquímica para remineralizadores na região de Nazário-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-30) Silva, Guilherme Fellype Xavier; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Martins, Éder de Souza
    The intensive use of highly soluble chemical fertilizers (NPK) causes significant environmental impacts, proving the need to seek new alternatives to nourish the soil in less aggressive ways to the ecosystem. The use of rock dust to replenish nutrients to the substrate, known as rock dusting, is a technique that has stood out in recent years as a sustainable alternative to achieve this purpose. It can also be an option for properly disposing of mining waste. Normative Instruction No. 5 of March 10, 2016, from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA) stipulates that rocks efficient in replenishing nutrients to the substrate must meet certain criteria established by the agency. In recent years, the state of Goiás has become extremely relevant in the production of remineralizers. Keeping this in mind, DECAL – Derivados de Calcários Ltda contracted the services of Vila Rica Consultoria Mineral e Ambiental Ltda to conduct mineral research in the region of Nazário-GO, aiming to evaluate the potential of the region for the creation of a remineralizer product. The work includes field mapping, optical microscopy, chemical analyses using ICP-MS/OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), and SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) to perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of the lithologies of interest and studies of potentially toxic elements. As a complement to the field mapping, a geophysical survey of magnetic susceptibility was carried out to delineate and obtain more information about the geology of the work area. Based on the chemical analyses of the selected lithotypes, theoretical simulations were conducted to create a remineralizer compound composed of a blend of rock dust from various lithologies.
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    Química mineral e caracterização tecnológica de milonitos da região de Araguaçu-TO para aplicação no setor de rochas ornamentais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-30) Souza, Elifas Guimarães; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Silva, Francisco Diones Oliveira; Cavalcanti, Débora Ezequiel
    The study in question deals with the technological characterization and mineral chemistry of a mylonite located in the municipality of Araguaçu, situated in the Western mesoregion, southern region of the State of Tocantins, and the Rio Formoso microregion, bordering the State of Goiás. Geologically, this area is part of the north-central portion of the Tocantins structural province, at the still poorly defined boundary of the Brasília and Araguaia orogens. The main objective of the work was to carry out lithostructural mapping of the area, characterize the mineral chemistry, and assess the potential of mylonitic rocks occurring in the Araguaçu-TO region for use as ornamental stone. The aim was to evaluate their technological parameters, in accordance with the standards of ABNT, ASTM, and Frazão and Farjallat, to indicate this material for applications in the ornamental stone market. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for ornamental stones, driven by the growth of the construction industry and tourism, which has put great pressure on deposits and increased the need for sustainable management of natural resources and the search for alternative production methods. In the study area, four lithotypes were mapped from the base to the top: I - Baixo Araguaia Group, specifically the Xambioá Formation; II - Água Bonita Formation; III - Mylonite, the subject of this study; and IV - Detrital-lateritic covers, showing a predominantly NE-SW structure. The study provides a geological base at a scale of 1:30,000. The results suggest that the mylonite is suitable for various applications in the construction industry, such as floor and wall coverings, countertops and sinks, facades and exterior cladding, staircases, among others.
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    Mapeamento geológico em escala de semidetalhe (1:50.000) na porção sudeste do município de Campinaçu – GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-31) Rocha, Eric Gonzaga; Secco, Henrique Pereira; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Cavalcanti, Débora Ezequiel
    The municipality of Campinaçu has economic potential related to various mineral deposits, with emphasis on gold, a mineral that has a history of mining in the Serra Grande region, popularly known as Serra do Buracão. The mapping area is located in the inner zone of the Brasília Belt, more specifically in the Serra da Mesa Group. Geological mapping in the region of interest used geoprocessing, photogeology, field mapping and sampling, scouting campaigns, petrographic and petrological analyzes to create a geological map at a scale of 1:50,000. After mapping, three main lithostratigraphic units were delimited, namely: Garnet shale-mica schist, composed of garnet-biotite-sericite schist, biotite-sericite schist, biotite-muscovite schist, a faciological variation with the presence of carbonaceous shale schist lenses; Quartzite, consisting of muscovite quartzite with centimeter lenses of mica schist; Mica schist with lenses of fine quartzite and calcschist. With the delimitation of lithological contacts, it was possible to generate a stratigraphic column for the area. The structural features mapped are the result of 4 (four) deformational events (D1, D2, D3 and D4), related to tectonic events west of the Rio Maranhão System, where the deformation of the Serra da Mesa rocks is polyphasic. These events were responsible for the generation of schistosities, spaced cleavage and crenulation, veins and folds. The economic potential of the region is related to gold mineralization, which may have generated a phylonian gold deposit in detrital metasediments, where milky quartz veins larger than 50cm, discordant with the foliations, have the potential to host free gold. The veins occur both north and south of Serra do Buracão, in addition to its crest, evidenced by isotheor maps of the distribution of this element. These veins are oriented in the NNE-SSW and W-E directions, associated with the D3 event. Chemical analysis showed a positive correlation between gold and elements such as lithium, lead, titanium, sulfur, zinc and zirconium.
