Classificação das infecções do sistema nervoso central em pacientes internados no hospital de doenças tropicais em Goiânia - Goiás. Taxas de letalidade e agentes etiológicos de diferentes faixas etárias, no quinquênio 1989-1993

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


1124 cases of infection of the Central Nervous System examined at lhe "Hospital de Doenças Tropicais" (Tropical Diseases Hospital) during the period of 1989-1993 were studied conceming to prevalence of the etiologic agenls, Patients were divided into 3 groups according to their ages - Group A: up to 90 days (36 cases - 3,20%); Group B: from 90 days to 5 years (522 cases - 46,44%) and Group C: older than 5 years (566 cases - 50,35%). Classification of these patients was based on rcsults from examination of cerebrospinal fluid, clinicai and epidemiological data. Acute bacterial infection was lhe mós t frequent cause in ali groups affccting 74,96%, 64,74% and 63,75% of the patients in each group. Neisseria meningitidis was llusccond most frequent etiologic agent observed infecting 16,66%, 15,32% and 21,73% of the patients in each group including 2 newborns under 30 days of life. Comité r immuno-eletrophoresis was positive in 87 patients: 59,77% (52 cases) wilh Scrolypc B and 40,22% (35 cases) with Serotype C. Infections in which a preponderance ol mononuclear cells was observed in the cerebrospinal fluid represented 8,33%, 19,96% and 14,4% of the cases in each group. One possible agent was the Mumps vírus which infecled 73 patients. Global lethality was 6,23%: 0,18% in Group A; 2,22% in Group B and 3,84% in Group C. A low number of bactéria isolation was reporled and this was probably due to antibiotics used before cerebrospinal fluid was Cdllcctcd for examination.



Meningoencefaliie, Etiologia, Frequências, Meningilis, Eliology, Frequency


NIZ, Luciene Martins de Oliveira; SCHMIDT, Sydney. Classificação das infecções do sistema nervoso central em pacientes internados no hospital de doenças tropicais em Goiânia - Goiás. Taxas de letalidade e agentes etiológicos de diferentes faixas etárias, no quinquénio 1989-1993. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 23, n. 1, p. 75-82, jan./jun. 1994. Disponível em: <>.