Literatura infanto-juvenil: contação de histórias na escola e na biblioteca

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Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições


What the school development has to do with the fantastic stories, legends or myths tales of books of literature. The process of learning includes the stimulation of imagination in a pleasant, timely and unexpected, created by children's fantasy, combining the solution of individual problems with the fantastic possibilities of fairy tales. In this context, teachers, authors and accountants come together in support of a comprehensive education filled with real challenges and unexpected solutions and not just teaching. Literature is a valuable tool for use in schools, the storytelling and the literature of books relevant to age and degree of development of the student, including al role of the librarian, his training and tools.



Bibliotecário(a), Biblioteca escolar, Contação de história, literatura infantil, Literatura infanto-juvenil, Profissional da informação, Children's literature, Librarian, Professional information, School, Storytelling, School library


ROSA, Maria Eunice Almeida; NUNES, Rosemeire Irene Silva. Literatura infanto-juvenil: contação de histórias na escola e na biblioteca. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA E DOCUMENTAÇÃO - CBBD, 24., 2011, Maceió. Anais... Maceió: FEBAB, 2011. n.p. 1 CD Rom.