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    Mapeamento geológico-estrutural e estudo do potencial exploratório de mineralizações auríferas em metadolomitos da área adjacente a unidade Mineração Serra Grande, município de Crixás (GO)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-03) Santos, Karina Louanny de Paula; Souza, Lauriana Vitória Gonçalves; Machado, Victtor Gabriell de Lima; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Schroeder, James; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo
    The mineral deposits of the Crixás Greenstone belt (GBC) are inserted in the context of the Goiás Granite-Greenstone belts Terranes and comprise one of the largest gold reserves in Brazil. The ore bodies explored in Mineração Serra Grande (MSG) unit encompass several lithotypes with mineralization hosted in zones closely related to structural and hydrothermalized domains. The gold mineralizations hosted in Structure IV metadolomites of the Ribeirão das Antas Formation are one of the main challenges of the operation, due to the complexity of the mineralization model, which is still unexplored in calciosilicate rocks from Greenstone belt environments. This work aimed at geological-structural mapping on a 1:15,000 scale of an area of approximately 27 km2 located on the western and southern margins of the Serra Grande Mining site, the study of exploratory potential for the metadolomites of the Ribeirão das Antas Formation was also commented, especially for the layers that are expoused on surface to the south of the mapped area. Three deformational events were identified in the area: D0+D1, D2 and D3 which correspond, respectively, to S0//S1, referring to the primary bedding parallel to the schistosity generated by an E-W compression; S2, referring to a schistosity generated by the thrusting of the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc at north of the GBC; and S3, which summarizes an E-W compression reported in crenulation cleavages. Field data obtained from surface, mine mapping and description of drilling cores integrated with three-dimensional geological models were used to evaluate the exploratory potential of the metadolomite bodies outcropping in the southern portion of the MSG and their relationship with the mineralized structures in other areas of the deposit. The product generated in this work aims to expand knowledge of the geometry and spatiality of these lithologies in order to facilitate and reduce initial costs of advanced drilling campaigns in the area, in addition to proposing a model of interaction between the gold mineralizations of these layers and the explored structures in MSG.
