A relação natural entre corpo e alma na filosofia de Hegel: uma análise crítica da concepção moderna de alma

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper aims to examine Hegel’s soul conception and the philosopher critique regarding the body and soul dualism topic. The understanding of the body and soul’s existence as entirely contrasting substances was a matter extensively addressed by Modern Philosophy, with Rene Descartes as one of its main writers. This analysis labels Hegel’s report concerning these matters, formulated on his appraisal of the Rational Psycology’s idea of Soul. Furthermore, Hegel’s praise to Descartes’ Self concept has been also taken to analysis, as it was a first in all philosophy history. To a better comprehension of Hegel’s take on the body and soul correlation subject, it is essential to grasp how the author develops the spirit subjectivity from nature until the actual conception of the spirit subjectivity, available on his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences Vol. III - Philosophy of Mind/Spirit. As presented here, Hegel conceives the soul in an intimate connection with the body, initially with an instantaneous unity with it through sensations. This paper also aims to study how this unity develops itself, in a way that the Soul has the body as a particular moment in its interior subjectivity.



Alma, Espírito subjetivo, Relação corpo e alma, Natureza, Dualismo, Soul, Subjective spirit, Body and soul correlation, Nature, Dualism.


OLIVEIRA, Janaina Teodoro. A relação natural entre corpo e alma na filosofia de Hegel: uma análise crítica da concepção moderna de alma. 2022. 48f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2022.