Ectasia ductal mamária: uma revisão


Ductal ectasia is a benign breast disease, histologically characterized by swollen ducts associated with periductal fibrosis and inflammation. It is more often seen in women in perimenopause. However, it may also occur in men and children. When symptomatic, it is manifested as a non-spontaneous nipple discharge, colorful, and bilateral multiductal. Many questions still remain regarding the etiopatho- genesis and epidemiology of ductal ectasia. Among the risk factors, smoking is suggested as a possible causal factor. The diagnosis is clinical and treatment in most cases is traditional.



Mama, Doença, Revisão, Breast, Disease, Review


RAHAL, Rosemar Macedo Sousa et al. Ectasia ductal mamária: uma revisão. Revista Brasileira de Mastologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 2, p. 57-65, 2012.