Os experimentos de William Harvey sobre o movimento circular do sangue: uma releitura histórica sob as lentes da epistemologia de Bachelard


This theoretical and bibliographic study aimed to analyze William Harvey’s experiments with the circular movement of blood in the human body based on Bachelard’s Epistemology. We resorted to sources that discuss the historical episode and others that approach the Bachelardian perspective. The analysis indicated that Harvey’s investigations and experiments broke with current understandings of blood circulation and corrected errors made by earlier studies, such as those of Aristotle and Galen. However, traces of continuity were noticed in his production, materialized by the presence of some epistemological obstacles: verbal, realistic, animistic, and unitary and pragmatic knowledge. With Harvey’s studies, the groups of doctors and anatomists dedicated to the subject grew, establishing the scientific city, and strengthening phenotechnics. The importance of re-reading historical episodes in the light of different epistemologies in Science Teaching is highlighted, as well as its potential to erupt naïve and objectivist visions of scientific knowledge production.



Circulação do sangue, William Harvey, Bachelard, Rupturas, Obstáculos epistemológicos, Blood circulation, Breakages, Epistemological obstacles


AVELAR, Lucas Martins de et al. Os experimentos de William Harvey sobre o movimento circular do sangue: uma releitura histórica sob as lentes da epistemologia de Bachelard. Ensino & Multidisciplinaridade, São Luís, v. 8, n. 1, e0222, 2022. DOI: 10.18764//2447-5777v8n1.2022.2. Disponível em: https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/ens-multidisciplinaridade/article/view/17800. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2024.