Cultura e historicidade em contexto: discursos em Os sonhadores e em Sociedade dos poetas mortos
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This research has the objective of verifying the ideological standardization processes of conservatism to a more liberal culture, between 1950 and 1960. The research subjects are two films: Dead Poets Society , Weir (1989 ), and The Dreamers , Bertolucci (2003) . The method used for the search is case analysis, for the selection of material occurred from corpus via file; the theoretical framework is based on the analysis of the French Discourse, and the anthropology and sociology of media texts, minorities, culture and representation. The research suggests that the hegemonic power is instituted, but there are micropowers that even to stand as resistance exercise power in specific contexts. The subjects are the products of power that the historicity and the immediate context of discursive production produce as true effect in their sayings.
Cultura arquitetônica, Culture, Hegemonia, Sujeito, Normalização, Hegemony, Subject, Normalization
LUTERMAN, Luana Alves; SOUZA, Agostinho Potenciano de. Cultura e historicidade em contexto: discursos em Os sonhadores e em Sociedade dos poetas mortos. Revelli: revista de educação, linguagem e literatura, Inhumas, v. 6, n. 2, p. 71-84, 2014.