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Item Anais do XXI Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias(2022) Santos (org.), Maria de Souza Lima; Silva (org.), Jaqueline Taketsugu Alves daItem SisPIBIC: uma ferramenta para seleção e avaliação de projetos de iniciação cientifica da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006) Bueno, Claudia Oliveira de Moura; Carneiro, José Eliano; Valadão, River; Reis Junior, Cleyton Peixoto dosItem Campanha obra-prima: relato de experiência(Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições, 2011) Silva, Rose Mendes daPresenting the campaign Obra-Prima, aimed at behavioral change by raising awareness on some recurring attitudes in the libraries of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), such as noise in the study areas of libraries, disregard the time limits for return / renewal , poor preservation of books; replacement incorrectly books on the shelves, and disorganization of spaces for study and work. To symbolize the attitudes targeted in the campaign were selected five great works of art in the world. Each work is linked to one of the attitudes that want to reach. The material consists of five lines that were reproduced in three formats of printed material - posters, shelves and flaps to marked pages. Under the guidance of Sibi/UFG, the team of the Center for Institutional Advertising Ascom/UFG graphic interventions performed in each of the selected works, comparing them with the attitudes they want to reach with the campaign. The idea is that each person, individually, note the change to the work and, therefore, make a reflection on the attitude that each slogan refers.Item Literatura infanto-juvenil: contação de histórias na escola e na biblioteca(Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições, 2011) Rosa, Maria Eunice de Almeida; Nunes, Rosemeire Irene da SilvaWhat the school development has to do with the fantastic stories, legends or myths tales of books of literature. The process of learning includes the stimulation of imagination in a pleasant, timely and unexpected, created by children's fantasy, combining the solution of individual problems with the fantastic possibilities of fairy tales. In this context, teachers, authors and accountants come together in support of a comprehensive education filled with real challenges and unexpected solutions and not just teaching. Literature is a valuable tool for use in schools, the storytelling and the literature of books relevant to age and degree of development of the student, including al role of the librarian, his training and tools.Item As publicações de periódicos científicos da UFG terão futuro sem financiamento interno?(Comissão Brasileira de Bibliotecas Universitárias, 2006) Bueno, Claudia Oliveira de Moura; Rodrigues, Edna Lúcia; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda SoaresItem O lugar do livro e do leitor no Brasil um estudo a partir da história do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal de Goiás(Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições, 2011) Ferreira, Liliane Juvência Azevedo; Salomon, Marlon JeisonThe main purpose of the present report is to question the role of libraries in Brazil. Throughout a presentation regarding the history of the Library System of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), that became real through the study realized between 2009/2010, in order to develop the final paper work for the title of specialist in Cultural History from the same university, it was possible to identify: the conceptions of what is a library in the context of the public from UFG and, in some ways, to Brazil; the encouragement policies developed for the use of libraries, considering new structures from information technologies and the persistent difficulties to keep a modern and suitable institution for the information seekers / users. It has been concluded that, from the experience identified in the history of the Library System of UFG, that libraries in Brazil are still this day working and existing without a lot of recognition; the higher management tend to invest a little for a suitable structure and for quality and still persists in a confuse relationship between information seekers / users and the library.Item Biblioteca digital de teses e dissertações e os programas de pós-graduação: uma interação necessária(Comissão Brasileira de Bibliotecas Universitárias, 2010) Bueno, Cláudia Oliveira de Moura; Silva, Odete Jacomini da; Ferreira, Liliane Juvência AzevedoPresents the history of the creation of digital library in UFG. Strategies to improve your performance and achievements.Item Portal de periódicos da UFG(Comissão Brasileira de Bibliotecas Universitárias, 2010) Bueno, Cláudia Oliveira de Moura; Almeida, Valeria Maria Soledade de; Juvência, Liliane; Meggiolaro, Cezar Augusto; Ferreira, Luciana Alves; Oliveira, Cássia Santos; Calisto, Janison; Silva, Murilo Niemeyer; Silva, Suzane Gonçalves DuartePortal de Periódicos da UFG is subsidized by the Program for Support of Scientific Periodicals, coordinated by the Pro-Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and administered by the Central Library. The objective is to make a historical account of creation, implementation and progress made by the editors of journals. The methodology used was the analysis of existing documentation. Consolidation System Electronic Journal Publishing in UFG for the management of the journals was the big difference to the visibility and accessibility of scientific publications of UFG.Item Refletindo o uso da biblioteca universitária: proposta para treinamento on-line de usuários(Comissão Brasileira de Bibliotecas Universitarias / Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias, 2010) Assis, Célia Márcia Costa de; Medeiros, Enderson; Calil, Márcia Queiroz; Frazão, Sheila Cristina; Silva, Rose Mendes da; Veloso, Marcelo de FariaThe proposal for training online users discusses the process of expansion of higher education focusing on its scrolling in user access to the University Library, specifically the public ones, anticipating freshman questions and difficulties in library usage. Based on the assumptions of distance learning (ODL) as a mean to subsidize guidelines to design strategies to streamline the process of reception and initial guidance offered to freshmen new comers, enabling them to locate the bibliographical material and to identify its location in the collection. It shows how the online training was built by the library system created by the UFG (Sibi/UFG) and its observed results.Item Treinamento on-line de usuários relato de experiência das bibliotecas da UFG(Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições, 2011) Assis, Célia Márcia Costa de; Calil, Márcia Queiroz; Frazão, Sheila Cristina; Medeiros, Enderson; Veloso, Marcelo de Faria; Silva, Rose Mendes daDisplays the education service's online library system at the Federal University of Goiás (Sibi /UFG), since its conception and construction to the results observed during the first year of using the new system. The model used to deploy the service in the online version is based on the assumptions of distance learning (ODL), to streamline the approval process, the initial reception and guidance offered to freshmen. The service aims to make the new users are able to use the university library as a whole, ranging from the location of library material, the act of finding it in the collection to enjoy all the products and services that it offers.