Perfil inflamatório de pacientes com Colite Ulcerativa em uso de cúrcuma longa
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Aim: To evaluate the possible effects of Curcuma longa on the inflammatory markers of patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Methodology: The work was double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial conducted at the Hospital das Clinicas de Goiânia (HC/EBSERH/UFG) in a period of 8 weeks. The patients ingested 3 capsules per day of dried extract of curcuma. The sample consisted of 8 patients in the active phase of ulcerative colitis, of both sexes, aged 18 years or older. The cytokines IL-10, IL-6 and TNF-α plasmatic levels was verified by the ELISA method, before and after the curcuma treatment. The test group (n = 4) received 3 capsules per day, containing 500mg dry extract of Curcuma longa and the placebo group (n = 4), received cellulose in the same amount. Results: Only two participants reduced TNF-α levels (pre: 57 pg/ml and post: 30 pg/ml), (pre: 11pg/ml and post, 9 pg / ml) (pre:1 pg/ml and pos: 10 pg/ml) and (pre: 8 pg/ml and pos: 28 pg / ml). In relation to IL-6, three patients presented increased plasma levels (pre: 0.104 pg/ml and post: 0.108 pg/ml), (pre: 0.123 pg/ml and post: 0.209 pg/ml) and (pre: 0.118 pg/ml and post: 0.151 pg/ml) and one patient had a significant reduction (pre: 0.289 pg / ml and post: 0.084 pg / ml). In relation to IL-10, three patients presented a slight increase in the concentration of this cytokine (pre: 0.108 pg/ml and post: 0.109 pg/ml), (pre: 0.099 pg/ml and post: 0.116 pg/ml): 0.192 pg/ml and post: 0.0.098 pg/ml). One participant presented a significant reduction of this cytokine (pre: 0.192 pg/ml and post: 0.098 pg/ml). However, none of these data were statistically significant, probably due to the low number of participants and non-control variables, such as: diet, lifestyle, time of exposure to the disease, genetics and dose of mesalazine. Conclusion: This study did not prove that Curcuma longa is able to reduce the inflammation of patients with ulcerative colitis, however, new studies should be performed by analyzing other variables.
Colite ulcerativa, Cúrcuma longa, Inflamação, Ulcerative colitis, Curcumin and inflammation
SANTOS, Ludimila Ribeiro dos; SANTOS, Luthiana da Paixão. Perfil inflamatório de pacientes com Colite ulcerativa em uso de cúrcuma longa. 2017. 34 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Nutrição, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.