A clínica gestáltica e o atendimento de pessoas negras: uma compreensão a partir da realidade brasileira e do processo psicoterapêutico

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This conclusion work for the psychology course, which follows a qualitative approach, aims to investigate the gestalt clinic as a field of possibilities for black people. For this, semi-structured interviews were carried out with four participants, two psychologists who use Gestalt-therapy as an approach, and two clients who are assisted by psychologists who use Gestalt-therapy. For the analysis of the interviews, the method of Giorgi and Oliveira was used, and, in addition, a theoretical discussion about racial relations on Brazilian soil was also carried out. Throughout the work, it is discussed how racism crosses the experiences of black people in a broad, silent and sophisticated way, and how it appears in the psychological clinic in different ways, whether explicitly or implicitly. Through the speeches of the participants, we realized the importance of questioning one's place as a psychologist within the service, in addition to the theory itself as a whole. We saw the differences and specificities that being or attending to a black body in the clinic appears, and with that the importance of not devaluing the entire historical and social context that crosses these people.



Psicologia, Racismo, Gestalt-terapia, Entrevistas, Interseccionalidade, Psychology, Racism, Gestalt therapy, interviews, Intersectionality


SANTOS, Bruna dos. A clínica gestáltica e o atendimento de pessoas negras: uma compreensão a partir da realidade brasileira e do processo psicoterapêutico. 2022. 68 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.