Levantamento populacional das principais pragas da cultura de soja em Goiânia

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Antônio Lopes da Silva


In this work a survey of some of the insec pests wich attack the soybean crop in Goiânia Country State Goiás Brazil, was rnade to verify the populational fluctuat! ons of the following species: Anticársia gemmati2is Hueb., 1818 Plusia nu Guen., 1852 Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zeller, 1848 . Spodoptera frugiperda Smith, 1797 Diabrotica speciosa Germ., 1824 Epicauta spp. Moeis latipes Guen., 1852 Nezara viridu1,a L., 1758 . The insects were collected throug the use of ligth traps, of the "Luiz de Queiroz" type, modified, with ultraviolet fluorescent lamps bulbs, and use of traps "􀀇 laise" type, by sunligth insect intrabits frorn 1975 to 1977. The results indicated that Anticáraia gemm􀀂 tilis and ElasmoFalpua lignosellus appeared during the enti re year with acme populationals in arder; in March and A pril. Pluaia nu, appeared from February to June of each y􀀊 ar. Spodoptera frugiperda showed acme populational frorn N􀀋 vember to January and Moeis latipea with maximun population in November and Febuary. Diabrotica speciosa and Epicauta spp. both occured during the soybean crop cicle respectiv􀀐 ly, with populations peacks from November to March. Nezara viriduZa which occurred from January to June with larger p􀀒 pulation from April to May. This information will indicate the best time for control of these insect pests under the condition of this study.




SILVA, Antônio Lopes da. Levantamento populacional das principais pragas da cultura de soja em Goiânia. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 1, p. 99-115, jan./dez. 1977. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2289>.