Estruturas invisíveis de segregação na região metropolitana de Goiânia
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This article aims to research the invisible structure of segregation of the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG), through the interrelations among processes of urban space production, urban planning principles, and population dynamics. These interrelations are fundamental to understanding the structure of socioeconomic inequalities in metropolitan areas. We analyzed the process of formation of segregation structure in the region, addressing the various urban plans developed for Goiânia. We provide a brief analysis of population indicators based on Demographic Census data from 1950 to 2010 and local indicators of spatial association in 2010 to characterize different dynamics in the region. We developed a critical analysis of these aspects, in order to identify and illustrate the main characteristics of the formation of this region in a summary diagram. We discussed how this overall spatial structure contributes to the reproduction of segregated social relations. Main results indicate that RMG does not have a simple centrality or a multi-centrality. There are a series of concentric rings with different types of centralities, which function in an integrated – but not inclusive – segregation system. We also identify research topics of social, demographic, and economic dynamics that would improve our understanding of spatial formation and urban planning in this region.
Região metropolitana de Goiânia, Espaço urbano, Segregação, Planejamento urbano, História, Demografia, Indicadores, Brasil, Metropolitan region of Goiânia, Urban space, Segregation, Urban planning, History, Demography, Indicators, Brazil
AMARAL, Ernesto Friedrich de Lima; AMARAL, Camilo Vladimir de Lima. Estruturas invisíveis de segregação na região metropolitana de Goiânia. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, São Paulo, v. 36, e0089, 2019.