Produtos da linguagem: a hora e a vez de Macabéa
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¿En el orden del mercado de los bienes simbólicos, en A hora da estrela [La hora de la estrella] no estaría presentificada la enunciación discursiva del len guaje-producto? ¿No tendríamos, en esta trama textual clariceana, un lenguaje no accesible, desafiador que habla de sus procesos, de sus carencias, esquivando inútiles tentativas de descifrar, interpretar la vida y el destino de una invisible Macabéa repleta de silencios? ¿En esta obra, que más claramente prenuncia la muerte de una estrella que explota sin experimentar el fulgor, la intensidad de la vida llena, no tendríamos la representación de un lenguaje en crisis por ser auto-consciente de su precariedad? En esta enunciación romanesca clariceana, el lenguaje-producto se instaura, como una esfinge devoradora, señalando los abismos de los nuestros macabéicos destinos.
In the order of the symbolic goods market, in A hora da estrela, wouldn’t the discursive enunciation of the language-product be rendered present? Wouldn’t we have, in this Clarician textual tessitura, an inaccessible and defying language that bespeaks of its processes, of its lacks, escaping any attempts of deciphering or interpreting the life and destiny of an invisible Macabéa full of silences? In this work, the one that most clearly foresees the death of a star that explodes without experiencing the full intensity of life, wouldn’t we have the representation of a language in crisis for being self-conscious of its precariousness? In this Clarician Romanesque enunciation, the language-product come to being, as a devouring sphinx pointing to the abysses of our Macabeanian destinies.
In the order of the symbolic goods market, in A hora da estrela, wouldn’t the discursive enunciation of the language-product be rendered present? Wouldn’t we have, in this Clarician textual tessitura, an inaccessible and defying language that bespeaks of its processes, of its lacks, escaping any attempts of deciphering or interpreting the life and destiny of an invisible Macabéa full of silences? In this work, the one that most clearly foresees the death of a star that explodes without experiencing the full intensity of life, wouldn’t we have the representation of a language in crisis for being self-conscious of its precariousness? In this Clarician Romanesque enunciation, the language-product come to being, as a devouring sphinx pointing to the abysses of our Macabeanian destinies.
Linguagem, Comunicação, Produto, Bens simbólicos, Consumo, Clarice Lispector, Lenguaje, Comunicación, Producto, Bienes simbólicos, Consumo, Clarice Lispector, Language, Communication, Symbolic goods, Consumption, Clarice Lispector
SANTOS, Goiamérico Felício Carneiro dos. Produtos da linguagem: a hora e a vez de Macabéa. Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo, São Paulo. v. 6, n. 16, p. 73-88, jul. 2009.