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    Metamorfismo da sequência Anicuns-Itaberaí na região de Nazário-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-22) Brod, Gabriel Silveira; Vieira, Otávio Passo; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Cavalcanti, Débora Ezequiel; Grella, João Victor
    The Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence is one of the metavolcanosedimentary sequences that make up the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc. However, even with the abundance of research found in the literature related to geochemical, isotopic and geochronological aspects, there is still little material on petrology and structural geology with a focus on the metamorphic evolution of these rocks, which makes the tectono-metamorphic evolution of these sequences still poorly understood. This work aimed to establish, through geological mapping, structural interpretation and petrological studies, a greater understanding of the metamorphic conditions (P-T) that the rocks of the Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence were subjected to during the metamorphic evolution of the Brasília belt. The results of this work include geological mapping on a scale of 1:50,000 of the region bordering the municipalities of Anicuns, Avelinópolis, Nazário and Palmeiras de Goiás. It also includes the integration of structural, microstructural and petrological data, and the creation of compositional maps of two samples of garnet-chlorite-biotite-muscovite schist from the area that were made using XMapTools software from electron microprobe data. The mineral assemblage of these rocks, given by garnet + plagioclase + biotite + muscovite + quartz + chlorite, was modeled geothermobarometrically using the Bingo-Antidote extension. The modeling results suggest that the metamorphic peak occurred in amphibolite facies conditions (staurolite zone), with retrometamorphism during crustal exhumation to green schist facies conditions. The results show small differences in values between the samples. In sample 23GO_022-P1 the conditions obtained were 630.9 °C and 1.007 GPa for the peak of metamorphism and 536.6 °C and 0.588 GPa for retrometamorphism, while for sample 23GO_025-T1 the conditions were 654.2 °C and 1.198 GPa for the metamorphic peak and 569.9 °C and 0.703 GPa for retrometamorphism. These values indicate that, although there is a small difference between the P-T results between the two samples, the P-T amplitude between the metamorphic peak and the retrometamorphism are very similar for the two samples, which suggests that these differences may be related to different levels of burial between the two samples during the metamorphic process. Finally, it should be emphasized that the data presented in this work provides new information on the geological evolution of these rocks and also shows the need for more studies of this type in the area, including geochronological data on metamorphic rocks in order to better understand the relationship between metamorphism and the tectonic events that affected the region.
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    Avaliação do ganho ambiental com o uso da bicicleta de carga na última milha - uma revisão sistemática da literatura
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-22) Oliveira, Fernando Soares Ribeiro de; Guerrero, Cintia Isabel de Campos Roque; Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Sanches de; Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Sanches de; Souza, Alessandro de Santana Moreira de
    The continuous growth of cities entails the demand for the use of means of transport, both for passengers and cargo. In the last mile, conventional means of transport are used, which consume fossil fuels, but more and more people are looking for other transport alternatives that live better with the environment. An example is the transport by bicycles and cargo tricycles, which can be used as sustainable alternatives for transporting cargo in the last mile. This work aimed to apply a Systematic Literature Review on using these vehicles in the last mile to evaluate the environmental gain obtained. The PRISMA methodology was used, and it led to quantitative and qualitative results relevant to the theme. Ten published articles were selected, seeking to obtain the state of the art of these sustainable transport alternatives worldwide. The results showed that the use of bicycles and tricycles is successfully applied to small and medium-sized goods, food products, pharmaceuticals, and documents, among others, and has significantly contributed to the reduction of congestion, CO2, traffic accidents, and local pollutants, increasing the quality of life in cities. An analysis of the results and its application in Brazil was carried out, where the potential for use was found, but in need of improvements in cycle paths and implementation of pilot projects.
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    Mapeamento geológico da região das nascentes do Rio Vermelho e arredores no município de Goiás (GO) em escala 1:20.000
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Gomes, Camila de Sousa; Altoé, Elisandro Seraco; Macedo, Sarah Karoline Costa; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Lima, Martha Noélia; Carneiro, Jônatas de Sales Macedo
    The present work consists of a detailed geological mapping study in the region of the headwaters of the Vermelho River and adjacent areas in the municipality of Goiás (GO), carried out at a scale of 1:20,000. The main objective of the study was to analyze and describe the geological characteristics of the region, aiming to understand its geological and structural evolution. The adopted methodology involved fieldwork, analysis of collected data, such as direct observations of rocks and geological structures, as well as the collection of samples for petrographic and geochemical analysis. Additionally, geophysical data and topographical survey information were used to assist in the interpretation of geological features. Fourteen lithological units and alluvial cover were identified. These units were placed in the context of existing literature. Petrographic analyses allowed the characterization of rocks in terms of mineralogy and texture, contributing to the interpretation of formation and metamorphic conditions. Geochemical analyses aided in understanding the chemical characteristics of the rocks, providing insights into the provenance of the rocks and associated geological processes. This geological mapping study provides important insights into the geology of the study area, such as the relationships between the mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Goiás Velho Group and the Caiçara Complex, and between these rocks and the Serra Dourada Group. The findings are relevant not only for understanding the local geological evolution but also for comprehending geological phenomena in broader contexts. Furthermore, the mapping serves as instrumental material for Ediminas Mineração Ltda, providing support in the context of their mineral exploration activities.
