Efeito de micronutrientes e calcário na cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado

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Antônio Lopes da Silva


ABSTRACT Since the growing season oi 1966-67, there have been abnormali­ties appearing in the rice planta cultivated in the "cerrado" in various regiona oi the State oi Goiás. One oi abnormalities is brown coloring on the leal biades which worsens as the life cycle progresses, even­tually leaving green pigmentation only along the edges snd the princi­pal vein oi the leal. Generally, this sympton appears more intensely in spotty areos where lhe plants are stunted and can die, causing an appreciable loss in production. When the planta don't die, their life cycle is retarted. Has been observed that these caracteriotic frequently appear in rice fields that have been with lime. ln the present research project, the cause oi these symptons has been studied, by observing the effect oi lime and micronutrients which were added to the soil. The research design was composed oi random plots with four replications. The experiment was instatted near Goiânia in red latosol in an area of natural vegetation typical of the "campo-cerrado". The variety of rice used was 1. A. C. 12/ 46. alter it had been disinfected with dry neantina at 0,3%. Dry brush country with stunted vegetation. The treataments were as follows:




VALLADARES, Luiz Carlos; CARVALHO, Yvo de; ALMEIDA NETO, José Xavier de. Efeito de micronutrientes e calcário na cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 35-45, jan./dez. 1971. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/1659/1626>.