O lugar do livro e do leitor no Brasil um estudo a partir da história do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal de Goiás

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Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições


The main purpose of the present report is to question the role of libraries in Brazil. Throughout a presentation regarding the history of the Library System of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), that became real through the study realized between 2009/2010, in order to develop the final paper work for the title of specialist in Cultural History from the same university, it was possible to identify: the conceptions of what is a library in the context of the public from UFG and, in some ways, to Brazil; the encouragement policies developed for the use of libraries, considering new structures from information technologies and the persistent difficulties to keep a modern and suitable institution for the information seekers / users. It has been concluded that, from the experience identified in the history of the Library System of UFG, that libraries in Brazil are still this day working and existing without a lot of recognition; the higher management tend to invest a little for a suitable structure and for quality and still persists in a confuse relationship between information seekers / users and the library.



Bibliotecas universitárias, História do Brasil, Sistema de bibliotecas da UFG, Brazil´s history, Library system of UFG, University libraries


FERREIRA, Liliane Juvência Azevedo; SALOMON, Marlon Jeison. O lugar do livro e do leitor no Brasil: um estudo a partir da história do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal de Goiás. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA E DOCUMENTAÇÃO - CBBD, 24., 2011, Maceió. Anais... Maceió: FEBAB, 2011. n.p. 1 CD Rom.