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    Modelo de acidente de aeronaves por colisão com aves na aviação comercial
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-22) Azevedo, Bruna Borges; Bandeira, Michelle Carvalho Galvão da Silva Pinto; Bandeira, Michelle Carvalho Galvão da Silva Pinto; Roriz Junior, Marcos Paulino; Pereira, Leonardo Marini
    One of the types of occurrences that have been a problem since the beginning for aviation is bird strikes, which can generate from minor incidents to significant accidents, especially in terms of operating costs for airlines. It is observed in the literature and in the database of official entities, that the occurrence of accidents and incidents increase with the flight movement and aircraft fleet. This shows that studies in this area should be prioritized and bring more assertive responses. Thereby knowledge about what the main factors, how they relate to each other and what most impact this type of accident, collaborates with the operational safety of air transport. In this context, this work aims to present a bird strike accident model for commercial aviation that is able to quantify the impact of the main factors (time, cloud cover, species behavior, species mass, phase of flight, AGL height, affected part of the aircraft), the interrelation of these factors and their probabilities. Thus, a survey of the main factors and occurrences in Brazil between 2011 and 2021 was conducted. From the analysis, the "Bird Strike Accident Model" was proposed, developed using the Bayesian Networks method. Through graphic representation of the model, the impact of the global - among the states that make up the selected factors - was determined in scenarios with and without evidence. Comparing the scenarios with evidence and without evidence of the event, it was identified that the critical scenario in Brazil involves the following factors: fuselage as the main part reached (1º); landing phase as the most critical (2º); aircraft speed up to 80 knots (3º); engine as second main part reached (4º); height AGL up to 500 feet (5º); radome as third main part reached (6º); one bird (7º), mass up to 1,500 grams (8º); night time (9º), clear sky (10º). These results are relevant to the players involved and can contribute to the decision-making process of risk management and operational costs management of airport operators, companies, public and private entities that are related to accident investigations, regulation of civil aviation, training centers, among others.
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    Mapeamento geológico-geotécnico: mina de Barro Alto - GO, Anglo American
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-14) Santos, Lavoisier Matias dos; Arab, Paola Bruno; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Lima, Martha Noélia
    The Barro Alto Mafic-Ultramafic Complex is part of the Goiás Massif, which is inserted in the geological context of the Tocantins Province. The deformations associated to the amalgamation of Gondwana generated in the study area a series of structures and deformation stages. A schistose (S1) subparallel to the compositional banding (S0) is characterized. Boomerang-like refolding patterns associated with flexural slip mechanisms are also observed. Conjunctively, a NE-SW and NW-SE fracture system compatible with idealized fracturing models associated with cylindrical flexural folding are observed. The Barro Alto supergene nickel deposit is composed of lithological units derived from ultrabasic rocks - dunite-serpentinized, dunite boulder, base ore, acid ore, ferruginous ore, internal waste rock, soft chalcedony, hard chalcedony and laterite soil. Nickel extraction in Barro Alto is characterized by open pit mining, which consists of excavation of the soil or soft rock and consequent modification of the topography. These modifications must be technically planned, in order to optimize resources and increase safety levels. Saprolitized heterogeneous massifs are composed of reliquary structural features, rock blocks immersed in the weathered profile (bedrock), and irregular zones with contrasting weathering. These heterogeneities usually control the failure mechanisms and locations, as well as the factor of safety. For this work, in addition to good internal practices, the geological-geotechnical characterization was carried out based on the recommendations suggested by the ISRM and the criteria established by the RMR rock mass classification system (Bieniawski, 1989). The geological-geotechnical characterization indicated a rather heterogeneous and anisotropic massif. Furthermore, the simple kinematic analysis performed as a preliminary study obtained indices higher than 0.1 (10%) for planar and wedge type ruptures.
