Apropriação da informação: o processo de construção do conhecimento de catadores de materiais recicláveis


The aim of this research is to understand the construction process of knowledge developed by people who catch recyclable waste material, also known as either waste pickers or collectors, organized in Cooperatives and advised by a Social Incubation Project at the Federal University of Goiás, from the tension between scientific and common knowledge. Concerning to the methodological aspects, the research has a qualitative approach and regarding the goals, it is characterized as descriptive – exploratory. The data were collected through participant observation. Through the obtained data, it is considered that the construction of knowledge of those waste pickers inserted in the social incubation context happens through some meaningful interaction. That is, via dialogue and immersed in creative methodological strategies, the subject changes the message into some relevant information, causing modifications in his symbolic basis of knowledge. This transformation is only through a communicative process. It is in his interaction that the subject is questioned by performing a critical analysis on his current reality as a collector, which enables him to create a new meaning to his own identity, develops his sense of belonging and linkages with the group he works with, and gets appropriation of the information that is mediated by the Incubation Team Manager.



Comunicação, Construção do conhecimento, Apropriação da informação, Incubação social, Catadores de materiais recicláveis, Communication, Production of knowledge, Appropriation of information, Social Incubator, Collectors of recyclable material


GOMES, Suely Henrique; RIBEIRO, Geisa Müller de Campos; REZENDE, Laura Vilela Rodrigues. Apropriação da informação: o processo de construção do conhecimento de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Em Questão, Porto Alegre, v. 23, n. 3, p. 106-129, set./dez. 2017.