Lista ilustrada de Micropezidae (Diptera) no Cerrado goiano

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The family Micropezidae, commonly known as stilt-legged flies, belongs to the order Diptera, being characterized by small to medium-sized flies with narrow, elongated body and legs that can be equal to or longer than the body. Belonging to the superfamily Nerioidea, which also includes Cypselosomatidae, Pseudopomyzidae, and Neriidae, the Micropezidae encompasses approximately 700 species distributed across 60 genera globally, divided into five subfamilies: Calobatinae, Taeniapterinae, Calycopteriginae, Eurybatinae, and Micropezinae. The present study focused on the diversity of Micropezidae in the Cerrado biome, particularly in the state of Goiás, where only six species of this family were previously known. The main objective was to compile an illustrated list of Micropezidae for the state, combining literature data with additional material from the Coleção Zoológica da Universidade Federal de Goiás. The material examined is from seven different locations in Goiás, including the Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pachedo (PEAMP) and the Parque Estadual dos Pireneus (PEP). Records of Micropezidae species already reported for Goiás were compiled from the literature. A total of 157 specimens were examined and identified into 10 genera and 15 species. Of these taxa, Poecilotylus obliquus (Fabricius, 1805), Scipopus diversus (Schiner, 1868) and Taeniptera lasciva (Fabricius, 1798) and the genera Grallipeza Rondani, 1850, Paragrallomyia Hendel, 1933, Ptilosphen Enderlein, 1922, and Rainieria Rondani, 1843 were registered for the first time in Goiás. Conservation efforts in the Cerrado are critical not only for preserving known micropezids but also for discovering new ones. Measures such as establishing natural reserves and supporting research are essential to fill these gaps and promote effective biodiversity conservation in the region.



Biodiversidade, Conservação, Brachycera, Inventário de espécies, Taxonomia, Biodiversity, Conservation, Brachycera, Species inventory, Taxonomy


BORBA, Iury Campos. Lista ilustrada de Micropezidae (Diptera) no Cerrado goiano. 2024. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ecologia e Análise Ambiental) - Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.