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    Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 3
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Silva, Gabriela Soares Freitas e; Silva, Michele Urbano da; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Heringer, Rodrigo de Almeida; Lima, Martha Noélia
    The area of study is located in the southeast portion of the state of Goiás, next to the municipalities of Nazário and Anicuns. It is geologically located in the context of the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG), which is composed by rocks that register the complex metamorphic and structural geotectonic development, associated with the Brasiliano orogenesis (Arquean-Neoproterozoic), developed mainly during the structuring of the Brasília Belt. The integrated geological mapping aimed to map the different lithofacies associated with the outcropping units, namely: Anicuns Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence, Anápolis Itauçu Granulitic Complex, Campestre Gneiss Migmatitic Complex, Anicuns-Santa Bárbara Suite, Creole Granite and undifferentiated granitic intrusions. The work was carried out from the processing and interpretation of photointerpretive, geophysical, geochemical and geoenvironmental data, as well as lithological and structural data collected in the fieldwork, generating geological, structural and point maps as final products. The rocks exhibit metamorphism from greenschist facies to the amphibolite-granulite transition. Four deformational phases were identified: D1 generated a main E-W compression, marked by isoclinal folds with NS axes, which folded S0 and originated the S1 foliation; D2 represents the continuity of compression, generating parasitic folds and S2 foliation; D3 represents the formation of NW-SE shear zones and thrust faults, associated with the continuity of E-W compression; D4 reflects the decrease in compression, generating S3 foliation. The area presents occurrences of minerals used in civil engineering and industry.
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    Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 2
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Nadote, Hianna Carvalho; Cardoso, Sara Vieira; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Paixão, Marco Antônio Pires; Chagas, Daniel Bezerra das
    This work begins through the processing and interpretation of image data, geophysical, geochemical, mineral resources and environmental data and following data collect of lithological, structural, environmental and mineral occurrence in field. The geological mapping in the Serra da Jiboia (GO) region intend to describe and interpretate the units Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence, Gnaíssico-Migmatítico Complex and Santa Bárbara Body. The first fase of deformation is associated to the S1 foliation, to the intrafolial folds and quartz veins, the phase 2 is characterized for the shale which is well preserved in all area and associate with the assimetric isoclinal regional fold of the Serra da Jiboia. The third phase also receive emphasis by the extensive shear zone which occurs in the Santa Bárbara Body limits, this compressive deformational fase also occurs crossing folds. The fase 4 distinguishes for the crenulations and spaced cleavage. The potential economy of the area is diverse and with emphasis on clay and gravel occurrences.
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    Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 1
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Coutinho, Nathália Amaral; Maciel, Victor Augusto Silva; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Siepierski, Lincoln
    This paper presents the results obtained from the 1:50000 mapping of the Serra da Jiboia region. The detailing of the geological units was possible with the conciliation of bibliographical survey, photointerpretation, geophysical, geochemical, and geoenvironmental, lithological and structural data obtained in the field. As a result, the following mapped units were detailed in the context of the Brasília Belt brim and the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG): Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence (SAI), Campestre Gnaissic-Migmatitic Complex, Santa Bárbara Complex and the Creoulos Granodiorite. The SAI is characterized in forearc basin associated with an island arc system, recorded by platform sedimentation in the rhythmic-carbonate unit and marine regression depositional in the psamo-pelitic unit. The Creoulos granodiorite records syncolonal magmatism of meta to peraluminous granites. The geological evolution is marked in the Brasiliano, responsible for the opening of the Goiás Ocean and later the closure. This phase concludes the formation of island arcs and the Brasília orogen. The deformation of the rocks is represented by east-west compression that resulted in isoclinal thrust folds with N-S axis and eastward vergence with higher temperature and pressures. Conjugate fracture systems occur, with E-W and NE-SW direction that, by progressive deformation, originate NS, NW and NE transcurrent shear zones. The observed metamorphism of the rocks is a variation of high greenish schist to amphibolite facies, associated to SAI, besides hydrothermal metamorphism linked to shear zones. The area presents some economic aspects, with potential for manganese, calcitic marble and remineralizers for agriculture and gravel and sand for civil construction.
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    Mapeamento geológico-ambiental, em escala 1:25.000, de área adjacente ao reservatório do ribeirão João Leite, região metropolitana de Goiânia - Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-08) Álvares, Amanda Pereira; Silva, Ariele Lisita; Silva, Icaro Souza; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Trindade Netto, Gil Barreto
    The area under study comprises a peri-urban strip, located in the northwest region of the municipality of Goiânia, capital of the state of Goiás, which is part of the rural macro-zone of João Leite, an area destined for the preservation and sustainable use of its resources, under the influence of the Área de Preservação Permanente de João Leite (APAJoL). It is inserted in the geological context of the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, belonging to the Brasília Belt, formed during the Brasiliana Orogeny in the Neoproterozoic. The objective of this work was to carry out an integrated mapping, in which the main aspects of the physical environment are related to geoenvironmental characteristics, based on the analysis of variables such as hypsometry, slope, drainage density, soil use and occupation, erosive susceptibilit, structural surveys, among others. Furthermore, in the area, four lithotypes belonging to the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex were characterized: i) garnet-hornblende-clinopyroxene-plagioclase granulite; ii) hypersthene gneiss, with presence of hornblende; iii) tremolithites, indicative of metasomatism; vi) quartzite metasedimentary sequence. The results obtained suggest that it is necessary to adopt inspection measures and control the advance of areas for agricultural purposes, implementation of allotments and residential condominiums that increase the deforestation of the Cerrado and cause erosion that cause silting and pollution of the rivers that supply the city.
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    Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 4
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Santos, Daniel Carelli Batista; Carvalho, Franklin Williams Silva de; Lima, Gabriel Dutra de; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Oliveira, Ítalo Lopes de; Arab, Paola Bruno
    The present work had as objective the geological mapping in the region of Nazário - GO from the accomplishment of systematic works that integrated data from remote sensing (orbital images), geophysical, geochemical, lithological, petrographic, structural and geoenvironmental surveys. The result of the integrated work was the geological cartography of Neoproterozoic units associated to the Goiás Magmatic Arc: Metavolcanosedimentary Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence, Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, Creoulos Granite and Santa Bárbara Anorthositic Complex. Four deformational stages were recognized in the area: D1 represents E-W compression associated with regional folds with eastward vergence; D2 is the E-W compression refolding of the D1 progression; D3 characterizes shallower crustal level change during deformation progression and generates N-S lateral shortening of the D2 deformation and N-S axis crenulations; D4 represents the ruptile-ductile stage of E-W compression with formation of shear zones and thrust faults. In general, the rocks of the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence in the study area are metamorphosed between green schist and amphibolite facies with retrometamorphism to green schist facies. The region is relevant for understanding the evolution of the Brasília Belt, as the rocks are linked to tectonic and magmatic events that started with in the formation of the Magmatic Arco f Goias. The study area is economically interesting due to the presence of mineral occurrences with potential for metallurgy (manganese and iron) and civil construction (sand, gravel, crushed stone and ornamental rocks).
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    Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 4
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Messias, Davi Resende; Ramos, Lucas Portes; Sanchez, Joana Paula; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Brod, José Affonso; Farias, Vanderlei de
    This work was accomplished through the processing and the interpreting of images, geophysical, geochemical, and environmental data and lithological and structural data obtained in the field. The geological mapping in the Anicuns region had as result the outlining of units in the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG) context, including gneisses from the Sanclerlândia Metagranite and rocks from the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence, units associated to sincollisional magmatism (Córrego da Lavrinha and Creoulos granites) and mafic rocks associated to volcanism installed through the collisional orogen collapse (Córrego Seco Complex), all comprising the Brasília Belt. Four deformational phases were recognised in the area: D1 represents an EW compression that generates folds verging East, which is refolded by D2, an EW compression from D1 progression; D3 is a NS lateral shortening that creates crenulation with an EW axis; D4 represents the ruptile last stage of the EW compression, with shear zones and thrust faults associated. The area is important in the understanding of the Brasília Belt evolution because its rocks are inserted in the tectonic and magmatic events related to the belt development, starting with the AMG formation in the Tonian Period, during the fracturing of the Rodinia Paleocontinent, and progresses until the Goiás Paleocean closure, when the last magmatic events occur. Economically, the area is interesting because of the presence of potential to numerous metallogenetic processes, including contact metamorphism, volcanism and hydrothermalism. The main mineral occurrences are gold and gravel.